Falmouth Quarterly Meeting, October 23, 2021, 10am to 12pm

Falmouth Quarterly Meeting will gather via zoom on Saturday October 23, 2021 from 10 – 12.

The zoom link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84328194455?pwd=dHJNdTVhR3BXQ0Z3OU9qZ2ZzL1U1dz09

The October meeting is a business meeting focused on the essential work of the quarter and on sharing news from the constituent meetings.  The essential work of the quarter is caring for each meeting, nurturing the ministry rising among us and strengthening our beloved community.  All are welcome, and all enrich us.

  • We will hear from each meeting – the joys, concerns and life that each meeting is experiencing.  Please name a person to report and consider Where is spirit leading you /your meeting? Where is the energy in your meeting?
  • We will hear from the annual sessions of New England Yearly Meeting.  The presiding clerks letter is attached.  I specifically draw your attention to the minute and letter endorsed concerning the impact of the US policies on Cuba as we will consider whether we should send a similar letter to the Senators from Maine.
  • The Yearly Meeting has also approved a letter of apology to Native Americans. The letter with a word of caution is attached. This is a concern that Friends in Maine have carried for some time and there may be updates on our work towards right relationship.
  • Falmouth Quarter will be hosting the All Maine Gathering this year on May 7th.  The planning for this could begin now.  I’m personally expecting that by May we could gather in person and would be happy to reserve the Friends School Campus for this event.
  • If there is time, I hope we might consider how the quarter will hear from and support those Friends among us with recognized public ministries.
  • There is some more mundane business – a budget, archives etc. as well.

I look forward to seeing you again, even on zoom.  We did have a lovely gathering in person in early August and I treasure the promise that we will gather in person again.

Love, fritz weiss, co-coordinator of Falmouth Quarter

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