A Meeting for Those With a Concern for Ministry

Saturday, June 4, At Durham Friends Meetinghouse, From 10:30 to 1:00

Brian Drayton, from Weare, (NH) Meeting, has a concern to gather Friends from Falmouth and Vassalboro Quarters who are feeling a calling to ministry, to provide an opportunity for worship and fellowship.  If you have a concern for Gospel Ministry, if you sense a calling to being a spiritual nurturer, if you find yourself often called to vocal ministry in worship, or if you hunger for deep Spirit-led fellowship, please come to join us.

We will follow a simple format: after introductions, Brian will share the concern that led to the gathering.  Then we will have a period of worship, followed by conversation.  Friends of all ages are encouraged to attend.

For more information and to RSVP contact Doug Gwyn, pastoral minister, Durham Friends, at doug.gwyn@gmail.com or 207-407-3211.  Bring a bag lunch.

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