Our long-time attender Lyn Clarke passed recently.
Her friend Barb Simon, who faithfully drove her to Durham Friends over many years, shared this with us:
Lyn died 6/27/2024 (Thursday).
Lyn was not brought up in the Quaker faith but she loved the Durham Friends community, and the values the Quakers embraced.
She started losing her sight in about 1995 and she was sad when she could no longer drive. So when I offered to bring her to meeting she jumped at the opportunity to return.
She loved the garden, the Sunday Meeting messages, the people who she met at meeting.
We stopped coming when Lyn’s hearing gave out and she could no longer recognize people who spoke to her.
She missed coming to meeting.
Lyn died a week ago in the wee hours of June 27th at the age of 88.
Please hold Lyn’s family in the light.