Durham Monthly Meeting of Friends met for the conduct of business on Sunday, December 15, 2024, with twelve people in attendance at the Meetinghouse and four by Zoom.
1. Meeting Opening:
Ingrid Chalufouropened the meeting with a moment of silence, followed by the introduction of guest Shirley Hager. Shirley joined the meeting to answer questions about a proposed Wabanaki Elder in Residence Program. There was a question about role of the University of Maine, as an institution, in support of the program. The response was that everyone has been verbally very supportive. Moreover, the institution will take no money for overhead costs. There is a Wabanaki Center on the U. Maine campus that would be the location of the Elder program. Will funding to support this come from the world beyond Quakerism? The plan is to start with Quaker Meeting support, and then expand outward. There has already been funding success from individuals outside the world of Quakers..
Discussion was followed by a reading from Active Hope: What. is Active Hope?
“The word hope has. two different meanings. The first involves hopefulness, where our preferred outcomes seem reasonably likely to happen. If we require this kind of hope before we commit ourselves to an action, our response gets blocked in areas where we don’t rate our chances high….
“The second meaning is about desire…. It is this kind of hope that starts our journey – knowing what we hope for and what we’d like, or love, to take place. It is what we do with this hope that really makes the difference. Passive hope is about waiting for external agencies to bring about what we desire. Active Hope is about becoming active participants in bringing about what we hope for.
“Active Hope is a practice. Like tai chi or gardening, it is something we do rather than have. It is a process we can apply to any situation….”
from Active Hope by Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone
2. Approval of Minutes of November 2024 – Ellen Bennett
Meeting approved the November minutes.
3. Finance Committee — Nancy Marstaller
Last month’s proposal to move $3,600 from checking to the Sister Meeting Fund to help pay for our travelers to go to Cuba, and carry the maximum donation allowable, was reviewed.
Meeting approved the transfer of funds.
The proposed 2025 budget was reviewed, noting changes from last month that included: putting $3,600 in Sister Meeting fund, correcting facility insurance and Quickbooks on line amounts, and removing the cost of binding meeting minutes that will most likely happen in 2027.
Meeting approved the budget
4. Woman’s Society —Dorothy Curtis
Two months ago, a request was brought forward to spend $500 to support the girls’ education fund in Kenya. The request was brought forward again.
Meeting approved the request.
The Memorial Minute for Kitsie Hildebrand was read.
Meeting approved the minute, with gratitude.
5. Trustees Report — Sarah Sprogell
First item brought forward concerns the piano in the Gathering/Community Room. There has been some interest shown in moving the piano to a local classroom. Discussion followed, sharing ideas about the history and potential use of the piano.
The recommendation was made to let this issue season and review it again in January.
Meeting approved this recommendation.
Update on disbursement of Eileen Babcock bequest. The Meeting will now need an attorney familiar with probate court to work on this matter. Please see report.
6. Ad Hoc Outreach Group Report – Doug Bennett
A summary of the first Makers event was shared. Twenty people enjoyed wreath-making and one-another’s company. There are plans for Maker Sessions in Jan., Feb., and Mar. The group debriefed and will meet again before the January event. The next Maker’s Cafe will take place January 23rd.
7. Peace and Social Concerns — Ingrid Chalufour
Please refer to the report. Clerk of the committee lifted up the overwhelming support from the Brunswick Schools’ Chief Academic Officer and Principal for bringing Wabanaki Studies to all 37 classrooms at the Kate Furbish School. This is the early childhood version of the “Peace Curriculum” described by Colman McCarthy:
“Give peace a chance, yes, but why not get serious and give it a place in the curriculum: peace courses in every school, every grade, every nation. Unless we teach our children peace, someone else will teach them violence.”
8. Bob Eaton and Wendy Batson’s transfer request
Meeting accepted, with regret, the transfer to Brunswick Friends Meeting
9. Extending Leslie Manning’s Meeting Care Coordinator work
Clerks recommend extending Leslie’s work as MCC through 2025. Two questions are important to drive this process: Do we want to continue the position of MCC? And if so, who should fill that role? It was proposed that Clerks bring the recommendation this year, to continue the position, and that the MCC oversight committee bring a recommendation to have Leslie continue in this role in 2025.
The Meeting approved this process for this year.
Regarding process, there is nothing in the job description, currently, that indicates the position would be reviewed each year. M&C is asked to consider amending the job description to include regular review and bring it back to Meeting for approval.
10. Other Business/ Clerk Schedule for 2025
Linda Muller is stepping out as Clerk of the Nominating Committee. Best practice is to have at least three members make up the Nominating Committee. Members of this committee are proposed and approved by Monthly Meeting.
M&C has continued discussion about setting aside a day for a spiritual retreat. Current proposed dates are Feb. 8/9. They will be continuing this conversation.
Note that Brown Lethem will ask to transfer his membership to Claremont Meeting.
There was a recent request from a member to share their individual joy/concern to the person next to them, rather than to entire Meeting. Another suggestion is to establish prayer partnerships and re-establishing a prayer box. M&C will consider these requests and bring recommendations.
In lieu of filling the role of Meeting Clerk for 2025, the Clerks’ group propose continuing rotating clerks every three months.
Meeting approved this schedule.
Respectfully submitted, Ellen Bennett, Recording Clerk