[Regularly updated; last update 21.10.05]
Peace and Social Concerns Committee will thinking about reparations for the next few months, and we’d like to invite the wider Durham Meeting community to join us. How can we, as a nation, as a state, as an organization begin to make amends for the tremendous injustices done by slavery and colonization? What would we want reparations to accomplish? What form might they take? What is enough to address these injustices?
To help us think about these questions we will be posting videos and readings on the website over the next 8 weeks. In the fall we will host a conversation to share our reactions to the readings and consider how we might answer the call for reparations. We encourage you to take notes as you read, highlighting important ideas and interesting approaches. [First posted July, 2021, then regular updates]]
21.10.22 Rally for Wabanaki Rights [Video], October 11, 2021
20.05.09 Cush Anthony, Making Things Right: Apologies and Reparations, Message at Durham Friends Meeting
21.10.05 U.S. Congress Advances HR 40, A Slavery Reparations Bill, Human Rights Watch, April 9, 2021. Chairman Nadler’s Statement on the House Judiciary Committee Markup, April 21, 2021
21.10.05 Curtis Library Forum on Walking with our Wabanaki Neighbors: What Steps Can We Take?
21.10.05 Tom Huddleston, The Debate Over Reparations, CNBC, June 19, 2021
21.9.20 Hal Weaver, A Proposed Plan for Retrospective Justice, Friends Journal, January 3, 2021
21.9.14 Tom Hanks, You Should Learn the Truth About the Tulsa Race Massacre, New York Times, June 4, 2021
21.9.14 60 Minutes on the Tulsa Massacre of 1921
21.9.1 Cush Anthony, Reparations bill will put concerns over racial injustice into action, Portland Press Herald, June 20, 2021
21.9.1 H.R.40 – Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act, Congress.gov
21.8.20 Farmer’s Family Owned Slaves: How to Atone? New York Times, July 5, 2021
21.8.20 Evanston, Ill. Moves Towards Reparations, New York Times, March 23, 2021
21.8.4 Nikole Hannah-Jones, What Is Owed, It Is Time for Reparations, New York Times, June 28, 2020
21.7.28 Catholic Order Pledges $100 Million for Reparations
21.7.28 Virginia Theological Seminary Pledges Reparations
21.7.20 Ta Nihisi Coates, The Case for Reparations
21.7.13 James Varner, Reparations: Through my Black Eyes to Your White Minds
21.7.08 William Darity, How Do We Span the Racial Wealth Gap?