Durham Monthly Meeting Minutes, May 15, 2016

Durham Monthly Meeting of Friends convened in worship on Sunday May 15, 2016 with ten people present.

In Sukie Rice”s absence Martha Hinshaw Sheldon agreed to serve as recording clerk for this meeting.  Minutes will be sent out to those present for adjustments and revisions needed.

Clerk Sarah Sprogell began the meeting with readings from Insight Meditation: The Practice of Freedom by Joseph Goldstein and from NEYM Interim Faith and Practice, 2014.

  1. Minutes from the April Monthly Meeting were approved with corrections.
  2. Ministry & Counsel recommended releasing Doug to take a leave of absence to teach an online class at Pendle Hill for 6 weeks, September 18 to end of October and for 4 weeks in the winter. The Pastoral Care Team will cover pastoral care needs during this time, worship planning to be done in advance. This would be a time for community involvement, nurturing of Doug’s gifts, create a balance of work with the meeting and extend Doug’s ministry outside of the Durham community.  Approved
  3. Pastor’s report given. Doug continues to work with LACO Board.  He joined the newly formed support committee of the Friends Community of New England in Bath.  The midweek meetings continue, recently with the “Experiment with Light” guided meditation and an upcoming DVD about the Penobscot nation’s control of the Penobscot River.  Doug continues to work with Christian Education and Falmouth Quarterly Meeting.    Doug confirmed that June 26 Dorothy Salebwa will speak.  He will attend the next Quarterly Meeting Planning meeting.  Doug’s travels this past month were to Central Philadelphia Yearly Meeting to talk of his latest book, to Indiana to visit his mom and visit with Phyllis Wetherell with the surprise benefit of visiting with Ed & Dorothy Hinshaw. Doug anticipates fewer travels for the next few months.  A suggestion was made and accepted that Doug and Ministry and Counsel write a longer article for the newsletter about Doug’s time at Pendle Hill in the fall. Report accepted.

A concern was shared regarding the potential low attendance at the Brian Drayton workshop on ministry raising the question, will there be enough to still have the event? If you plan to attend let Kristna know.  Kristna will talk to Brian to consider how to proceed.

  1. Kristna Evans will be travelling to Cuba June 15 to 25 for Friends United Meeting General Board meetings. FUM Board meetings are held outside of North America every 3 years.  This year, meetings will be in Cuba.  Kristna has been to Cuba before and speaks Spanish, so she will be an asset.  Velasco Friends Meeting, Cuba, has been a sister meeting with Durham for many years.  This would be an opportunity for Durham friends to send materials, cards and letters to Velasco friends.  Tess will talk to Wendy about the possibility of Durham Friends children and youth sending letters to children and youth at Velasco.  Doug is to write a brief greeting that Ron Turcotte will translate and may be included in a locally produced card.  Kristna will offer a report upon her return.
  2. Tess Hartford gave the youth minister’s report for Wendy.   The annual yard and plant sale is to be May 21 from 9 to 12.  Plans for the June 5 children’s day activities were presented.  Tess is to contact Donna Ross regarding putting details on Facebook.     May we keep Wendy in our thoughts and prayers after the recent death of her mother.  Report accepted as presented.
  3. Treasurer’s Report: Reports are now to be presented quarterly with the next report due in July.  Income tends to be lower than expenses.  All are encouraged to take note and consider how to respond.
  4. Christian Education Report was presented by Tess Hartford. Graduates will be recognized June 5 and given store credit at the Gulf of Maine book store. The youth minister’s annual review was sent out, waiting for returns due May 22 after which a report will be presented to Monthly Meeting. Discussion occurred on how to message to the wider community about what Durham has to offer to youth.  How do we comminicate what is going on?  Other churches have put up banners that say “God is still speaking.”  We could say “We’re still listening”,Or “Listening to God 4 miles that way” at the intersection of 136 and Quaker Rd.  More ideas were shared.  All agreed that this is an important conversation to continue having.  What do we have to offer?  Sarah pointed out that the New England Yearly Meeting  website has an outreach ‘toolbox’ for meetings to use.  The report was accepted with appreciation for the work of CE and for the support Doug gives to the committee clerk.
  5. Trustees report given by Margaret Wentworth. Margaret suggested that a treasurer’s report be posted in the Meetinghouse and reported that the carpet has been taken up in the meeting room.  Discussion followed on next steps and care of the bench cushions.  The cell tower is progressing after receiving approval from the town with some expressing concern that the land not be clear cut for many years.  The Meeting has agreed to this concern.  There will be an open meeting to review and discuss the meeting roof and possible solar panels June 5.
  6. NEYM bound archives are being moved from the Maine Historical society, where conditions have been detrimental, to the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, who would become the owners of the materials. Meetings will continue to have full use of the archives.  Approval was given to this transfer of ownership.
  7. The meeting closed at 2:30.
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