Durham Monthly Meeting Minutes, February 21, 2016

Durham Monthly Meeting of Friends, February 21, 2016

Durham Monthly Meeting of Friends convened in worship on Sunday, February 21, 2016 with thirteen people present. Clerk Sarah Sprogell read from Corporate Discernment in Meetings for Business (page 37) from the Interim Faith and Practice of New England Yearly Meeting..

  1. Sarah Sprogell read a letter from Ralph Greene expressing great appreciation for the gift Durham Friends Meeting sent to him, and brought news and greetings from the family. A letter was also received from Ralph’s daughter, Sadie and her husband, Nathan thanking us for the baby blanket they received.

2. Wendy Schlotterbeck brought the Youth Minister’s Report.   She says this is a time of beginnings (new young people) and endings (five high school students are graduating). The group is planning a trip to Quebec in April. Wendy is hoping to have some kind of special dinner or event for the high school graduates. They are also planning the Family Camp out at Betsy Muench’s home in Georgetown in June.

Wendy’s report was accepted with gratitude for the wonderful work that is happening with the youth in the meeting.

3. Ron Turcotte reported for Ministry and Counsel. They have sent letters to members who have been absent from meeting for some time.  A number of these people have either moved with no forwarding address, have not responded, or have requested to be removed from membership. In keeping with Faith and Practice, Ministry and Counsel recommends that twenty-one people be removed from the membership list:

–Six junior members;

–Ten non-resident adult members;

–Five resident non-attending adult members.

4. It was approved that these people be removed from the membership list, and will be informed by Clerk, Sarah Sprogell.

5. Ron Turcotte brought the attached Ministry and Counsel evaluation report of Douglas Gwyn. Sarah Sprogell, Linda Muller, and Ron Turcotte met with Doug in regard to his first year with the meeting.

Ministry and Counsel is in agreement that the mutual relationship between Durham Meeting and Doug Gwyn is working very well for both parties. They feel clear that Durham Friends Meeting is very fortunate to have Doug as its Pastor, Ministry and Counsel recommend that his contract be renewed.

6. The meeting heartily approved that our contract with Douglas Gwyn be renewed for the calendar year of 2016 with same terms as his 2015 contract.

7. There will be an Easter morning sunrise service at Wolfe’s Neck State Park.  Joyce Gibson and Wendy Schlotterbeck will organize this.   Katherine Langelier will be organizing the breakfast.

8. Ron Turcotte brought a report from Doug Gwyn that Pastor Nelson Ida of the Kakamega Orphans Care Centre will be bringing the message April 10.

Tess Hartford and Jeanne Baker Stinson will be leading a family worship for Easter in the practice of Godly Play.

9. Ministry and Counsel will be holding their meetings on the second Sunday of each month.

10. Tess Hartford reported for Christian Education. She noted that it has been very helpful to meet with Doug Gwyn in advance of the committee meetings to plan the agenda.

a) They will be now meeting on the first Sunday of each month.

b) They are finalizing the contract for Wendy Schlotterbeck. Christian Education will conduct her annual evaluation in May. They recommend that her contract year run from July 1 through June 30. This means her 2015 contract needs to be extended until June 30, 2016.   They recommend that Wendy get paid for the same amount as this past year, divided evenly through the 12 months even though she will not be working in July.

c) There will be activities for children on Easter and the committee will be asking for help to assist with that.

d) A thank you letter was received from Ariana Andrews for the assistance the Meeting gave so that she could attend Friends Camp last summer.

11. It was approved that the new contract year for the Youth Minister go from July 1 through June 30 and that her 2015 contract be extended until the new contract year begins July 1, 2016.

12. The Meeting has received a request for financial assistance to attend Friends Camp this coming summer. This request was approved, the amount to be determined at a later date. Daphne Clement agreed to put notice in the newsletter of the availability of assistance to attend the camp.

13. Sukie (Susan) Rice brought the attached 2015 Year End Finance report.   The good news is that the total income for the year was $64,579 and the expenses were $62,597. Great thanks to everyone who has contributed to the mid-year and annual appeals which meant we made our expenses!   The report was accepted with thanks.

14. When Pastor Ida of the Kakamega Orphans Care Centre comes on April 10, it was agreed that there will be a pot-luck at 12:00 and a presentation to begin at 1:00.

15. Margaret Wentworth brought the Library Committee’s annual report, as attached. The report was approved with gratitude for all the work the committee does.

16. Ed Hinshaw brought the final report from Nominating Committee for 2016. All appointments and changes on the report have already been approved by Monthly Meeting. The meeting thanked Nominating Committee for their good work.

17. Quarterly Meeting will be held on April 2 at Windham Meeting. The January Quarterly Meeting was cancelled due to weather. The memorial minute that had been scheduled for January will be read at the April meeting.

18. Woman’s Society will be hosting the New England Yearly Meeting United Society of Friends Women on April 9 to be confirmed by the clerk of USFW.

19. The minutes of Monthly Meeting were approved during the meeting.

The meeting adjourned in the Spirit at 2:20.

Sukie Rice, Recording Clerk

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