Agenda and Materials for January 19, 2025 Business Meeting

The agenda and materials for the January 19, 2025 Durham Friends Business Meeting are HERE.

Jan. 19, 2025 MM Agenda     

Approve last month’s minutes (December 15, 2024)

Approve rotation of clerks

Nominating report

Retreat update

Clerks group recommendation re continuing MCC position this year

Ministry and Counsel

Makers Café group report

Peace and social concerns



Durham Friends Meeting Minutes, December 15, 2024

Durham Monthly Meeting of Friends met for the conduct of business on Sunday, December 15, 2024, with twelve people in attendance at the Meetinghouse and four by Zoom.

1.   Meeting Opening:

        Ingrid Chalufouropened the meeting with a moment of silence, followed by the introduction of guest Shirley Hager. Shirley joined the meeting to answer questions about a proposed Wabanaki Elder in Residence Program. There was a question about role of the University of Maine, as an institution, in support of the program. The response was that everyone has been verbally very supportive. Moreover, the institution will take no money for overhead costs. There is a Wabanaki Center on the U. Maine campus that would be the location of the Elder program. Will funding to support this come from the world beyond Quakerism? The plan is to start with Quaker Meeting support, and then expand outward. There has already been funding success from individuals outside the world of Quakers..

Discussion was followed by a reading from Active Hope: What. is Active Hope?

“The word hope has. two different meanings. The first involves hopefulness, where our preferred outcomes seem reasonably likely to happen. If we require this kind of hope before we commit ourselves to an action, our response gets blocked in areas where we don’t rate our chances high…. 

“The second meaning is about desire…. It is this kind of hope that starts our journey – knowing what we hope for and what we’d like, or love, to take place. It is what we do with this hope that really makes the difference. Passive hope is about waiting for external agencies to bring about what we desire. Active Hope is about becoming active participants in bringing about what we hope for.

“Active Hope is a practice. Like tai chi or gardening, it is something we do rather than have. It is a process we can apply to any situation….”

from Active Hope by Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone

2.     Approval of Minutes of November 2024  – Ellen Bennett

                        Meeting approved the November minutes.

3.     Finance Committee — Nancy Marstaller

Last month’s proposal to move $3,600 from checking to the Sister Meeting Fund to help pay for our travelers to go to Cuba, and carry the maximum donation allowable, was reviewed.

                Meeting approved the transfer of funds.

The proposed 2025 budget was reviewed, noting changes from last month that included: putting $3,600 in Sister Meeting fund, correcting facility insurance and Quickbooks on line amounts, and removing the cost of binding meeting minutes that will most likely happen in 2027.

                Meeting approved the budget

4.     Woman’s Society —Dorothy Curtis

Two months ago, a request was brought forward to spend $500 to support the girls’ education fund in Kenya. The request was brought forward again.

                 Meeting approved the request.

        The Memorial Minute for Kitsie Hildebrand was read.

                        Meeting approved the minute, with gratitude.

5.     Trustees Report — Sarah Sprogell

First item brought forward concerns the piano in the Gathering/Community Room. There has been some interest shown in moving the piano to a local classroom. Discussion followed, sharing ideas about the history and potential use of the piano.

The recommendation was made to let this issue season and review it again in January.

                Meeting approved this recommendation.

Update on disbursement of Eileen Babcock bequest. The Meeting will now need an attorney familiar with probate court to work on this matter. Please see report.

6.     Ad Hoc Outreach Group Report – Doug Bennett

A summary of the first Makers event was shared. Twenty people enjoyed wreath-making and one-another’s company. There are plans for Maker Sessions in Jan., Feb., and Mar.  The group debriefed and will meet again before the January event. The next Maker’s Cafe will take place January 23rd.

7.     Peace and Social Concerns — Ingrid Chalufour

Please refer to the report. Clerk of the committee lifted up the overwhelming support from the Brunswick Schools’ Chief Academic Officer and Principal for bringing Wabanaki Studies to all 37 classrooms at the Kate Furbish School. This is the early childhood version of the “Peace Curriculum” described by Colman McCarthy:

“Give peace a chance, yes, but why not get serious and give it a place in the curriculum: peace courses in every school, every grade, every nation. Unless we teach our children peace, someone else will teach them violence.”

8.     Bob Eaton and Wendy Batson’s transfer request

                          Meeting accepted, with regret, the transfer to Brunswick Friends Meeting

9.     Extending Leslie Manning’s Meeting Care Coordinator work

Clerks recommend extending Leslie’s work as MCC through 2025. Two questions are important to drive this process: Do we want to continue the position of MCC? And if so, who should fill that role? It was proposed that Clerks bring the recommendation this year, to continue the position, and that the MCC oversight committee bring a recommendation to have Leslie continue in this role in 2025.

                The Meeting approved this process for this year.

Regarding process, there is nothing in the job description, currently, that indicates the position would be reviewed each year. M&C is asked to consider amending the job description to include regular review and bring it back to Meeting for approval.

10.   Other Business/ Clerk Schedule for 2025

Linda  Muller is stepping out as Clerk of the Nominating Committee. Best practice is to have at least three members make up the Nominating Committee. Members of this committee are proposed and approved by Monthly Meeting. 

M&C has continued discussion about setting aside a day for a spiritual retreat. Current proposed dates are Feb. 8/9. They will be continuing this conversation.

Note that Brown Lethem will ask to transfer his membership to Claremont Meeting.

There was a recent request from a member to share their individual joy/concern to the person next to them, rather than to entire Meeting. Another suggestion is to establish prayer partnerships and re-establishing a prayer box. M&C will consider these requests and bring recommendations.

In lieu of filling the role of Meeting Clerk for 2025, the Clerks’ group propose continuing rotating clerks every three months.

                Meeting approved this schedule. 

Respectfully submitted, Ellen Bennett, Recording Clerk


Agenda and Materials for December 15, 2024 Business Meeting

The agenda and materials for the December 15, 2024 Durham Friends Business Meeting can be found HERE.

Agenda – December 15, 2024, Durham Monthly Meeting of Friends

  1. Opportunity to ask Shirley Hager questions about the Wabanaki Elder in Residence Program

2. Approval of November Minutes

3. Finance Committee Report

4. Woman’s Society: Kitsie’s Memorial Minute and request for $500 for the Kenyan woman’s education program

5. Trustee’s report

6. Ad Hoc Outreach Group report

7. Peace & Social Concerns report

8. Bob and Wendy Eaton’s transfer request

9. Extending Leslie Manning’s work as Meeting Care Coordinator

Clerking for the next year and a suggested schedule

  • Nancy – January through March
  • Sarah – April through June
  • Tess or Renee – July and September
  • Ingrid – October through December

Durham Friends Meeting Minutes, November 17, 2024

Durham Monthly Meeting of Friends DRAFT Minutes, November 17, 2024, Ellen Bennett — Recording Clerk

Durham Monthly Meeting of Friends met for the conduct of business on Sunday, November 17, 2024, with 15 people in attendance at the Meetinghouse.

1.     Meeting Opening

        To open the meeting, Ingrid Chalufour, Clerk, read the following:

When you act on behalf                                      We just need to practice knowing that

of something greater than yourself,                    and remembering that we are sustained

you begin                                                            by each other

to feel it acting through you                                in the web of life.

with a power that is greater than your own.        Our true power comes as a gift, like grace,

                                                                            because in truth it is sustained by others.

This is grace.

Today, as we take risks                                       If we practice drawing on the wisdom

for the sake of something greater                        and beauty

than our separate, individual lives,                     and strengths

we are feeling graced                                          of our fellow human beings

by other beings and the Earth itself.                   and our fellow species

                                                                            we can go into any situation

Those with whom and on whose behalf we act  and trust

give us strength                                                   that the courage and intelligence required

and eloquence                                                     will be supplied.

and staying power

we didn’t know we had.                                 Joanna Macy, “Grace and the Great Turning,”

2.     Approval of Minutes of October 2024 — Sarah Sprogell* (October recording clerk pro tem)

               Meeting approved the October minutes.

3.     Finance Committee — Nancy Marstaller

  1. Third quarter Budget Report: 
    • Income: Note that contributions have improved since last quarter, leading to optimism we’ll meet our budget. In addition, pooled funds have generated more interest.
    • Looking at line items outside of our operating budget, note that Portland Friends meeting has contributed significantly to the Sisters Meeting Account.
    • Charity Account monies have been used to help support a member in need over the winter. Requests for support of this nature will come through Meeting clerks.

b. Proposed 2025 Budget: Think about funding for travelers to Cuba and material supplies that may go, e.g., medical supplies and tech. Right now, there is enough money in the account to pay for the three travelers’ basic expenses, and almost enough to cover $3600 donation for each traveler to carry. In the future, would like to have money remaining in the account to build for the upcoming February trip.

c. Suggestion for an approach to budgeting for funding items outside of the operating budget (Please see report).  Specifically consider approaches for annual capital and charity expenses. It was suggested that we think not of limits for charity and capital accounts, but thresholds, not a ceiling but a floor.

Finance committee proposes adding more money to the Sister Meeting account this year. Also, increasing the amount budgeted in 2025. Idea: Separate travel money from donation money, and fund to ensure that travelers can take the total of $3,600 each for donations for future trips.

The proposal was made to put $3,600 in Sister Meeting Account both for this year and for next year.  Meeting will sit with these proposals to be discussed again in December.

4.     Makers Ad Hoc Committee — Craig Freshley

The proposal to support the Makers activities was made at an earlier meeting: both the use of the Meetinghouse space and $1,000 for an 18-month trial period, plus $200 for signage. Finance suggested the $1000 come from the charity account and for the sign from our maintenance and supplies budget. The charity account has also been used to support leadings for ministry and outreach, and this fits that category well.

Meeting approved use of $1,000 from the Charity Account and $200 for the sign from our maintenance and supplies budget.

5.     Ministry and Counsel — Renee Cote (co-Clerk)

No action items. Renee referenced the Winthrop Friends Guidelines about Winthrop’s new worship practice since they no longer have a pastor that was brought to our attention by Sarah Sprogell. We are reviewing the guidelines (and the brochure). Martha Sheldon has made suggestions for updating our brochure, as well. Will send current information around for people to see.

6.     Trustees Report — Sarah Sprogell

No action items. Please see report.

7.     Nominating Committee — Wendy Schlotterbeck

Please see report. Note particularly the idea of convening a day-long retreat to do some celebration and some visioning moving forward.

8.     Peace and Social Concerns — Ingrid Chalufour

Please see report for description of full array of activities undertaken by this committee. Request that the meeting provide a letter of support to apply for funding from Obadiah Brown foundation. M&C Clerk, Renee Cote, agreed to write the letter.

9.     Items of Interest

  • LACO Christmas Fair is 12/7 and starts at 9 a.m. at the Lisbon Falls Baptist Church.
  • UU Church sponsoring a vigil on 12/14 in memory of the shooting in Lewiston, and in memory of all those taken from us due to gun violence; 2-4 pm.
  • Please look for a sign-up sheet in the Gathering Room to attend and/or assist with the first Makers event, wreath-making, on December 5th.
  • Thanks to Jo-an Jacobus, there will be a Christmas Eve service at Durham Friends at 7 pm.

10.   Closing Worship

Respectfully submitted, Ellen Bennett, Recording Clerk


Agenda and Materials for November 17, 2024 Business Meeting

The Agenda and Materials for the November 17, 2024 Business Meeting for Durham Friends can be found HERE.

Durham Monthly Meeting of Friends
Agenda – November 17, 2024

Ingrid Chalufour, Clerk

  1. Approval of October Minutes
  2. Finance Committee Report
    • 3d Quarter Budget Report
    • Proposed 2025 Budget
    • Budgeting for Things that are Off-Budget
  3. Makers Ad Hoc Committee – Item brought forward from October meeting
  4. Ministry and Council Report
  5. Trustees Report
  6. Nominating Committee Report
  7. Peace & Social Concerns Report

Durham Friends Meeting Minutes, October 20, 2024

Durham Monthly Meeting of Friends Minutes, October 20, 2024 /DRAFT

Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business

Durham Monthly Meeting of Friends met for the conduct of business on Sunday, October 20, 2024 with 7 people in attendance at the Meetinghouse and 1 attending by  Zoom.

  1. Meeting Opening

Clerk Tess Hartford opened the meeting with a quote from Harriet Beecher Stowe: “Let us all resolve: First to attain the grace of silence; Second to deem all fault-finding that does no good a sin…Third to practice the grace and virtue of praise.”  From Prayers for Healing.

  1. Approval of Recording Clerk pro tem

Meeting approved Sarah Sprogell as Recording Clerk Pro Tem.

  1. Approval of Minutes of September 15, 2024

Meeting approved the minutes as written.

  1. Ministry and Counsel – Renee Cote, report attached.

Renee reported that M&C has carefully considered the feedback from the listening session held in September on the use of Zoom during meeting for worship.  Notes from the session were distributed to those present for review.  One additional idea was suggested, that some churches use YouTube for people who cannot attend in person.  Additional discussion ensued.

We found unity in agreeing that the Tech Team can experiment with projecting the screen in other locations or in other ways, such as tv screen, as they feel able.

Regarding the use of Zoom in general, M&C recommends that we continue with our current practice of turning off the projector after the first hymn, and turning it on for joys and concerns through the end of worship.  They also recommend that we continue with no Zoom on the fourth and fifth Sundays, unless there are extenuating circumstances.

  1. Trustees – Sarah Sprogell, report attached

Sarah read the Trustee report that included updates on building maintenance, next steps on the Babcock Estate, an abatement to our property tax bill, and planned work for the Lunt Cemetery.  

Trustees will be holding a Love Your Meetinghouse clean-up day on Saturday November 2 from 9-12.  There will be indoor and outdoor tasks.

  1. Finance Committee – Dorothy Curtis, report attached.

The Cuba dinner raised $430 so far, with additional donations sent directly to Mimi Marstaller.  The additional donations will be added to the total.  All donations will go to the Sister Meeting Account, to be given to Cuba Yearly Meeting for assistance to support their Monthly Meetings as needed.

There was a second reading of the request for $100 a month for 12 months from the Charity Fund to support the Friends missions in Turkana and Samburu through Friends United Meeting.

Meeting approved this request.

The Women’s Society asks that we give $500 from the Charity Fund for the Girl Education Program in Kenya, which would also go through Friends United Meeting. There was a general feeling of approval for this, and it will be brought back in November for a second reading.

Women’s Society wants to hold a silent auction fundraiser for Tedford Housing, for several weeks in November and possibly into December.

Meeting approved this request.

7. Outreach Proposal – Kim Bolshaw, report attached

Kim read four requests being made by an ad hoc group that wants to hold monthly “Quaker Maker Sessions” starting in 2025.  There was an overall sense of approval for this project.  It was noted that this proposal is different from the work of the Special Events Committee which is more focused on specific Meeting related activities.

 The current planning group requests that they be recognized as an ad hoc committee of the Meeting.

Meeting approved the group as an ad-hoc Outreach Committee.  Current members are Craig Freshley, Leslie Manning, Kim Bolshaw, Ellen Bennett, Doug Bennett, and Ezra Smith.

The ad hoc committee also requests that the Meeting provide $1000 for seed money for the next 18 months to organize and carry out events and activities; an additional $200 for a new, larger outdoor sign to advertise events at the Meetinghouse; and they ask that the Meeting sponsor their activities and events.

There was a general feeling of support and appreciation for the work and requests of this group. The financial and sponsorship requests will be seasoned for the coming month and taken up at the November Meeting for Business.  This will also allow time for the Finance Committee to discern how to include these items in the 2025 budget.

8. Other Business 

The Clerk asked us to think about planning a Thanksgiving event at the Meetinghouse in November.

9. Approval of Clerk for November and December Meetings for Business

The Meeting approved Ingrid Chalufour as Presiding Clerk in November and December.

Business meeting was adjourned after a brief period of waiting worship and appreciation for those present.

Respectfully Submitted by Sarah Sprogell, recording clerk pro tem.

Agenda and Materials for the Meeting are available here.

Agenda and Materials for Durham Friends Business Meeting, October 20, 2024

The agenda and materials for the September 2024 Durham Friends Business Meeting can be found here.

Agenda for Durham Friends Monthly Meeting for Business, October 20, 2024

                                              Acting Clerk, Tess Hartford

  1. Opening Worship
  1. Approval of September minutes with any changes, corrections or additions: Minutes, September 15, 2024
  1. Committee Reports

 a) Ministry and Council- co-clerk Renee Cote

 b) Trustees – Sarah Sprogell

 c) Peace and Social Concerns –   Ingrid Chalifour – no formal report, but many things in progress

d) Finance- no formal report, but a few action items

 e) Request for support for the ad hoc committee created for Outreach Activities

  1. Other business
  2. Closing Worship

Durham Friends Meeting Minutes, September 15, 2024

DRAFT, September 15, 2024

Ellen Bennett — Recording Clerk

Durham Monthly Meeting of Friends met for the conduct of business on Sunday, September 15, 2024,

with 6 people in attendance at the Meetinghouse and 2 via Zoom.

1.     Meeting Opening

Tess Hartford, serving as Clerk of the meeting, opened the meeting with thanks for another beautiful day for gathering followed by a moment of silence.Followed by a reading:

Quoted from the “Wisdom of Yogananda, volume 7”

     Give to God not only the good that you do, but also the bad. I do not mean that you should deliberately do things that are wrong. But when you cannot help yourself because of too-strong habits, feel that God is acting through you. Make HIM responsible. He likes that!

     It is He after all, who has dreamed your existence. You have merely hypnotized yourself with the thought of your weaknesses. If you make the Lord responsible for your weaknesses, it will help you break the false hold they have on your imagination. You’ll find it easier, then, to recognize in yourself the perfect image of God.

     As long as you are making the effort, God will never let you down!

2.      Approval of Minutes of July 2024 — Ellen Bennett

               Meeting approved the minutes.

3.     Ministry and Counsel — Tess Hartford and Renee Cote

Meeting Care Coordinator Support Committee will discuss publishing an MCC report for a wider audience, quarterly, via the newsletter

A Meeting representative to LACO was discussed, stepping in for the current representative who will be stepping off after the October meeting. Kim Bolshaw requested information so that she might attend the October meeting. 

A listening session is scheduled for September 22nd, at the rise of meeting, pertaining to technology during meeting for worship.

4      Peace and Social Concerns — Ingrid Chalufour

The committee report was read aloud. In addition, the committee hopes to get social justice book/Wabanaki reading materials into every classroom at the Kate Furbish Elementary School in Brunswick.

Connecting with the Durham elementary school was discussed. A meeting member has contacts at the Durham elementary school and offered to facilitate a connection. It was noted that it is important to strengthen our ties to Durham and Lisbon. The Meeting’s 250th anniversary celebration is one avenue to do this, and representatives from the town of Durham have been receptive to initial inquiries about collaboration around this milestone. It was noted that many students from Durham go on to Freeport HS.

The question arose as how DFM came to occupy/own the land the Meetinghouse sits on. Historical deeds for the meetinghouse property are available that may provide some answers to this question. It is a something to highlight for the anniversary celebration

5.     Finance Committee — Nancy Marstaller

Looking at the financial report, the largest concern is that weekly contributions are down significantly. The question was raised: Is second quarter income from these contributions typically low? It was suggested that the newsletter include a note to encourage continued weekly giving. The mentions should also highlight the fact that automatic monthly donation are an easy way to support the Meeting, and forms to initiate this are available via Sarah. It was suggested that a “one click” option, via technology, be explored.

There is $7,000+ in charity account. The Meeting agreed to propose ongoing support through Friends United Meeting for the Turkana and Samburu Friends Missions in the amount of $100/month for one year, for a total of $1200. This proposal will be be revisited for approval at the October meeting for business.

The Meeting expressed its deep appreciation to Nancy Marstaller for overseeing the work on the budget. Finding a Treasurer that has the financial background and skill set to pick up this work is important.

6      Trustees Report — Kim Bolshaw

Report was read aloud.

Doug Bennett gave an update on the settlement of the Eileen Babcock estate. The financing for a lawyer, should it be needed, has been approved.

7.    Other Business

Announcement: MCC stipend is being used to support Friends’ initiatives. Some funding is going to support Anna Fritz, accomplished musician from Multnomah Meeting.Anna is on tour to provide performances for prison inmates. Anna will be in Maine in October, performing a contemporary version of the Iliad. Two community performances will be held in the area, one at the Friends School of Portland and the other at the UU Church in Rockland.

8.     Closing Worship

Clerk expressed gratitude to those in attendance for service to the Meeting, followed by closing silent worship.

Respectfully submitted, Ellen Bennett, Recording Clerk


Agenda and Materials for Durham Friends Business Meeting, September 15, 2024

The agenda and materials for the September 2024 Durham Friends Business Meeting can be found here.


 Agenda for Durham Friends Business Meeting September 15, 2024  

Clerk, Tess Hartford

1) Meeting Opening

2) Approval of Minutes of July 21, 2024

3)  Committee Reports





4) Other business

5) Closing Worship

Durham Friends Meeting Minutes, July 21, 2024 DRAFT

Durham Monthly Meeting of Friends met for the conduct of business on Sunday, July 21, 2024, with 10 people in attendance at the Meetinghouse and one attending by Zoom. Tess Hartford clerked the meeting.

  1. Approval for Meeting Clerk 

Meeting approved Tess Hartford as Clerk of July Monthly Meeting for the conduct of business. 

2. Meeting Opening

To continue Meeting for Worship, Clerk read from the book “Christian Meditation” by James Finley. Harper Collins, 2004.:  

“Saint Paul writes in his Letter to the Philippians, ‘In your minds you must be the same as Christ Jesus’ (Phil. 2:5). We become the same as Christ Jesus in our minds through a lifelong process of conversion in which Christ’s mind and our mind become one mind, one way of seeing and being in the world. The faithful practice of meditation is a way of learning to follow the spirit’s prompting in being led along this self-transforming path into the mind of Christ. Let us then explore the ways in which we enter Christ’s mind in meditation. Such an inquiry will take us into the innermost recesses of Christian faith. These inner recesses consist of neither beliefs nor institutional structures, but rather a self-transforming journey into the vibrant center of reality itself As our inquiry unfolds, a portrait of Christ will emerge in which we can recognize our own true face as one destined by God to be one with God forever.” pp. 175

3. Approval of Minutes of June 16 2024 — Ellen Bennett

Meeting approved the minutes of the June meeting for business. 

4. Ministry and Counsel — Renee Cote

Renee summarized the meeting for worship schedule for message-givers and Zoom availability for the next several weeks. 

Discussion ensued about a memorial service for Lyn Clark. Considered were a special meeting, a meeting for remembrance in October for all who have passed, and honoring Lyn as part of a regular unprogrammed meeting for worship. It was agreed to note particularly what Barbara Simon had written and read to us about Lyn. The unprogrammed Meeting scheduled for August 25 was lifted up as a possibility that included inviting Barbara Simon and asking person responsible for Care of Worship to read her statement at the start of meeting.

Meeting approved M&C continuing their discussion of this, as well as the handling of memorial meetings/services in general.

M&C was asked to talk to individuals about what they would like regarding their own memorial gathering/meeting. 

5. Trustees Report — Sarah Sprogell

Sarah read the Trustee Report aloud. 

Trustees are asking for approval to continue their work with respect to the bequest of an estate of a former member. Trustees are also asking for approval, should it be necessary, to use up to $10,000 to pay for legal representation in pursuit of this matter. Trustees will seek out all avenues to resolve the situation before turning to hiring an attorney. 

Meeting approved that Trustees continue to pursue the matter.

Meeting approved use funds up to $10,000, if necessary.

Clerk reaffirmed the Meeting’s trust in Trustees, and asked for prayers for their continuing efforts. 

In addition, a member expressed gratitude to Sarah Sprogell, which the Meeting shared, for her attention to the condition of our beloved Meetinghouse.

6. Other Business

For everyone’s information, Ellen described the formation of an ad hoc event-planning working group. The group was asked to remember logistics, specifically with respect to the meeting calendar!

Meeting agreed that any members of Durham Friends Meeting who attend business sessions at NEYM be considered representatives of the Meeting.

The next business meeting will be held September 16th. 

7. Closing Worship 

Respectfully submitted,  Ellen Bennett, Recording Clerk


Agenda and Materials for Durham Friends Business Meeting, July 21, 2024

Materials for the July 21, 2024 Meeting for Worship for Business can be found HERE (to be posted by Friday evening).


1) Approval needed for Tess Hartford to Clerk the Monthly Meeting for July through September

    Tess will offer an opening prayer/reading for Worship

    2) Approve June 16, 2024 Business Meeting Minutes. Any additions, questions or corrections?    

    3) Report from Ministry and Counsel

    4) Report from Trustees

    5) Finance committee and Peace and Social Concerns do not have reports this month

    6) Other business

    7) Close with waiting worship

    Passing of Lyn Clarke

    Our long-time attender Lyn Clarke passed recently.

    Her friend Barb Simon, who faithfully drove her to Durham Friends over many years, shared this with us:

    Lyn died 6/27/2024 (Thursday).

    Lyn was not brought up in the Quaker faith but she loved the Durham Friends community, and the values the Quakers embraced.

    She started losing her sight in about 1995 and she was sad when she could no longer drive. So when I offered to bring her to meeting she jumped at the opportunity to return. 

    She loved the garden, the Sunday Meeting messages, the people who she met at meeting.

    We stopped coming when Lyn’s hearing gave out and she could no longer recognize people who spoke to her.

    She missed coming to meeting.

    Lyn died a week ago in the wee hours of June 27th at the age of 88.

    Please hold Lyn’s family in the light.

    Durham Friends Meeting Minutes, June 16, 2024

    Durham Monthly Meeting of Friends met for the conduct of business on Sunday, June 16, 2024, with 9 people in attendance at the Meetinghouse and one attending by Zoom. Sarah Sprogell clerked the meeting.

    1.     Meeting Opening: Gathering, Centering and Opening Reading

    Clerk opened the meeting by reading a portion of an obituary of a life-long member of Durham Friends Meeting, Ercil Perreault, (joined 12/19/1951), who passed away in 2020. The following lovely text was authored by her husband.

    “Ercil L. Perreault passed away on Saturday, April 4, 2020, at Brentwood Nursing Home… Born at Mrs Smart’s Nursing Home on Longfellow Avenue, Brunswick, to Ira d. White and Marie E. (Shea) White on Sept. 14, 1938, premature and ready to make life better for other people. Although short (4 feet 11 inches) Ercil stood tall in life with a heart of gold, loving all of God’s creations; humans, animals and birds. Ercil never hated nor spoke ill-will of anyone. A lifelong member of the Durham Friends Meeting House, she was always appreciative of her very strong religious and parental upbringings…. Ercil applied and was accepted as Secretary of Brunswick High School Athletic Director, a job she truly loved so she could be of help to all BHS athletes, and especially those with financial needs. She retired after 20 years in the job…. She was a true outdoor person. Ercil was brought up to learn to accept what is presented in life and to make the best of it, and keep going. Ercil is survived by her husband, William R. “Bill” Perreault [whom] she married in 1957; her sons, Stephen M., Dale W. and john M. Perreault…. Ercil’s final desire was to be cremated with her remains spread at her most loved deep woods camp in Jackman and also in her parent burial plot at the Lunt Cemetery on the Lunt Road in Brunswick… Ercil was a very shy, warm, caring, loving person who in a positive way ad a strong influence in other people’s lives. A very unique person walked on the face of the earth.”

    2.     Approval of Minutes of May 2024 — Ellen Bennett

            Recommended clarifying addition to item 7.

                   With the addition, Meeting approved the minutes.

    3.     Ministry and Counsel — Renee Cote, Tess Hartford

            M&C proposed cancelling meeting for business in August.

                   Meeting approved not holding meeting for business in August.

            Discussed reserving space for people who wish to separate and wear masks while in Meeting.

    Meeting approved removing signs for designated area, and remaining alert to any changes which may prompt us to return to signage.

            Discussed the use of Zoom during meeting. Suggest not using the projector during June and July, e.g., turn off projector after first hymn, and turn it back on for joys and concerns. Threshing session scheduled for September 22. Please see report.

    Meeting approved experimenting with turning off the projector for a portion of the Meeting, as well as the possibility of setting up a TV monitor to both cancel projector noise and cast a smaller image. For July 14 and 21, the projector will be turned off at a time M&C suggests. M&C will come up with a schedule and proposal for experimentation for August.

    FWCC has announced an outreach-oriented Quaker Connect Program, with the possibility of grants to participating meetings. To provide a basis for further discussion of this possibility, a web address for the project information will be included in the next newsletter, on the website, and in the weekly “This Week at…”

    4.     Peace and Social Concerns — Ingrid Chalufour

    The committee highlighted this summer’s primary activity, which is the work involved in establishing an ad hoc committee of the Town Council of Brunswick. The overall purpose of this new committee is to lift up the history and culture of the Wabanaki in various ways, such as in the naming of parks. A preliminary gathering will take place on 7/17, the purpose of which is to generate a draft of a mission statement and discuss the process the ad hoc committee will use to do its work. The actual ad hoc committee will be formed after the meeting. There has been a tremendous amount of interest and many have indicated that they wish to attend this first meeting. Please see report.

    5      Trustees Report — Sarah Sprogell

            Please see report. Update only.

    6.     Other

    Maine Immigrant and Refugee Services (MEIRS) has extended an invitation to Durham Meeting to attend their gala celebration, and they’ve indicated that meeting members may attend as their guests. On July 12.

    There is an opening for care of worship on June 30.

    Please consider the emotional, as well as the technical aspects of Zoom during meeting.

    7.     Closing Worship

    Respectfully submitted, Ellen Bennett, Recording Clerk


    Agenda and Materials for Durham Friends Business Meeting, June 16, 2024

    The agenda and materials for the June 16, 2024 business meeting for Durham Friends can be found here.

    AGENDA, June 16, 2024, Monthly Meeting for Business

    Gather and Center

    Opening Reading

    Approval of Minutes for May Monthly Meeting for Business

    Ministry and Counsel – Renee Cote

    Peace and Social Concerns – Ingrid Chalufour

    Trustees – Sarah Sprogell


    Close, and wishing everyone a happy Father’s Day

    Durham Friends Meeting Minutes, May 19, 2024

    Durham Monthly Meeting of Friends met for the conduct of business on Sunday, May 19, 2024, with 12 people in attendance at the Meetinghouse and one attending by Zoom. Sarah Sprogell clerked the meeting.

    1. Meeting Opening

    Clerk began the meeting reading fromthe 1985 NEYM Faith and Practice, page 113, part of the section on Meeting Leadership, entitled All Are Co-Workers:

    “The membership of Friends Meeting, or the Society of Friends, is made up of persons with varying gifts or abilities.  Each gift or each type of ability may be a form of ministry, and hence of leadership, and each member is a part of “the body” or the whole.  Each member in the exercise of such a gift or gifts of ministry is a nurturing, functioning part of the body….

    Some members have gifts of teaching and counseling, or of organization and administration, or of vocal ministry or public speaking, or other similar gifts which identify them as leaders.  Members with other gifts are not simply passive followers, but all are co-workers in the care and nurture of the body and its members.  And all are co-workers in witness to our faith and in the service of love and justice in the world.”  – from a Pendle Hill workshop report on Friends as Leaders, 1979

    2. Approval of Minutes of April 2023 — Ellen Bennett

    A correction was requested in agenda item #4 Trustees’ Report: “Reports from Maine Home” should read “Maine House”.

    With this correction, Meeting approved the minutes.

    3. Finance Committee — Nancy Marstaller

    The Quarterly Report was presented. Contributions are on track for the first quarter. Operating expenses are less than revenue at this time due to second quarter payment of contributions to sister/quaker organizations. 

    Meeting accepted the Quarterly Report, with gratitude.

    It was recommended that we resume regular passing of the offering plate. This topic will be taken up at Ministry and Counsel.

    We canceled our employee compensation insurance as the Meeting currently has no employees, only independent contractors. Robb Spivey and Marion Dalton, conducting a financial review of Durham Meeting’s accounts, recommended consolidating some accounts to both simplify record-keeping as well as to take advantage of higher interest rates. We approved closing the Bernice Douglas Savings account (just over $12,000) and taking that money as well as $30,000 from checking and $28,000 from the capital account and moving it to our NEYM of Friends Pooled Fund account.

    The estimated budget for travelers to Cuba are approximately $3,300 per traveler. Right now, $4,000 from the Meeting is available in the Sister Meeting account. Contributions from Portland Friends Meeting have brought that balance up to $13,000. Finance recommends making an additional $4,000 contribution to cover travel expenses for both Meeting members who hope to travel to Cuba next February. Overall expenses for the trip to Cuba will be brought forward at the June Meeting for Business for discussion and decision. 

    5. Ministry and Counsel — Renee Cote

    Please see attached reports. 

    M&C discussed the use of Zoom during Meeting for worship. In response to requests for less technology during worship, beginning in January 2024, Meeting for worship is Zoom-free on 4th and 5th Sundays. Requests for less technology continue to be made. In response, two recommendations were made: 1. try a Zoom-free September, and 2. turn off the projector after the first hymn and turn it on again for joys and concerns. 

    There was no unity around this issue. Clerk recommended a listening session, including evaluating the current Zoom/no Zoom Sundays each month. 

    Craig Freshley’s letter regarding Zoom during Meeting for worship will be posted and available through the website. 

    6. Peace and Social Concerns — Ingrid Chalufour

    Please see attached report. 

    The project to rename the park in Brunswick in recognition of the Wabanaki who first inhabited this region has gained momentum. We are working to form a town committee with the mission to expand from simple renaming to lifting up the history of the Wabanaki people. Two Town Counselors are guiding the process. A proposal will be going to the Brunswick Town Council in the Fall.

    Friends had several suggestions for ways to get the word out about the very successful Social Justice Book Project publications, and the great work of this initiative via social media and at Quarterly and Yearly meetings.

    The Meeting expressed its deep gratitude for the extraordinary work of Peace and Social 

    Concerns with this project. 

    7. Second consideration of divestment letter to MEPERS

    Meeting approved having Clerk sign the letter on behalf of the Meeting. 

    8. Other Business

    Update on LACO: Town has asked LACO to leave its current location because of the state of the building in which it is currently housed. While they have not yet done so, the Town is required to give LACO thirty-days’ notice in advance of a move-out date.  The LACO Board is setting up a working group to explore options. The Local Baptist Church may have room for LACO. It was suggested that the Meeting write a letter in support of LACO and the importance of finding housing for the vital work it does This is a situation in flux. Note: Leslie continues as a second representative to LACO for the time being, until another Meeting member agrees to step into this role.

    Doug Bennett reviewed how to view and use the Meeting calendar. 

    9. Closing Worship 

    Respectfully submitted, Ellen Bennett, Recording Clerk


    Craig Freshley, “Screen-Free Thoughts,” March 10, 2024

    Durham Friends Meeting is currently discussing whether and how it wants to continue providing access to our Sunday morning worship via Zoom. Currently we are providing Zoom access on the 1st, 2nd and 3d Sundays of each month, and no Zoom on 4th and 5th (if there is one) Sundays. (The 1st, 2nd and 3d Sundays are the ones on which we have scheduled, prepared messages as part of worship.)

    What is below is an idea from member Craig Freshley regarding this matter that he sent to the Committee on Ministry and Counsel in March. Likely Ministry and Counsel will host a threshing session in the near future to hear that hopes and thoughts of all who worship at Durham Friends on this matter.

    Agenda and Materials for Durham Friends Business Meeting, May 19, 2024

    Durham Monthly Meeting of Friends Meeting for Business, May 19, 2024, noon

    Materials for the May 19, 2024 Business Meeting can be found HERE.


                            Gather and Centering


                            Approval of Minutes from April Business Meeting

                            Finance – Nancy Marstaller

                                                    First quarter report, attached

                            M&C – Renee Cote

                            P&SC – Ingrid Chalufour

                                                    Report attached

                            Second consideration of divestment letter to MEPERS



    Durham Friends Meeting Minutes, April 21, 2024

    Durham Monthly Meeting of Friends met for the conduct of business on Sunday, April 21, 2024, with 15 people in attendance at the Meetinghouse and one attending by Zoom. Sarah Sprogell clerked the meeting.

    1.     Meeting Opening

            Clerk opened the meeting with the following readingfrom the Interim Faith and Practice 2014, Section 3 on Corporate Discernment in Meetings for Business, p. 37.

            “The heart of Friends’ business process is the nurturing of spiritual openness and deep listening that allows the sense of the meeting to emerge.  At times, there may be unanimous agreement that a proposed action should be carried out.  However, when those gathered are not in simple agreement, careful consideration will be given to each speaker, and silent worship may be requested.  If all in attendance draw on their disciplines of worship and stay mindful that the purpose is to seek the will of God for the gathered body, unity can be found and acted upon.” … “The sense of the meeting emerges from the committed efforts of a loving community and strengthens its bonds.”

    2.     Approval of Minutes from March 17, 2024 — Sarah Sprogell

            Note: It was requested that committee reports should include the first and last names of the people who are referenced. Recording Clerk will make those changes.

                   With these changes, the minutes were approved, with gratitude.

    3.     Peace and Social Concerns — Ingrid Chalufour

    Please see attached report. The response to FCNL’s request monthly meetings to share feedback on its legislative priorities was read aloud.

    A request was made for Meeting to add its signature to letter requesting Maine’s Public Employee’s Retirement System to divest retirement funds from fossil fuels. Members are able to look at the P&SC report and access a link to the letter, which people may also sign individually. 

    Meeting agreed to hold this issue over until next month, giving everyone an opportunity to read the entire letter before approving that Meeting as a whole add its signature.

    4.     Trustees Report — Kim Bolshaw

            Trustees Request that Meeting approve the following requests:

                  a. Quotes from Maine House (business that removed furnaces)

                  – 2 dehumidifiers for the basement $3,264

                  – replace bulkhead $6,210

                  Meeting approved these 2 projects.

    b. Premier Contracting to paint the exterior addition of the Meetinghouse, including trim as well as trim on the brick portion of the building: $5,204.

                  Meeting approved this project pending positive reference checks.

    It was noted that Trustees reviewed past capital expenditures and agreed that allocating approximately $15K/year is sustainable.

    5.     Ministry and Counsel — Tess Hartford and Renee Cote

            Please see attached report. No actionable items.

    Reviewed the situation with respect to continuing Zoom during Meeting for Worship. M&C will take up this topic and return with a proposal for continuing discussion.

    LACO is being evicted from their current location. Last year, LACO served 40,000 households, the large number due in part to Covid. LACO serves families in Bowdoin, Lisbon and Durham, and expect to serve 30,000 this year. They are looking for an additional person from Meeting to serve on their board, which meets quarterly for one hour. Leslie Manning will be serving in this capacity in the interim. As a reminder, the annual Harvest Supper/potluck, has been a fundraiser for LACO, but has not taken place since Covid.

    6.     Woman’s Society — Dorothy Curtis and Nancy Marstaller

    Dorothy read the memorial minute for Helen Clarkson. A sentence was added describing when Helen met her husband Vernon — on their first day of college.

          With this addition, Meeting approved the minute.

    The Woman’s Society requests permission to hold its annual plant sale, with set-up to start                      Wed. May 22, and the official start of the sale on Sun. May 26. The sale will continue 2-3                                                        weeks, or until there are no more plants.

    A portion of the proceeds will go to the United Society of Friends Women International               Children & Youth projects, and a portion to one or more local organizations, to be decided at our next Woman’s Society meeting.

           Meeting approved, with gratitude.

    7.     Clearness Committee Letters for Kristna Evans and Mimi Marstaller travel to Cuba

    Wendy Schlotterbeck read the letter prepared for Mimi Marstaller, which included text written by Mimi expressing her interest.

    Clearness Committee asks Meeting to approve Mimi’s travel in 2025 as part of NEYM delegation to Cuba.

           Meeting approved.

    Sarah Sprogell read the letter prepared by the Clearness Committee for Kristna Evans.

    Clearness Committee asks Meeting to approve Kristna’s travel in 2025 as part of NEYM delegation to Cuba.

           Meeting approved.

    8.     New Business

    It was noted that one of the people who worked hardest in the state legislature this session was Margaret (Peggy) Rotundo. The request was made to send a letter of love and support to her, particularly in light of the tragedy in her hometown and district of Lewiston. M&C will take responsibility for writing and sending the letter.

                   The Meeting approved sending a card or letter of appreciation and support.

    8.     Closing Worship

    Respectfully submitted,

    Ellen Bennett, Recording Clerk

    Attachments available here

    Agenda and Materials for Durham Friends Business Meeting, April 21, 2024

    The Agendas and materials for the April 21, 2024 Durham Friends Business Meeting can be found HERE.

    Agenda, Monthly Meeting for Business, April 21, 2024

    Gather and Center


    1. Approval of Minutes from March 17, 2024

    2. Peace and Social Concerns – report attached

    3. Trustees – report attached

    4. Ministry and Counsel – report attached

    5. Women’s Society – draft memorial minute for Helen Clarkson

    6. Clearness Committee letters for Kristna Evans and Mimi Marstaller to travel to Cuba in 2025

    7. Other

    Durham Monthly Meeting Minutes, March 17, 2024

    Durham Monthly Meeting of Friends met for the conduct of business on Sunday, March 17, 2024 with 8 people in attendance at the Meetinghouse and 6 attending by Zoom.

    1. Meeting Opening

    Nancy Marstaller opened the meeting with a poem “How Good to Center Down”, from the book Meditations from the Heart by Howard Thurman.

    1. Approval of Clerk and Recording Clerk pro tem
    2. Nancy Marstaller was approved as Clerk of the day.
    3. Sarah Sprogell was approved as Recording Clerk pro tem.
    1. Approval of Minutes of February 2024

    Meeting approved the February minutes.

    1. Schedule of presiding clerks

    The clerks group set up a rotation for presiding clerks for the year 2024.  Clerks will preside over monthly meetings, review clerk’s mail, and be available as needed to work with members and others on issues that arise during those months.  The schedule is as follows:

    Jan. thru Mar. – Nancy Marstaller

    April thru June – Sarah Sprogell

    July thru Oct. – Tess Hartford

    Nov. thru Dec. – Ingrid Chalufour

    1. Clearness Committees for Mimi Marstaller and Kristna Evans to travel to Cuba in 2025

    Mimi read her letter of interest, and requested a clearness committee for her intent to travel to Cuba with the Puente de Amiga delegation. The letter is attached.

    Kristna was not present, but has also expressed interest in traveling with the same delegation and would like a clearness committee.

    1. The Meeting approved a clearness committee for Mimi with Kim Bolshaw, Sarah Sprogell and Wendy Schlotterbeck serving on the committee.
    2. The Meeting also approved a clearness committee for Kristna with Kim Bolshaw, Tess Hartford and Mimi Marstaller serving on the committee.
    3. First reading of Charlotte Anne Curtis Memorial Minute

    Dorothy Curtis read the memorial minute aloud.  It is also available as an attachment.

    1. Meeting approved the minute with appreciation.
    1. Second reading of Sue Wood Memorial Minute

    Tess read the memorial minute aloud.  It is also available as an attachment.

    1. Meeting approved the minute with appreciation.
    1. Peace and Social Concerns report and letter to Brunswick Topsham Land Trust

    The report and letter are attached.

    Ingrid gave an update on the book project. The first guidebook on creating an anti-bias classroom has been completed and sent to Martha Hinshaw Sheldon for editing.  The next guidebook is in process.  It focuses on how to set up a book project like this one, and will be sent to each monthly meeting within NEYM.

    The session to discern FCNL priorities is rescheduled for April14 at rise of meeting.

    A film titled Common Ground film will be shown at the meetinghouse on April 26 at 7pm.  It is made available by Interfaith Light and Power.  It explores agricultural practices that can help heal the soil, our health and the planet.

    The committee is asking approval of a letter to Brunswick/Topsham Land Trust requesting their support for renaming the 250th Anniversary Park in Brunswick.    Ingrid read the letter aloud.  Once approved, Ingrid will send the letter via email.

    1. The meeting approved the letter, and felt that it was masterfully written.
    1. Finance Committee report

    The report is attached.

    Nancy highlighted that  our new bookkeeper, Amanda Whidden, will start this month.

    The financial review for 2022 and 2023 was completed by Marian Dalton and Robb Spivey for 2022.  They found that the records were in good order.  They recommended some changes that will be implemented by the committee.  If anyone wants to see the full report, they should contact Nancy.

    1. Ministry and Counsel report

    The Easter Service on March 31st will include Zoom access.  The program will include readings of the Easter story and related hymns.

    Nancy read the State of Society Report, which included two possible opening paragraphs.  The report was well-received by all. The report is attached.

    1. The meeting approved the report using the first opening paragraph.
    2. The meeting also approved substituting the last sentence of the alternative paragraph in place of the one originally used in the first paragraph.

    Nancy read the proposal from the MCC search committee, recommending the composition and role of an oversight committee for Meeting Care Coordinator.  Please see the attached report for more details.

    1. The meeting approved the proposal.  Rene, Ingrid, someone from Communications, and the rotating clerk will serve on this committee.

    The clearness committee for Diana White’s membership is in full support of transferring her membership from Portland Meeting to Durham.  They recommend that the meeting approve her transfer. Diana was present and told us that her health has taken a serious turn, and that she will be moving in with her daughter who lives in Fayette, ME.

    1. The meeting approved Diana’s transfer with warmth and loving care.
    1.  Consideration of letter re Israel and Palestine

    Leslie Manning, our Meeting Care Coordinator, drafted a proposed Minute on Palestine and Israel.  Nancy read the letter aloud.  It is also attached.  The letter was well-received, with a few suggestions made, and some discussion that it could be too long for a letter to the editor.

    1. The meeting approved the Minute, adding Ramallah Friends School as a correction, and re-wording the last sentence to say “We pray that this not be done in our name.”
    2. We approved that Leslie make adjustments as needed for public distribution.
    1. Trustees report

    Sarah reviewed the attached report, highlighting the financial review and suggestions made by Robb Spivey and Marian Dalton who carried out the review.  Trustees will be following up on their suggestions. 

    1.  Statistical report

    Sarah reviewed the attached report that will also be forwarded to Quarterly Meeting and the Yearly Meeting.  In 2023 we received one resignation and one new member, for a total membership of 96.  Our numbers have been reducing gradually over the years, but for now are remaining relatively stable.  There are usually about 20-24 members and attenders at meeting for worship in the meetinghouse and on zoom, and an average of 13 people at meeting for business.

    1.  Library Committee

    Nancy reported that Dot says the library is running out of space.  She asks that if anyone finds a book they think should be removed, please pull it out and set it aside for Dot to review.

    1.  Closing

    Clerk closed with a reading from Dwight Wilson’s book Modern Psalms of Solace and Resistance.   During the pandemic, Dwight wrote a psalm each day.  This psalm was written on March 17.

    You are a connoisseur of beauty.

    May we use Your taste as our pattern.

    Even Your smallest surprises bring joy.

    You let them flow in rivulets instead of waiting

    For days that we designate as holidays.

    Patience is the key to living beside You.

    Not always do we rejoice as the road turns.

    But when we keep the faith,

    We notice that wonderful things happen every day.

    Your design shines through the darkest moments.

    We celebrate Your love as we celebrate

    Our lives as enthusiastic servants.

    You bring eternal joy, the prize that

    Mitigates meanness and transforms oppression.

    Respectfully submitted by Sarah Sprogell, recording clerk pro tem.

    Agenda and Materials for Durham Friends Business Meeting, March 17, 2024

    Reports and other materials for the business meeting can be found HERE

    Agenda for DMMF Monthly Meeting March 17, 2024

    Opening reading

    Approval of Nancy Marstaller as clerk for meeting

    1. Approval of last month’s minutes
    2. Schedule of presiding clerks
    3. Clearness committees for Mimi and Kristna re Cuba trip
    4. Reading of Charlotte A. Curtis memorial minute
    5. Reading/approval of Sue Wood memorial minute
    6. P&SC report- letter to Land Trust
    7. Finance Comm. report
    8. Ministry and Counsel report: Easter service plan (includes Zoom), State of Society, MCC oversight comm., membership clearness comm. report
    9. Consideration of letter re Israel and Palestine
    10. Trustees report
    11. Statistical report- Sarah
    12. Library- Dot H.
    13. Other

    Durham Monthly Meeting Minutes, February 18, 2024

    Durham Monthly Meeting of Friends met for the conduct of business on Sunday, February 18, 2024, with seven people in attendance at the Meetinghouse and five attending by Zoom. Nancy Marstaller clerked the meeting.

    Meeting approved Nancy Marstaller as Clerk of this meeting for business. Meeting also approved flexibility in scheduling those who will serve as Clerk to conduct meetings.

    1.    Meeting Opening

    Clerk opened meeting with a reading from the Interim Faith and Practice, 2014, of New England Yearly Meeting.

    “Friends express the importance of being patient, being willing to hear each other fully and openly. When we take into account our knowledge of one another in community, when we ask ourselves to listen deeply, to release our own individual opinion and surrender our individual will, we find profound connection with others and with the divine. We are all separate ingredients in a pot, each carrying our individual flavors, but simmering together until we create a flavorful soup. This unified creation can be a difficult but amazing process. It brings us closer to one another and to God.” – Mt. Toby Monthly Meeting, 2008

    2.     Approval of Minutes of January  2024 — Ellen Bennett

           Meeting approved the January minutes.

    3.     Approval of Margaret Wentworth Memorial Minute

    Margaret Wentworth’s memorial minute was read aloud. Recommendations were made to add more detail about Margaret’s life outside of Durham Meeting, including her service on the Board of Lisbon Area Christian Outreach, teaching local children, and serving as select person for Lisbon.

          Meeting approved the minute with the above additions/changes.

    The amended minute will be distributed to Meeting members before being sent to New England Yearly Meeting.

    4.     Reading of Sue Wood Memorial Minute

    Clerk read the first draft of Sue Wood’s Memorial Minute. It was suggested that the minute include specific birth and death dates, note that she served as co-clerk for several years, and that Sue was very good at holding a group in prayer, possessing great depth of spirit.

    5.     Finance Committee — Nancy Marstaller

            * 2023 End of year budget report

    Summary: Operating revenue exceeded budget. Expenses were lower than budgeted, largely because the MCC position and youth minister positions were not filled. The Meeting is in good financial shape.

            * 2023 Annual report

    Please see attached report.

           Meeting accepted the report with appreciation for the work of the committee.

    6.     Ministry and Counsel — Tess Hartford and Renee Cote

    M&C asked for feedback regarding Leslie Manning maintaining the DFM Facebook page. It was suggested the page be maintained for special events and services notices only. Note the DFM website has a link allowing for transfer of information from the website to a variety of social media sites.

    Some members lifted up the problem of using/supporting a platform built by an organization that has shown itself to be dishonest and corrupt.

    Meeting discussed the support and oversight groups for Leslie’s roles as a recorded minister, as well as Meeting Care Coordinator. The sense is that there are/should be two groups: one for Leslie’s role as a recorded minister and her ministry beyond the meeting, and one for her role as MCC. The MCC search group will bring forward a proposal for creating an oversight committee.

    Meeting approved the current ministry support committee take on renewed purpose for Leslie’s work as a recorded minister. The committee will report annually for Quarterly Meeting its sense of Leslie’s ministry work. Joyce Gibson agreed to join Leslie’s support committee for ministry. This was met with great appreciation from the Meeting.

    7.     Trustees Report — Sarah Sprogell

    The Meeting was reminded that Trustees prioritized reducing moisture, evaluating supports under meeting room, painting the exterior of the addition, and weatherizing the exit doors as upcoming tasks.

    Meeting approved Trustees using up to $3000, from the capital account, to purchase and install a commercial dehumidifier for the basement.

    Meeting approved that the Clerk of Trustees initiate conversations with pertinent parties to bring the issue of Eileen Babcock’s bequest to resolution.

    8.     Peace and Social Concerns — Ingrid Chalufour

    One addition to the submitted report was presented. A group met with Nat Shed, a Brunswick town counselor, to ask for assistance in bringing the renaming of the Brunswick park to honor the Wabanaki people back to the town council.

                   Meeting accepted the report with gratitude.

    8.     Library Committee Annual Report

                   Meeting accepted the report with gratitude.                                                                 

    9.    Other Business

    It was reported that our sister meeting in Velasco can no longer meet in their meeting room due to rotting beams. Friends from Falmouth Quarter will be headed back to Cuba in July. Between now and then, the Meeting is asked to assist Velasco Meeting in finding what can be done to ensure that their meeting space is safe and secure. Important, as well, to confer with FWCC as to the best way to be helpful.

    10.   Closing Worship

    Clerk closed the meeting with worship and a reading from the Interim Faith and Practice.

    “Spiritual discernment seems to flourish best from this contemplative, reflective, nonlinear state of mind, which is a wide, non-judgmental, almost non-attached but very alert attentiveness. Being in the Mind of Christ, however, does not mean being “spaced out,” for the analytic faculties are not suppressed; they are cushioned by a more vast mind which takes all things into account. Indeed, our analytical faculties are at least as sharp, if not sharper, in the Mind of Christ than they are at other times; the difference is that there we know that we are not just our surface mind, as we Westerners tend to assume, and the difference is that this surface mind is no longer the master, but the tool, of the more integrated person we become in the Mind of Christ.” — Bill Taber, 1985

    Respectfully submitted, Ellen Bennett, Recording Clerk


    Durham Monthly Meeting Minutes, January 21, 2024

    Durham Monthly Meeting of Friends met for the conduct of business on Sunday, January 21, 2024, with ten people in attendance at the Meetinghouse and two attending by Zoom. Nancy Marstaller clerked the meeting.

    1.     Meeting Opening

    Clerk opened the meeting by reading a prayer by Douglas Steere.

    “O Blessed Companion, place on our souls a holy bridle by which we may be held back when it is right to pause, and touched forward when it is right to move. And give us the grace to heed Thy gentle touch. Make us willing to leave gladly to others what are their tasks and to buckle on quietly and for the duration, those things that have been laid upon us to carry as far as we are able. May we carry these things with easy minds, knowing well that the giver of the task is also the giver of the strength to fulfill it. Amen.”

    2.     Approval of Minutes of December 2023 — Ellen Bennett

              Meeting approved the minutes.

    3.     Finance Committee — Nancy Marstaller

            Committee is asking for Meeting approval for the following two items:

    That Doug Bennett and Sarah Sprogell have electronic access to Norway Savings for the purpose of approving the automatic payments of offerings to our checking account and producing a list that will be given to our bookkeeper to record in Quickbooks.

                   Meeting approved.

    Adding Doug Bennett as an additional person authorized to sign checks, and approved keeping Sarah Sprogell as an additional signer.                                                                                                                                                            Meeting approved.

    4.     Charity Fund Request 2nd Approval — Nancy Marstaller

    Second request for approval for $1,000 from the Charity Fund to be donated to Warm Thy Neighbor.

                   Meeting approved.

    5.     Ministry and Counsel — Tess Hartford and Renee Cote

    Woman’s Society will be working on Memorial Minutes for Charlotte Ann Curtis and Helen Clarkson. M&C will reach out to Kitsie Hildebrand’s family to ask about writing and submitting a Memorial Minute for her.

    Tess read a draft Memorial Minute for Margaret Wentworth. It was suggested that the Minute include her work with Falmouth Quarter and add some basic biographical material.

    Covid protocol update: People are reminded to err on the side of caution. Mask-wearing is encouraged, and people are requested not to attend Meeting if ill. Current strain is not as virulent, but more contagious.

    Meeting Care Coordinator will report to M&C monthly, which in turn will bring any concerns to Meeting for Business. Co-Clerks of M&C are responsible for bringing MCC report to Monthly Meeting.

    The MCC Search Committee will bring a suggestion to Monthly Meeting regarding the composition of the oversight/support committee and it’s relationship to M&C.  The Search Committee is asked to bring the recommendation in March.

    6.     Trustees Report — Sarah Sprogell

            Annual Report was summarized. Please see attachment.                                                     

    7.     Peace and Social Concerns — Ingrid Chalufour

            Annual Report was read. Please see attachment.

    The Meeting expressed its deep appreciation to this Committee for the amazing work it has done, with respect to both education and outreach.

    8.     Website 2023 Report — Doug Bennett

    Much of this annual report includes data on website use, visit and views. Note that the website is a form of outreach for the Meeting. People who would like to see something on the website are asked to submit what they would like to see in writing. People are also encouraged to link to the Durham Friends website from their own social media sites to add to the Meeting’s outreach.

    Ease and accessibility of the site have been noticed and lauded by others. It was suggested that we revisit our Facebook page. Should we have one and have the focus be on events? Review this question again next month.

    9.     Nominating Committee — Linda Muller

    The attached report was read. Note that Nancy Marstaller is stepping off of the committee. Please bring ideas for potential nominees to the Meeting. The committee is looking for one more person. The Meeting expressed its gratitude for the work of the committee, and for Linda as Clerk. Linda has stepped out of the role of Clerk of Nominating; a new Clerk has not been determined.

            Tess Hartford will be Clerk of the Meeting next month.

    10.   Other Business

    Craig Freshley is planning a concert to raise money for New Mainers. Meeting members agree to help with set-up and clean-up of space and refreshments, as well as the website.

                     Meeting approves sponsoring the concert, with support from Meeting members.     

    11.   Closing Worship

    Respectfully submitted,

    Ellen Bennett, Recording Clerk


    Agenda and Materials for Durham Monthly Business Meeting, February 18, 2024

    The agenda, reports and other materials for the February 18, 2024 business meeting of Durham Monthly Meeting can be found HERE

    Agenda for DMMF Monthly Meeting Feb. 2024

    Opening reading

    Approval of Nancy Marstaller as clerk for meeting

    1. Approval of last month’s minutes
    2. Approval of Margaret Wentworth memorial minute
    3. Reading of Sue Wood memorial minute
    4. Finance Committee
      • 2023 End of year budget report
        • 2023 Annual report
    5. Ministry and Counsel report
    6. Trustees report
    7. P&SC report
    8. Library Committee Annual Report
    9. Other

    Agenda and Materials for Durham Friends Business Meeting, January 21, 2024

    Reports and Other materials for the business meeting can be found at this site.

    Agenda for Durham Monthly Meeting Jan. 21, 2024
    1. Opening
    2. Approval of last month’s minutes
    3. Finance Committee report with action items
    4. Woman’s Society Charity Fund request for Warm Thy Neighbor
         - 2nd approval
    5. Ministry and Counsel 
         Margaret Wentworth memorial minute
    6. Trustees Annual Report
    7. Peace & Social Concerns Annual Report, updates
    8. Website 2023 Report
    9.Nominating Committee report
         Resignation of individual

    Durham Monthly Meeting Minutes, December 17, 2023

    Durham Monthly Meeting of Friends met for the conduct of business on Sunday, December 17, 2023, with 11 people in attendance at the Meetinghouse.

    1. Meeting Opening

    Clerk played a recording of Peace of the Earth — a Guatemalan hymn, followed by silent gathering. There were no additions or corrections to the agenda.

    2. Approval of Minutes of November 2023 — Ellen Bennett

    Meeting approved the minutes of the November meeting.

    3. Finances — Nancy Marstaller

    a. Finance Committee: The committee brought forward the proposed budget for 2024 for a second reading and approval. Changes from the first reading include: increasing the income from weekly contributions; Peace and Social Concerns carry-over grant revenue was moved to operating income and then expensed out; money allocated for Wabanaki Reach was moved to an operating expense line and will be identified for land reparations, and custodian salary was increased. The result is a deficit budget now reduced to $544. 

    Meeting approved the 2024 budget.

    b. Woman’s Society: To continue the tradition of annual support to area organizations, Woman’s Society would like the Meeting to consider giving $1,000 from the charity account, to Warm Thy Neighbor, administered through Tedford Housing in this area. 

    Meeting approved this first request.

    4. Ministry and Counsel — Tess Hartford and Renee Cote

    Visiting committee is considering Diana White’s transfer of membership from Portland to Durham.

    Renee read the minute from M&C concerning Mey Hasbrook’s resignation:

     “At Monthly Meeting on October 15, 2023, Mey Hasbrook’s letter of resignation was accepted. The final meeting encouraged by Monthly Meeting did not take place when Mey objected to the number of persons that would be present and refused to meet. During her time with Durham Friends Meeting, at the time of her resignation, and in an email in November, Mey made a number of allegations of harm that were circulated within and outside the Meeting. Ministry & Counsel investigated these allegations and found that they have no basis in fact. We are very sorry for the distress that these allegations have caused and ask that we continue to hold all involved in prayer. We remain available to respond to questions and concerns, as confidentiality allows.

    Meeting accepted this report with gratitude for the hard work of Ministry and Counsel.

    5. Trustees Report — Sarah Sprogell

    Update report available on the website.

    6. Nominating Committee — Linda Muller

    Highlighting updates on DMMF committee assignments, please see attachment. The Committee will be considering a Music Committee. 

    Meeting expressed its great appreciation for the committee and for the work that it, with Linda as clerk, has done.

    7. New Business 

    Approval of Positions in lieu of Officers:  Clerk recommends that the duties traditionally done by the Clerk and the Treasurer are delineated and assigned, regardless of who is occupying those positions. Specifically, “that the Clerk of Trustees be named as Acting Clerk for the purposes of contracts and other Meeting business and that the Clerk of Finance be named as Acting Treasurer, as needed…”

    Meeting approved this proposal, with an effective date of January 1, 2024.

    Meeting Care Coordinator: Clerk left the room. Tess Hartford was approved as interim Clerk for this portion of the meeting. Renee read the report of the MCC search committee. 

    Meeting approved Leslie Manning as MCC beginning January1, 24, a position described in the document dated February 2023.

    The question of oversight and support will be taken up in concert with Leslie. The Search Committee for this position will make a recommendation as to the composition of the support/oversight committee for the MCC at the next meeting for business. 

    8. Closing Worship 

    Respectfully submitted, 

    Ellen Bennett, Recording Clerk

    Attachments: Reports and Other Materials

    Agenda and Materials for Durham Friends Business Meeting, December 17, 2023

    The Reports and other materials for this Meeting for worship for business can be found here.

    Proposed Agenda for Monthly Meeting, 12/17/24

    Opening Worship

    Approval of November 2023 Minutes

    Finance Committee Report and Requests

      Second Reading of the Budget

    Ministry and Counsel Report

    Trustees Report

    Nominating Committee Report

    New Business

       Approval of Positions in lieu of Officers

       Meeting Care Coordinator

    Closing Worship

    Kitsie Hildebrandt, 1952-2023

    Posted here with permission of her family

    Katharine Booth Hildebrandt, 8/10/1952 – 7/5/2023

    Katharine “Kitsie” (or “Kit”) Hildebrandt grew up in Ohio and moved to Maine after attending Earlham College in Indiana.

    In Maine she met her husband, William Beazley and they were married for 47 years, until her death. Together they lived an unusual, adventurous life that included years aboard a wooden sailboat with their infant firstborn, several small homes without running water, building their own home, raising 2 children, and returning to sailing on their lively trimaran. ]

    Kitsie was a wonderful mother to her 2 children, Sarah Guite and Willis Beazley. She was at every sporting event, even in the rain, even hours from home. She was her children’s biggest fan and fiercest defender. 

    Kitsie was the 2nd of 4 daughters of Robert and Mary Hildebrandt. She is survived by her 3 sisters, who she loved dearly and spent lots of time with in her retirement. Her sisters’ children and grandchildren were also beloved to her. 

    Kitsie was a member of Durham Friends Meeting of Quakers for many years and was very active in the meeting. 

    Kitsie worked for several small businesses before returning to graduate school at age 50. After graduating she started her career as a guidance counselor at Lewiston Middle School. She said, “It was a blast, except when it was heartbreaking.” She amazed her family with her dedication to her students and her genuine love for them. 

    Kitsie was endlessly curious about people, especially those that had a different background or point of view from her own. She built a loving, diverse community of friends with her warmth and humor.  

    Kitsie has 2 granddaughters, Greta and Edith, who she simply adored. She took care of them daily during the pandemic and formed a very close bond with both of them. She welcomed her daughter-in-law, Lori Lommler, and son-in-law, Matt Guité into her family with open arms and loved and appreciated them both immensely. 

    Kitsie loved picking fresh mussels from the shoreline, burning brush, doing yoga, sailing with her husband, having potlucks with her dear ones, and creating connection and love wherever she could. 

    Kitsie was diagnosed with incurable brain cancer in June of 2022 and it killed her on July 5, 2023 at age 70. Through those 13 months she showed incredible strength and resilience in the face of a devastating disease. 

    Kitsie will be missed beyond words. 

    At Kitsie’s request, in lieu of flowers, please contribute to Planned Parenthood of Lewiston Maine, 179 Lisbon Street.