Durham Monthly Meeting of Friends met for the conduct of business on Sunday, December 17, 2023, with 11 people in attendance at the Meetinghouse.
1. Meeting Opening
Clerk played a recording of Peace of the Earth — a Guatemalan hymn, followed by silent gathering. There were no additions or corrections to the agenda.
2. Approval of Minutes of November 2023 — Ellen Bennett
Meeting approved the minutes of the November meeting.
3. Finances — Nancy Marstaller
a. Finance Committee: The committee brought forward the proposed budget for 2024 for a second reading and approval. Changes from the first reading include: increasing the income from weekly contributions; Peace and Social Concerns carry-over grant revenue was moved to operating income and then expensed out; money allocated for Wabanaki Reach was moved to an operating expense line and will be identified for land reparations, and custodian salary was increased. The result is a deficit budget now reduced to $544.
Meeting approved the 2024 budget.
b. Woman’s Society: To continue the tradition of annual support to area organizations, Woman’s Society would like the Meeting to consider giving $1,000 from the charity account, to Warm Thy Neighbor, administered through Tedford Housing in this area.
Meeting approved this first request.
4. Ministry and Counsel — Tess Hartford and Renee Cote
Visiting committee is considering Diana White’s transfer of membership from Portland to Durham.
Renee read the minute from M&C concerning Mey Hasbrook’s resignation:
“At Monthly Meeting on October 15, 2023, Mey Hasbrook’s letter of resignation was accepted. The final meeting encouraged by Monthly Meeting did not take place when Mey objected to the number of persons that would be present and refused to meet. During her time with Durham Friends Meeting, at the time of her resignation, and in an email in November, Mey made a number of allegations of harm that were circulated within and outside the Meeting. Ministry & Counsel investigated these allegations and found that they have no basis in fact. We are very sorry for the distress that these allegations have caused and ask that we continue to hold all involved in prayer. We remain available to respond to questions and concerns, as confidentiality allows.
Meeting accepted this report with gratitude for the hard work of Ministry and Counsel.
5. Trustees Report — Sarah Sprogell
Update report available on the website.
6. Nominating Committee — Linda Muller
Highlighting updates on DMMF committee assignments, please see attachment. The Committee will be considering a Music Committee.
Meeting expressed its great appreciation for the committee and for the work that it, with Linda as clerk, has done.
7. New Business
Approval of Positions in lieu of Officers: Clerk recommends that the duties traditionally done by the Clerk and the Treasurer are delineated and assigned, regardless of who is occupying those positions. Specifically, “that the Clerk of Trustees be named as Acting Clerk for the purposes of contracts and other Meeting business and that the Clerk of Finance be named as Acting Treasurer, as needed…”
Meeting approved this proposal, with an effective date of January 1, 2024.
Meeting Care Coordinator: Clerk left the room. Tess Hartford was approved as interim Clerk for this portion of the meeting. Renee read the report of the MCC search committee.
Meeting approved Leslie Manning as MCC beginning January1, 24, a position described in the document dated February 2023.
The question of oversight and support will be taken up in concert with Leslie. The Search Committee for this position will make a recommendation as to the composition of the support/oversight committee for the MCC at the next meeting for business.
8. Closing Worship
Respectfully submitted,
Ellen Bennett, Recording Clerk
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