Durham Monthly Meeting of Friends for the Conduct of Business met at noon on Sunday, June 18th, with 7 people attending at the Meetinghouse and 3 people via Zoom
- Meeting Opening — Leslie Manning
Leslie opened the Meeting with a moment of silent centering.
2. Approval of Minutes of May 2023 — Ellen Bennett
It was noted that under item #6, the word “to” needed to be added to the last sentence.
Meeting approved the minutes with the correction above.
3. Finance Committee — Sarah Sprogell, Dorothy Curtis
The committee reviewed the handbook and offered a suggested addition to bring the entry for the Finance Committee up-to-date. Add one sentence to the end of the descriptions for both the Committee and for the position of Treasurer: “If there is no treasurer,” etc. (Please refer to attachment.)
Meeting approved this addition.
The committee also recommended changes to the description for requesting funds from the charity account, specifically with respect to time-sensitive and emergency requests. Please refer to the attached document for the proposed changes.
Meeting approved the changes.
The committee presented a request for funds from the charity account to support food security for Bolivian Friends. A Youth Group working under the care of Friends International Bi-lingual Center in La Paz have put together a project to provide seed potatoes, as well as potatoes as a food source. The committee recommends a donation of $500 in support of this project.
Questions posed included the severity and length of the drought conditions and whether there were restrictions placed on who can receive donations.
Meeting agreed to preliminary approval of the request with research between now and next month, when the request would return for final approval. FWCC will be contacted about the extent of their current work in Bolivia to determine the extent to which it might touch on the work of the Youth Group.
Meeting gave first approval last month for a donation to the Center for Wisdoms Women. Request was brought forward for final approval.
Meeting approved.
Handout was shared of ideas for Parsonage Fund dispersement. Clerk recommends Friends review the suggestions, think about them, including Trustees’ request that money be used to support infrastructure of the meeting, including cemeteries. Will take this topic up at July MM.
4. Nominating Committee — Linda Muller
The committee recommendation that Mey Hasbrook serve as contact for FWCC.
Meeting approved.
Clerk noted that we need both a Clerk for next year, as well as a Treasurer — two leadership positions that are important. The role of Clerk may be shared among the clerks of current standing committees. However, a single Treasurer to oversee finances and be responsible for bookkeeping would serve to guarantee the fiscal health of the Meeting.
The Meeting voiced its great appreciation of Clerk’s good work, further highlighting the importance of continuity in this position.
5. Ministry and Counsel update — Renee Cote, Tess Hartford
No report.
6. Other business —
October 1st Potluck: This is an idea for reaching out to the wider Quaker Community as well as our local geographic community; a kind of “open house”. Science fair atmosphere was suggested, with tables showcasing the many things the meeting is engaged in, e.g., book project, Cuba Meeting, Woman’s Society, Triennial. A rolling slide show was also suggested. The request was made that the intergenerational events committee continue to work on this.
7 Closing Worship — Leslie Manning
Clerk shared three pieces of correspondence. The first was a thank-you from Robin Mohr from FWCC for a gift that KJ Williams has made in honor of Durham Friends Meeting. Funding will create spiritual and practical tools.
Clerk then read both the Meeting’s introductory letter and Velasco’s response for Kim Bolshaw’s travel to Cuba.
Friends approved Clerk writing a letter of introduction for Dorothy Curtis for her trip to Kenya.
The Meeting noted its appreciation for the gift from the Masonic Lodge to support Dorothy on her travels to Kenya for the Triennial.
Meeting approved Clerk writing a note of thanks to the the Lodge.
Respectfully submitted,
Ellen Bennett, Recording Clerk
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