Durham Monthly Meeting Minutes, February 20, 2011

February 20, 2011
Durham Monthly Meeting of Friends, held February 20, 2011. Fifteen people were present.
1. Edwin Hinshaw, co-clerk, presented a reflection on two questions: “Can we believe
what we see? Can we see what we believe?” Three readings were shared.

2. Linda Muller was appointed Recording Clerk for the day.

3. Jo-an Jacobus reported on website design. Our domain name is durhamfriendsmeeting.org

4. A New England Yearly Meeting of Friends Permanent Board letter regarding a mission statement was given to Adult Sunday School for review and comment.

5. Katharine Hildebrandt, Treasurer, reported on year to date, pastor’s package, and account balances. Budget report showed income $5855 and expenses $5699 for January. Reports attached and accepted with appreciation.

6. David Reed presented the annual trustees report (attached). It was noted that interest and dividends from the cemetery funds covered the cemetery expenses for the year. Application forms for lots in Lunt Cemetery are available from the trustees. Report accepted with thanks. Upcoming additions for children’s room: fold down changing table, paint, and shelves, to be paid through donation and Christian Education budget, were approved.
We were reminded that the parsonage lot is in Tree Growth.

7. Nancy Marstaller reported for Ministry and Counsel: State of Society report should be
forthcoming next monthly meeting. Pastor welcome dinners are continuing. REMINDER:
upcoming panel/potluck/discussion on the Friends United Meeting personnel policy is on 3/6/11, beginning directly after rise of meeting; clerks will plan to activate phone tree prior.
Wendy will arrange child-care for the panel

8. Pastor, Daphne Clement reported on many activities: including sharing with other Friends’ pastors, visit to Portland Friends School, pastor’s support committee, meeting with individuals. Report accepted with thanks.

9. Wendy Schlotterbeck, Youth Minister, reported on the youth newspaper (Forever
Friends), which is greatly appreciated by Monthly Meeting, and youth activities such as a
get together with our new pastor, practice of Quaker listening, and making pretzel dough for Quarterly Meeting. Proceeds from the “Rise Up
Singing” concert on Saturday, March 19th, will benefit the Kakamega Orphan Project and
support for youth attending New England Yearly Meeting of Friends sessions this
Wendy reported about the Passages program, Young Friends, and Children’s Sunday School.
Our Meeting is hosting a “Playing in the Light” training to be held 4/15-17. MORE
TEACHERS are NEEDED for next year as an additional class may be added for the middle
school age, and more help is needed for the Godly Play® curriculum. We accepted Wendy’s
report with thanks.

10. A Friends Camp scholarship was requested. We approved a scholarship of $250.00 for
Abigail Fortune.

11. Susan Rice reported that the Peace & Social Concerns committee is being revitalized. She is its clerk at present.

12. The Newsletter Committee met and is considering how to coordinate with website, Joan Jacobus reported.

13. Special Events Committee member, Angela Reed, requested that we have an
intergenerational discussion on Greg Mortenson’s books and a potluck, which was
approved. A possible date of the 4th Sunday in May (5/22) was suggested. Seasonal birthdays celebration were enjoyed today!!

14. A landline telephone for this building is needed for safety reasons. Cell phone coverage
is poor inside the building. Jo-an Jacobus will check into this and report back next month.

Linda Muller, Recording Clerk pro tem.

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