Durham Monthly Meeting of Friends met for the conduct of business on Sunday, March 17, 2024 with 8 people in attendance at the Meetinghouse and 6 attending by Zoom.
- Meeting Opening
Nancy Marstaller opened the meeting with a poem “How Good to Center Down”, from the book Meditations from the Heart by Howard Thurman.
- Approval of Clerk and Recording Clerk pro tem
- Nancy Marstaller was approved as Clerk of the day.
- Sarah Sprogell was approved as Recording Clerk pro tem.
- Approval of Minutes of February 2024
Meeting approved the February minutes.
- Schedule of presiding clerks
The clerks group set up a rotation for presiding clerks for the year 2024. Clerks will preside over monthly meetings, review clerk’s mail, and be available as needed to work with members and others on issues that arise during those months. The schedule is as follows:
Jan. thru Mar. – Nancy Marstaller
April thru June – Sarah Sprogell
July thru Oct. – Tess Hartford
Nov. thru Dec. – Ingrid Chalufour
- Clearness Committees for Mimi Marstaller and Kristna Evans to travel to Cuba in 2025
Mimi read her letter of interest, and requested a clearness committee for her intent to travel to Cuba with the Puente de Amiga delegation. The letter is attached.
Kristna was not present, but has also expressed interest in traveling with the same delegation and would like a clearness committee.
- The Meeting approved a clearness committee for Mimi with Kim Bolshaw, Sarah Sprogell and Wendy Schlotterbeck serving on the committee.
- The Meeting also approved a clearness committee for Kristna with Kim Bolshaw, Tess Hartford and Mimi Marstaller serving on the committee.
- First reading of Charlotte Anne Curtis Memorial Minute
Dorothy Curtis read the memorial minute aloud. It is also available as an attachment.
- Meeting approved the minute with appreciation.
- Second reading of Sue Wood Memorial Minute
Tess read the memorial minute aloud. It is also available as an attachment.
- Meeting approved the minute with appreciation.
- Peace and Social Concerns report and letter to Brunswick Topsham Land Trust
The report and letter are attached.
Ingrid gave an update on the book project. The first guidebook on creating an anti-bias classroom has been completed and sent to Martha Hinshaw Sheldon for editing. The next guidebook is in process. It focuses on how to set up a book project like this one, and will be sent to each monthly meeting within NEYM.
The session to discern FCNL priorities is rescheduled for April14 at rise of meeting.
A film titled Common Ground film will be shown at the meetinghouse on April 26 at 7pm. It is made available by Interfaith Light and Power. It explores agricultural practices that can help heal the soil, our health and the planet.
The committee is asking approval of a letter to Brunswick/Topsham Land Trust requesting their support for renaming the 250th Anniversary Park in Brunswick. Ingrid read the letter aloud. Once approved, Ingrid will send the letter via email.
- The meeting approved the letter, and felt that it was masterfully written.
- Finance Committee report
The report is attached.
Nancy highlighted that our new bookkeeper, Amanda Whidden, will start this month.
The financial review for 2022 and 2023 was completed by Marian Dalton and Robb Spivey for 2022. They found that the records were in good order. They recommended some changes that will be implemented by the committee. If anyone wants to see the full report, they should contact Nancy.
- Ministry and Counsel report
The Easter Service on March 31st will include Zoom access. The program will include readings of the Easter story and related hymns.
Nancy read the State of Society Report, which included two possible opening paragraphs. The report was well-received by all. The report is attached.
- The meeting approved the report using the first opening paragraph.
- The meeting also approved substituting the last sentence of the alternative paragraph in place of the one originally used in the first paragraph.
Nancy read the proposal from the MCC search committee, recommending the composition and role of an oversight committee for Meeting Care Coordinator. Please see the attached report for more details.
- The meeting approved the proposal. Rene, Ingrid, someone from Communications, and the rotating clerk will serve on this committee.
The clearness committee for Diana White’s membership is in full support of transferring her membership from Portland Meeting to Durham. They recommend that the meeting approve her transfer. Diana was present and told us that her health has taken a serious turn, and that she will be moving in with her daughter who lives in Fayette, ME.
- The meeting approved Diana’s transfer with warmth and loving care.
- Consideration of letter re Israel and Palestine
Leslie Manning, our Meeting Care Coordinator, drafted a proposed Minute on Palestine and Israel. Nancy read the letter aloud. It is also attached. The letter was well-received, with a few suggestions made, and some discussion that it could be too long for a letter to the editor.
- The meeting approved the Minute, adding Ramallah Friends School as a correction, and re-wording the last sentence to say “We pray that this not be done in our name.”
- We approved that Leslie make adjustments as needed for public distribution.
- Trustees report
Sarah reviewed the attached report, highlighting the financial review and suggestions made by Robb Spivey and Marian Dalton who carried out the review. Trustees will be following up on their suggestions.
- Statistical report
Sarah reviewed the attached report that will also be forwarded to Quarterly Meeting and the Yearly Meeting. In 2023 we received one resignation and one new member, for a total membership of 96. Our numbers have been reducing gradually over the years, but for now are remaining relatively stable. There are usually about 20-24 members and attenders at meeting for worship in the meetinghouse and on zoom, and an average of 13 people at meeting for business.
- Library Committee
Nancy reported that Dot says the library is running out of space. She asks that if anyone finds a book they think should be removed, please pull it out and set it aside for Dot to review.
- Closing
Clerk closed with a reading from Dwight Wilson’s book Modern Psalms of Solace and Resistance. During the pandemic, Dwight wrote a psalm each day. This psalm was written on March 17.
You are a connoisseur of beauty.
May we use Your taste as our pattern.
Even Your smallest surprises bring joy.
You let them flow in rivulets instead of waiting
For days that we designate as holidays.
Patience is the key to living beside You.
Not always do we rejoice as the road turns.
But when we keep the faith,
We notice that wonderful things happen every day.
Your design shines through the darkest moments.
We celebrate Your love as we celebrate
Our lives as enthusiastic servants.
You bring eternal joy, the prize that
Mitigates meanness and transforms oppression.
Respectfully submitted by Sarah Sprogell, recording clerk pro tem.