Durham Monthly Meeting Minutes, April 15, 2018

April 15, 2018

Durham Monthly Meeting of Friends convened in worship for the conduct of business on Sunday, April 15, 2018 with 10 people present. Martha Hinshaw Sheldon served as clerk and read NEYM Interim Faith and Practice section on corporate discernment.

  1. The March minutes were approved with one correction: June 2 is the correct date for the plant and yard sale.
  2. The Ministry and Counsel report was brought by Martha Sheldon. They met Sunday, April 8 and discussed the following: responsibilities for worship; the clock; Handbook and handout updates; pastoral care needs; Powell House seminar; prayer circle/group; and the State of Society Report. A contemplative prayer group will meet in the Brunswick area on May 9 and June 5, location to be announced.   A prayer circle will be developed. Participants will communicate by emails and phone calls. The Newsletter will include information about these groups.

They presented the State of Society report [which can be found later in the newsletter this month].

  1. This report was approved with gratitude, to be sent to Falmouth Quarterly Meeting.
  2. Kitsie Hildebrandt, Treasurer, handed out the following reports: a list of Accounts, and Income and Expenses for the year’s first quarter (attached).
  3. Sarah Sprogell sent the Finance Committee Report. Sarah attended a New England Yearly Meeting sponsored workshop for finance committees and treasurers on March 13 at Mt. Toby Friends Meeting. There was good sharing of experiences and ideas from the 12 meetings gathered. Some shared their method of planning for future repair and replacement needs, which Sarah will bring to our Finance Committee for consideration. Meetings are being asked to join with NEYM under a group ID number, under new IRS rules. Further information will be forthcoming in the next month or two.

The Finance Committee recommends that the meeting support requests for three camperships for Friends Camp at $315 each for this summer, for a total of $945. The Committee is making this request because they think Friends Camp is an effective way to support and encourage our youth in experiencing and developing Quaker values. They recognize $945 is beyond our planned budget of $500 for 2018. Therefore, we heartily support the idea that this extra amount of $445 will be made up by contributions.

We enthusiastically approved the request that three camperships at $315 each for a total of $945 be our scholarship goal with designated donations of $445, supplementing our Friends Camp scholarship budget item of $500. An item will be included in the Newsletter soliciting donations.

  1. Cindy Wood sent the report for the Peace and Social Concerns Committee. They met April 12 to review feedback received in three adult Sunday school sessions which discussed the Friend Committee on National Legislation booklet, The World We Seek: Statement of Legislative Policy, as well as from the called meeting March 25. The process of discernment was very encouraging to the committee and all those participating in the process. They recommend sending a letter (attached) from the meeting to FCNL, noting our priorities. The letter will be included in the Newsletter.
  2. We approved sending a letter drafted by the Peace and Social Concerns Committee to Friends Committee on National Legislation as edited by Sukie Rice, Edwin Hinshaw and Betsy Muench.
  3. The Peace and Social Concerns Committee reported that while there was no clear leading for our meeting to work together on one particular cause, we perceived a strong sense of commitment to support the many individuals working in a multitude of areas to make our communities, state, country and world a better place. They recommend that we continue doing what we are already doing, but do it better! What we mean by that is to increase awareness through better communication and by using and promoting our website so that Friends in Durham as well as our neighboring Friends Meetings will know what is happening and how they might contribute energy or resources to make a bigger impact.

We would like our website to list all the programs/efforts/projects that individuals at Durham Friends are doing – as a testament to Quaker beliefs and actions and to make more visible our Meeting’s work, therefore inviting others to join with us. They suggest that an outside information kiosk be erected somewhere visible for announcements of upcoming events and information about Quakers. Trustees will be consulted on this matter. Upcoming events are: quilting bee, Sunday June 3; Kakamega supper, June 30; Christening of warship at BIW in June (opportunity for a witness for peace); and a summer fundraising event for Seeds for Peace.

  1. Wendy Schlotterbeck reported for the Christian Education Committee and Youth Ministry. They have seen new children visit and are glad to have Christine as our childcare provider to welcome and care for them as needed.

We thank Leslie Manning, Donna Hutchins and Tess Hartford for offering the Seder Supper on March 29. About 20 people enjoyed the deeply spiritual fellowship and meal together. It was festive and prayerful.   On Easter Sunday, April 1, after a lovely and hearty breakfast, 9 children enjoyed hunting for eggs and choosing some prizes. We give thanks to Katherine Langelier, Dorothy Curtis and Sukie Rice for their hard work organizing and preparing for this special day. The Intergenerational Game Night/potluck on April 7 had 21 participants with a variety of games. They hope to continue hosting this event every month.

           The Adult Sunday School class discussed the FCNL booklet, The World We Seek on three Sundays. Currently the class is reading and discussing the Paradox of the Quaker Minister. Gene Boyington will share his spiritual journey on April 22.

The month of June includes the Annual Yard and Plant Sale on June 2. Please drop off yard sale items and plants in the horse shed the previous week. Children’s Day is June 3 when we celebrate children and youth of our meeting and mark the close of Sunday School for children and youth until the fall. The annual Family Campout at Betsy Muench’s Georgetown home will be held June 16-17.

Some hope to attend the “Healing Turtle Island” ceremony on July 14 in Passadumkeag, Maine, invited by our Wabanaki friends.

The Youth Minister and Christian Education Committee continue to hold spiritual care and nurture of the children and youth of our meeting with much love and tenderness.

  1. Sarah Sprogell and Margaret Wentworth were approved to be our representatives at Falmouth Quarterly Meeting on April 28, 2018.
  2. We approved the amount of $500 from the Charity Account to assist in a member’s home situation.
  3. It was reported sadly that three of our members have died recently: Angelo Pane, Lavada Caton, and Eileen Babcock. Eileen Babcock’s memorial meeting was held on April 1 in the meetinghouse. Remembrances of these members will be shared in the Newsletter.
  4. The New England Yearly Meeting Living Faith gathering was well attended by our members Joyce Gibson, Leslie Manning, Wendy Schlotterbeck and Linda Muller. There was a large contingent of young adult friends.

We closed with a moment of silence.

Dorothy Hinshaw, Recording Clerk

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