Durham Friends Woman’s Society Meeting by Zoom December 20, 2021 6:30 – 7:30
Present: Dorothy Curtis/President, Nancy Marstaller/Treasurer, Kim Bolshaw, Dorothy Hinshaw, Kitsie Hildebrandt, Angie Reed, Qat Langelier, Margaret Wentworth, Charlotte Ann Curtis, Susan Gilbert
Cards and Prayers: Margaret Wentworth is passing on the card writing task in 2022, to Kim Bolshaw. Kim will pick up the box of cards from Margaret, and asks to be reminded to send them out. Concern was expressed for Tess and her husband having Covid, and daughter Ariana, who recently had her appendix out. Tess recovered quickly. Prayers were asked for Angie Reed’s family struggle with Covid. David Dexter is home and much better, but on oxygen after hospitalization with Covid. Margaret asked for prayers for Ramallah Friends School in Palestine, which is under tremendous pressure. Kitsie Hildebrandt would like prayers for the Harpswell Coastal Academy whose guidance counselor, Amanda Wogaman passed away.
We are sad that Martha, Jessica and Christopher Sheldon will not be visiting Maine for Christmas, due to travel risks of Covid.
Angie Reed brought the Program and Devotions using Ann Morrow Lindbergh’s “Gift From the Sea”. Angie noted the author’s imagery of a channeled whelk shell, borrowed by a hermit crab. In finding the empty shell, AML reflected that her vacation by the sea was a retreat from life’s distractions. The beach inspired thoughts of living in creative contemplation and simplicity. She wanted to carry her everyday life tasks lightly. Angie said that going to her camp and to the Meeting House were her places of simplicity. Qat mentioned the Buy Nothing Movement as an option, and also that the refugee communities need things. She said emotional attachment comes first to deal with a displacement. Kitsie commented that there is external and internal simplicity, and that the internal is harder to reach. As Angie is turning 60, she is thankful for good health, and seeks to reduce emotional and personal clutter. Dorothy Curtis thanked Angie.
Susan Gilbert read the minutes from November 15, 2021. A correction was made that Leslie Manning is the leader of Angie’s Tedford House meal team.
Treasurers Report by Nancy Marstaller: The Woman’s Society received donations in December, of $125 and one of $200, from Phylis Wetherell’s family, in appreciation for her memorial service at the Meeting House. This brought our balance to $368. Checks for $100 were sent to USFWI Children and Youth and Warm Thy Neighbor heating assistance, leaving a balance of $168.
The Tedford House meal on December 6, prepared by Kitsie’s team, was roasted turkey with gravy, cooked vegetable salad, mashed potatoes, crackers and bread, almond cookies and banana bread for 13 people. The January 3 meal will be cooked by Team B, Nancy Marstaller and Qat Langelier.
Dorothy Hinshaw reported that she had looked over the book list for the library and recommended author Jane Marshall. Nancy will look over the list.
Next Woman’s Society meeting will be on January 17 and Kitsie Hildebrandt will bring the program.
Dorothy ended the meeting with words from Philippians 4 “ Rejoice in the Lord always, and rejoice.’’
Respectfully Submitted, Susan Gilbert