Durham Monthly Meeting Minutes, March 19, 2017

Durham Monthly Meeting of Friends, March 19, 2017

Durham Monthly Meeting of Friends convened in worship on Sunday, March 19, 2017, at 12:35 with 15 people present. Clerk Sarah Sprogell read quotes from George Fox and John Calvi from the section of Darkness and Light in the Revised New England Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice (pages 18 and 23).

  1. Minutes of the February 19, 2017 Monthly Meeting, as printed in the newsletter, were approved with minor amendments.

2. Ron Turcotte brought the report from Ministry and Counsel.

a) An Easter sunrise service is still to be determined and an announcement will be made at the rise of meeting to see if there is interest and energy to organize this event.

b) Ministry and Counsel has distributed surveys to evaluate our current pastor-less practice. They ask that surveys be completed and returned by April 2. There is box in the vestry for completed evaluations.

There will be an open Ministry and Counsel on May 7 to discuss the survey results and gather additional input.

c) A letter to the editor, which had been approved in February, was published in the Times Record. The letter expressed our disapproval of the President Trump’s original executive order on a travel ban of refugees and immigrants.

d) The State of Society Report for 2016 was read.

e) Ministry and Counsel recommends Robert Eaton and Wendy Batson for membership.

f) “Before the Flood,” a movie on climate change will be shown on Sunday, May 28 following a pot-luck.

3. Monthly Meeting heartily approves the membership of Robert (Bob) Eaton and Wendy Batson.

4. The State of Society report was accepted and approved with appreciation.

5. Wendy Schlotterbeck reported for Christian Education and as Youth Minister.

a) Christian Education has approved hiring Christine Baglieri for the job of childcare worker during meetings for worship. However, she has injured her knee and is not able to do the full job until she heals.

b) Christian Education is planning an Easter breakfast at 8:30 with children’s activities following worship.

c) There will be a Passover dinner on Thursday, April 13 at 5:30.

d) A Family Dinner will be held in April during which time a number of activities will be discussed.

e) The youth group will hold a plant and yard sale in May. They also wish to work on a Quaker documentary.

6. Monthly Meeting approved contributing up $500 from the Charity Account for Christine Baglieri’s medical costs.

7. Daniel Henton read the Trustees Annual Report for 2016, a very busy year for Trustees. Many thanks were given for work on the new floor, the cell tower, and the research and fundraising for a new roof, heat pump and solar installation. Special appreciation was given to the many people who have contributed to the work of Trustees and the Meeting, especially Margaret Wentworth and Mildred Alexander whose example and dedication serve as inspiration not just to the committee but to the entire Durham Friends community.

8. Friends accepted with appreciation both the report as well as the work of Trustees.

9. Paul Wood brought the Trustees report on replacement of the roof. Fairbanks Roofing has reduced their bid to $20,000. However, if they need to replace the underlayment, it may go up to $26,000. Approval for this contract was given at the February Monthly Meeting.

10. Cindy Wood brought a report from Peace and Social Concerns.

a) They evaluated their January 21st participation at the Women’s March in Augusta. b) They are pleased to have held two dinners for new people this year in home settings. A third one is set for the end of March, and they will continue as new people come to the meeting.

c) P&SC approved endorsing, as a committee, the Health Care as a Human Right (HCHR) campaign of Maine AllCare.   Linda Mueller is the point-person for this.

11. The meeting accepted the report. It was recommended that P&SC hold an educational meeting so that the full meeting may learn about Health Care as a Human Right and have a discussion on it. The committee is also interested in learning what kinds of outreach work other individuals in the meeting are involved with, and what kind of unified P&SC project the meeting might be able to participate in.

12. Jo-an Jacobus reported that Nominating Committee recommends the following people to join the Newsletter Committee: David Dexter, Liana Thompson and Theresa Oleksiw.

The meeting approved adding David Dexter, Liana Thompson and Theresa Oleksiw to Newsletter Committee.

13. It was approved that Monthly Meeting will be held on April 23rd to avoid meeting on Easter.

14. The minutes of Monthly Meeting were approved during the meeting.

The meeting adjourned in the Spirit at 2:06.

Sukie Rice, Recording Clerk

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