Silent Auction is On!

Silent Auction is On!

The Woman’s Society is holding a silent auction to raise money for Tedford Housing, which runs the adult and family shelter apartments in Brunswick.

The auction opened this past Sunday (November 24) and will run until just after Meeting on December 15. Find gifts and treasures! Be generous as you can, as we support our neighbors in need.

Thanks to all who have donated items, and to all our bidders!

Woman’s Society Minutes, October 21, 2024

Durham Friends Woman’s Society Meeting Minutes 10.21.’24

Members gathered at the Meeting House and joined on Zoom

Present: Dorothy Curtis, President, Kim Bolshaw, Linda Muller.  On Zoom: Susan Gilbert, Secretary.

Cards: Kim will send cards friends.

Program and Devotions: Program and Devotions: We took turns reading from the USFWI Blueprints  ‘24 – ‘25 Edition,“God Still Speaks”, the program “Holy Surrender” by Gabrielle Bailey. Isiah 43:2, Hymn “It Is Well With My Soul”.  Gabrielle tells how in dealing with serious health concerns she learned to surrender and trust in God’s loving presence. 

Minutes: Susan read the 9.16.’24 minutes. 

Treasurer’s Report: In Sept. we received $115. more for jam and jelly donations for a total of $525. $35.38 was paid for Blueprints and $515. was sent to LACO. Thank you Dorothy Curtis! Our balance is now $65.58. Blueprints are $5 each and dues $5. per person. We still need to pay dues by the end of November. We have cash to buy new tablecloths and need to decide exactly what is wanted, size and how many.

Prayers: For Friends.

Tedford Meal: Nancy Marstaller’s Team E brought beef stew, potato-leek soup, rolls, cider, apples, and dessert. November’s meal will be brought by Leslie Manning’s Team F. Volunteer contributions of food or donations are always welcome. 

Other Business: Linda Muller requested donations of 25 pairs of nice quality mittens or gloves  for the Wabanaki youth who gather at the Meeting House. The Wabanaki group leader is Heather Augustine. There will be a “Mitten Tree” for a display, and handmade gifts or cookies would be welcome, as well. 

Dorothy ended the meeting with a quote from Harriet Beecher Stowe:

In all ranks of life, the human heart yearns for the beautiful; and the beautiful things God makes are His gift to all alike.

Respectfully Submitted, Susan Gilbert

Woman’s Society Meeting Minutes, September 16, 2024

Durham Friends Woman’s Society Meeting Minutes, September 16, 2024

The meeting was held at Nancy Marstaller’s home.

Present: Dorothy Curtis, President, Nancy Marstaller, Treasurer.  On Zoom: Susan Gilbert, Secretary, Dorothy Hinshaw, Martha Sheldon, Leslie Manning, and Qat Langelier.

Cards: Nancy will send cards this month, to Friends.

Program and Devotions: We took turns reading from Blueprints “A Holy Joy” by Katherine Murray. Scripture: John 15: 9 – 11. Hymn: “Joys Are Flowing Like a River”. At a time of great stress in Katherine’s young adult life, she envisioned “Joy – if not now, when?” . This calmed her, bringing wonder, curiosity, and humor.  Her discovery of joy continued to enhance Katherine’s spiritual development throughout her life. 

Minutes: Susan read the 6.17.’24 minutes. 

Treasurer’s Report: As of our meeting, we had received $410 in donations for jam, earmarked for LACO. We have a balance of $490.96, with $410 for LACO, leaving $80.96 available. We need to pay dues ($5 per member) and for Blueprints. A separate donation for Dorothy’s relish earned $80, to put toward buying new tablecloths. We discussed donating to Getry Agizah’s program to support education for African youth. Nancy will request an additional contribution from the  Charity Fund. Money gained from a silent auction in November could support Tedford.

Prayer’s: For Friends.

Tedford Meal: Team D prepared hot dogs,  potato salad and ice cream on September 2. Nancy Marstaller’s Team E will bring the October 7 meal. Volunteer contributions of food or donations are welcome. 

Other Business: Durham Friends will host a fundraising dinner for LACO on October 5. Shiloh Chapel and UCC Church of Durham are to share preparations. The Woman’s Society annual potluck supper was held August 19th, combined with a birthday party for Ed Hinshaw. We received a thank you note from the Hinshaws.

Respectfully Submitted, Susan Gilbert

Woman’s Society Minutes, June 17, 2024

Durham Friends Woman’s Society Meeting Minutes 6.17.’24

We gathered at the Meeting House and Dorothy Hinshaw joined us on Zoom.

Present: Dorothy Curtis, President, Susan Gilbert, Secretary, Kim Bolshaw, Dorothy Hinshaw.

Cards: For Friends.

Program and Devotions: Kim read for Blueprints “Giving Thanks for Love Unexpected” by Nellie Malloy. Scripture Ephesians 3:20, John 14:1, Isaiah 65:24a, Jeremiah 29.11. Song: More Love to Thee, and Make Me a Blessing. Nelly is a member of Cascade Quaker Meeting, a small meeting high in the northern Blue Mountains of Jamaica. Experiencing deep grief at the loss her husband and son to cancer, Nellie found comfort in God’s love. When faced by a possible cancer diagnosis herself, panic and fear were soothed as she studied her Bible and asked her meeting and family for prayers. Further tests did not reveal cancer. Through her life’s challenges, Nellie’s love and gratitude for God has deepened.

Minutes: Susan read the 6.20.’24 minutes, written by Nancy Marstaller.

Treasurer’s Report: The Woman’s Society account gained $942. from the plant sale, plus $45. in donations. Balance $1012.96.

Prayer’s: For Friends.

Tedford Meal: Prepared by Kim’s Team A, the meal was Mac and cheese, with or without ham, bananas, clementines and apples, little carrots and salad dressing, with ice cream for dessert. The July 1st meal will be brought by Team B. Volunteer contributions of food or donations are welcome. 

Other Business: We discussed having another silent auction this year, to be planned at our next meeting in September. We will not meet in July, and on August 19th we will have our annual Woman’s Society dinner, all Friends and friends welcome.

Dorothy closed the meeting with a reading of  Thomas à Kempis:

“Have confidence in God’s mercy, for when you think He is far from you, He is…near.”

Respectfully Submitted, Susan Gilbert

Woman’s Society Minutes, June 15, 2024

Present: guest Getry Agizah (from Kenya), Dorothy Curtis, Kim Bolshaw, Sarah Sprogell, Dot Hinshaw, Dorothy Grannell, Paula Rossvell, Nancy Marstaller, Susan Gilbert, Leslie Manning, Marian Baker, Madeleine Vache (8 in meetinghouse, 4 on Zoom)

  1. As Susan Gilbert was attending by Zoom, Nancy took minutes.
  • We wrote cards for Friends.
  • Getry Agizah shared about her work for Friends United Meeting with Friends Peace Teams and the Girl Child Education program, which is based in the Turkana and Samburu regions of Kenya where education for girls is not considered important. Girls did not often go on to high school because of cultural norms and the expense of school fees (one year of high school costs $500 tuition). Women are important because they bring a dowery to a marriage, but are less valued than men in the culture. The culture is patriarchal; men believe their wives have to be under their husbands. Getry described how Kenyan woman were concerned about this and Eden Grace helped set up this program. Eden was able to convince people who might have been hesitant because she was a white Western woman who came from where other respected missionaries had come.

So far 652 women have benefited from this program. Some girls are rescued from early marriages and/or female genital mutilation. They receive mentoring as well as education. They often marry after school, and their lives and their family lives are improved by having this education.

Many young girls still get pregnant as men take advantage of them sexually, but these men don’t necessarily want to marry and support the children. Parents do not always teach their children about sex education. Sometimes young mothers are married off to older men, as a 2nd or even 3rd wife.

Getting sanitary supplies is an issue for many families, as they are expensive. Some American and Kenyan women are now making re-usable sanitary pads to give to those who need. Marian will send us a pattern in case we want to make any.

The climate has also exacerbated some problems with violence. Turkana had a drought for 5 years and now is having severe rains which cause flooding. Many people in this area are nomads, raising cattle. Cattle are used to pay the dowery for a marriage. When the drought made that harder, cattle rustling increased.  Sometimes young boys are also kidnapped while watching cattle to join bandit “militias”, even boys as young as 6 years old. These boys don’t go to school and are just trained as warriors and to be loyal only to one group or tribe, ready to use violence against those from other tribes. The hope is to get more boys into school where they can meet those from other tribes and learn more skills and ways to relate to others, so they can learn life is not just about guns.

  • The treasurer’s report was read and accepted. The April offering was $40. Our current balance is $125.96.
  • We agreed to split the proceeds from the plant sale with half going to the Root Cellar and half to the USFWI Children and Youth projects. Of the USFWI projects, half will go to Girls Secondary Education support in Turkana and Samburu and the other half to the other 3 projects.
  • Inspired by Getry’s report, we agreed to donate $100 to Friends United Meeting for the Girl Child Education project.
  • There was no report for the May Tedford Shelter meal. Team A will provide the June meal.
  • Dorothy Curtis has presented 2 baby quilts since our last meeting: one for Gabriel, Ezra and Laura Smith’s baby, and one for Doug and Ellen Bennett’s new granddaughter.

Dorothy closed the meeting with this quote:

“Within each of us, just waiting to blossom, is the wonderful promise of all we can be.”
(Anonymous writer)

Nancy Marstaller, secretary pro tem

Woman’s Society Meeting Minutes, April 15, 2024

Durham Friends Woman’s Society Meeting Minutes 4.15.2024

We gathered at the Meeting House. WIFI for ZOOM was not available.

Present: Dorothy Curtis, President, Nancy Marstaller, Treasurer, Susan Gilbert, Secretary, Kim Bolshaw, Qat Langelier, Stevie Dutton.

Cards: For Friends.

Program and Devotions: We took turns reading from Blueprints, “God’s Eternal Love” by Natoo Sabina. Scripture: Ephesians 3:17-21.  In 2001 Natoo was inspired in her faith by hearing Pastor John Moru of the Turkana Friends Mission preach on the wonders of God. Natoo’s story is of overcoming loss and hardship to achieve education, marriage and children, with the help of prayer and God’s love. She is a primary school teacher in Turkana County, Kenya, presiding clerk of Kanamkemer village meeting, a part of Lodwar Monthly Meeting, and chair of the USFW sales group in the village.

Minutes: Susan read the 3.18.’24 minutes.

Treasurer’s Report: The account balance is $85.96.We received $20. in March.

Prayers: For Friends.

Tedford Meal: Prepared by Team E: Ham, sweet potatoes, green salad, and chocolate chip cookies. The meal on May 6 will be brought by Leslie Manning’s Team F. Volunteer contributions of food or donations are welcome. 

Other Business: The Woman’s Society will hold another plant sale this year, to be set up on May 22 for a start on Memorial Day weekend. We ask Friends use caution to avoid donating invasive species of worms and plants.

Dorothy closed the meeting with a reading:

God’s grace is too big, too great to understand fully. So we must 

take the moments of His grace throughout the day with us: the 

music of the songbird in the morning, the kindness shown in the afternoon, and the restful sleep at night.


Respectfully Submitted, Susan Gilbert

Durham Friends Woman’s Society Meeting Minutes, March 18, 2024

Present: Dorothy Curtis, President, Nancy Marstaller, Treasurer, Susan Gilbert, Secretary, Kim Bolshaw.

We met at Dorothy Curtis’ home. We visited her sewing room, and admired the hand embroidered quilt squares based on nursery rhyme characters created by Durham Friends for an expected birth, the quilt to be finished by Dorothy. As we conducted our meeting, we enjoyed hot tea, cookies, cheese and crackers and chocolate. 

Cards: For Friends

Program and Devotions: We worked on Helen Clarkson’s Memorial Minute, writing organized by Nancy Marstaller.

Minutes: Susan read the 2.19.’24 minutes.

Treasurer’s Report: The account balance is $115.96. Nancy examined our 2023 WS donations, looking for a charity we had not donated to. We chose Tedford Housing for a $50. donation.

Prayers: For Friends 

Tedford Meal: Team D provided hot dogs, potato salad, broccoli slaw, and woopie pies. Team E will bring the April 1 meal, with Nancy Marstaller as contact person. Volunteers to contribute food or donations are welcome. 

Other Business: Jane Dough of USWFI sent a reading list for the upcoming Blueprints edition, on the theme “ God Still Speaks”. We discussed books to purchase for our library. Marion Baker informed us that there will be a North East gathering of US Friends Woman’s Society International over Memorial Day weekend at Oakwood Friends School in Poughkeepsie, NY.

We closed the meeting listening to the Cambridge singers perform:

God Be In My Head

God be in my head and in my understanding

God be in my eyes and in my looking

God be in my mouth and in my speaking

God be in my heart and in my thinking

God be at my end and in my departing.

Respectfully Submitted, Susan Gilbert

Woman’s Society Meeting Minutes, February 19, 2024

Present: Dorothy Curtis, President, Nancy Marstaller, Treasurer, Susan Gilbert, Secretary, Kim Bolshaw.

Cards: For Friends.

Program and Devotions: We brainstormed writing Memorial Minutes for Sue Wood and Charlotte Ann Curtis, ideas organized and typed up by Nancy Marstaller. 

Treasurer’s Report: Previous balance $70.96. January offering  $20.  February 19 offering $45. Currant balance $115.96.

Prayers: For Friends.

Tedford Meal: Team C prepared chili, tortilla chips, cole slaw, cornbread, biscuits, ice cream, cookies and strawberries. March 4 meal team D contact person is Dorothy Curtis.Volunteers to contribute food or donations are welcome. 

Susan brought a hymn to read as a prayer, with which we closed the meeting:

God Be In My Head

God be in my head and in my understanding

God be in my eyes and in my looking

God be in my mouth and in my speaking

God be in my heart and in my thinking

God be at my end and in my departing.

Respectfully Submitted, Susan Gilbert

Durham Friends Woman’s Society Minutes, January 15, 2024

Present: Dorothy Curtis, Kim Bolshaw, Sarah Sprogell, Dot Hinshaw, Ann Ruthsdottir, Nancy Marstaller

  1. In the absence of Susan Gilbert, Nancy will take minutes.
  2. We drafted a memorial minute for Margaret Wentworth.  Nancy will type it up and send it out for suggestions, also send to Ministry and Counsel members for review and see if they want it brought to this Sunday’s monthly meeting.
  3. We wrote cards for friends.
  4. The treasurer’s report was read and accepted. Our current balance is $50.96. Tonight’s offering was $20.
  5. The January Tedford Shelter meal was ham, potatoes, green vegetable, drinks, and dessert. Team C, led by Sarah and Dorothy, will provide the February meal. We received a thank you card from the Tedford staff.
  6. We enjoyed working on the memorial minute as a group, and decided that next month we will draft one for Charlotte Ann Curtis. Looking ahead, we plan to draft ones for Helen Clarkson and Kitsie Hildebrandt.

Nancy Marstaller, secretary pro tem

Durham Friends Woman’s Society Minutes, December 21, 2023

Present: Dorothy Curtis, President, Nancy Marstaller, Treasurer, Susan Gilbert Secretary, Wendy Schlotterbeck, Kim Bolshaw, Tess Hartford.

We met at  Dorothy Curtis’ home and combined our meeting with the traditional WS Christmas party and gift exchange, held for the first time since 2019.  Surrounded by Dorothy’s collections of Christmas ornaments, and tree, we shared fun and laughter, conducted our meeting, signed cards to Friends, and enjoyed tasty Christmas cookies, hot herbal tea, grown and blended by Kim, and  delicious fruitcake made by Dorothy from Clarabel Marstaller’s recipe.

Cards: For Friends. Wendy has cards to donate to the WS card ministry.

Program: We took turns reading from Blueprints, “Showing Up In The Neighborhood”, by Margaret Fraser an American Quaker now based in Northern Ireland. Scripture: Luke 6:37 -38. “ Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven: 6:38 Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.”  Margaret felt called to move to Ireland, and settled near  East Belfast.  In this area of  religious and social divisions, poverty and unrest, drug gangs,   Margaret volunteers at the Methodist Church’s East Belfast Mission which offers “An urban regeneration project in inner East Belfast providing shared space for community transformation and renewal… It’s about providing shared space for people from all backgrounds and communities in East Belfast.” 

Minutes: Not available at the meeting.

Treasurer’s Report: November’s offerings were $18. Nancy paid the annual WS dues. We have $50.96. in our account. Our request for $1000. from the DF Charity Fund to be given to Warm Thy Neighbor  passed first approval at the monthly business meeting.

Telford Meal: Team A, Kim and Wendy provided scalloped potatoes with and without ham, carrots, broccoli, and a big pumpkin pie. January, Nancy’s team B will be cooking. She suggested that some of her large active team could be moved to teams with fewer volunteers. Kim offered to help any team if she is called.

New Business: Nancy suggested that our January 15 meeting be spent writing the Memorial Minute for Margaret Wentworth and others who have passed.

Dorothy ended the business meeting with a traditional Shaker poem:

Respectfully Submitted, Susan Gilbert

Woman’s Society Minutes, November 20, 2023

Present: Dorothy Curtis, Kim Bolshaw, Nancy Marstaller, at the Meetinghouse

  1. We will hold our next meeting in person at Dorothy Curtis’ house, with zoom as an option, Monday, December 18 at 7 PM. We will hold an exchange of small gifts, handmade if possible.
  2. We are sending thinking of you cards to Friends and will pray for them also.
  3. Nancy led the program using the lesson from “Blueprints”- Rooted in Love by Deb Moyer. The author shared her experiences when her husband got the Covid virus and was so sick they thought he might die. She shared the devotional readings that really helped her, as well as the prayer chain organized by their Meeting. Her closing prayer:

“Father God, thank you being ever present with us. Thank you for letting us “feel” your presence through those who care for us here on earth. Bring to mind those whom you want us to care for in your name. Help us to live each day letting your love and light flow through us. We love you and praise Your name. Amen.”

  • The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The treasurer’s report was read and accepted. Our current balance is $92.96. We’ve received $30 for memberships and $26 for Blueprints. We need to pay dues of $60 to USFW-NE. Tonight’s offering was $18.
  • There was no report of the November Tedford meal. Team A, led by Kim, will provide the December meal.

Dorothy closed the meeting with this poem from Children’s Prayers: A Little Book of Prayers and Praise by Lucy Gray Kendall.


For the blessings from Thy hand

Thou hast sent upon our land- Father, we thank Thee.

For Thy gifts of rain and snow,

Sunshine, too, to make things grow- Father, we thank Thee.

For the golden wheat in sheaves,

The glory of the autumn leaves- Father, we thank Thee.

For the purple grapes hung low,

For the corn shocks in a row- Father, we thank Thee.

— Nancy Marstaller, secretary pro tem

Woman’s Society Meeting Minutes, September 18, 2023

Monday 9.18.2023, via Zoom

Present: Dorothy Curtis, President, Nancy Marstaller, Treasurer, Susan Gilbert, Secretary, Kim Bolshaw, Qat Langelier

Cards: Kim will send cards to Friends.

Program and Devotions: Dorothy Curtis talked about her trip to Kenya, Africa where she attended the United Society of Friends Woman’s International Triennial and went on a Safari. She began by thanking the Woman’s Society for our support and her shared her appreciation for support from the Masons. Dorothy traveled alone, and was grateful for NH Friend Marian Baker’s advice and assistance. Marion has extensive experience with travel to Africa, Kenyan Quaker Meetings and USWFI. Sunday Meetings Dorothy attended included a sermon, drumming, singing, and prayer. A prayer day at the meeting House in Nakuru included many children. The Triennal conference was held at the Kabarak University in Nakuru, over several days, with the theme ‘’Come, Abide, Go’’. The children attended one evening and sang for everyone. Dorothy discovered that the sense of time in Africa is not like ours, and Qat recommended the article, “Culture-Based Negotiation Styles,” which describes monochronic and polychronic time, found at On Safari, Dorothy saw a lion pride eating a zebra, monkeys, baboons, elephants, giraffes, hyenas, water buffalo, hippos and alligators. She appreciated the elephant preserve where care is given to the injured and orphaned elephants, and also saw an orphaned baby rhino. Dorothy shopped in Nakuru for African made fabric, and found the designs all very large, so will alter her quilt designs to accommodate the bold size. The next USWFI Triennial will be in Indiana in 2027. Occasionally, the gap between USWFI Triennial meetings is 4 years.

Minutes: Susan read the minutes from our 6.19.2023 meeting. Next meeting will be October 16 at 7 PM.

Treasurer’s Report: Nancy reported that the $1146. proceeds from the plant sale was sent to the USWFI Children and Youth Fund. Thanks were given to Kim and others who helped make the sale a big success. Ongoing, Dorothy Curtis’s jams earned $290. The silent auction earned $453.50 at the time of this report, with a bit more expected. The $790.50 will be rounded to $800. and sent to LACO Food Pantry in honor of Margaret Wentworth. There has been a donation in honor of Kitsie Hildebrandt, and we will think over and decide in October what to support with it.

Prayers: We hold Friends in our hearts.

Tedford Meal: In July, Nancy’s Team B brought grilled burgers and chicken salad. In August, Sarah Sprogell’s Team C brought hot dogs, potato salad, baked beans, water melon and cookies, and September, Dorothy Curtis’s Team D brought hot dogs, corn, potato chips, ice cream and cookies. Food and donations for Tedford House meals are welcome. 

Other Business: Nancy will order the new USFWI Blueprints program study book for those who want one. WS Membership dues are now $10. yearly. The Woman’s Society August 21 potluck was attended by 12 people. Marian Baker is trying to arrange  a USWFI Northeast  meeting in October. Qat is exploring the issue of dietary-restricted food insecurity for people in Lewiston/Auburn.

Next Meeting:  October 16 at 7 PM. Dorothy will try to arrange a hybrid meeting that day.

Dorothy ended the meeting with a poem:

The Gift of Friends

God knew we needed something more

Than budding earth and sunlit sky,

And so he sent us friends to love,

To lift our hearts and spirits high;

God chose to teach Love’s wondrous art,

Of comfort, cheer that never ends

By giving to the thankful heart

The dear, good gift of faithful friends.

— Author Unknown

Respectfully Submitted, Susan Gilbert

Woman’s Society Silent Auction, August 13-21, 2023

 Update: The Woman’s Society silent auction continues at the Meeting House this Sunday Aug. 20th, and concludes at the annual potluck Aug. 21st, to which all are welcome. Funds go to LACO in memory of Margaret Wentworth.

Items are being sought for this year’s silent auction being sponsored by the Woman’s Society. All proceeds will go to LACO, the Lisbon Area Christian Outreach food bank.

The auction itself begins Sunday, August 13, and concludes with a 6pm potluck supper at the Meetinghouse.

Ancient York Lodge Contributes $1000 for Dorothy Curtis Travel to USFWI Triennial in Kenya

Wayne Ackley joined Daniel Henton in making an announcement at the end of Meeting for Worship on June 18. The Ancient York Lodge of Masons # 155 (Lisbon Falls) gave Dorothy Curtis a check for $1000 to support her travel to the United Society of Friends Women Triennial Gathering July 2-8 in Nakuru, Kenya.

Wayne had made the motion to the Masonic Lodge, and it was approved unanimously. Dan is the Lodge Master; Wayne is the Lodge Deacon. (And it was Wayne’s first visit to Durham Friends Meeting.)

Meeting members (most especially Dorothy) voiced their gratitude to the Masonic Lodge for their generosity. Dorothy leaves for Kenya on June 27.

Woman’s Society Zoom Meeting Minutes, May 15, 2023

Present: Dorothy Curtis, President, Nancy Marstaller, Treasurer, Susan Gilbert, Secretary, Kim Bolshaw, Mey Hasbrook.

Cards: Kim will send cards to Friends.

Program and Devotions: Kim read from Blueprints “Abounding in Hope’’, by Nancy McCormick. Scripture: Psalm 96: 1-4. Hymns: Like the Woman at the Well and Great is Thy Faithfulness. This was the theme at Cuba Yearly Meeting, which Kim attended during her recent visit to our Sister Meeting in Velasco, Cuba. She found the Cuban Quakers joyful in the face of difficult, hard lives, also happy, helpful, and encouraging. She described them as not apologetic, welcoming her and including her as “one of the gang.’’ We discussed times in our lives when we  felt hopeful.

Minutes: Susan read the minutes from our 4.17.2023 meeting.

Treasurer’s Report: There is $11.05 in the account. We discussed fundraisers. The annual plant sale beginning May 25 and a silent auction beginning August 13 will benefit the Woman’s Society with proceeds from the plant sale going to the United Society of Friends Woman International children and youth projects.

Prayers: For Friends.

Tedford Meal: The June 5 meal was prepared by team A. July 3 will be brought by team B, leader Nancy Marstaller. Food or donations for Tedford House meals are welcome. 

Other Business: The WS will not meet in July. On August 21 we will have a pot luck supper at the Meeting House. Charities the Woman’s Society supports – New Beginnings (Lewiston kids needing help), USFWI (children and youth projects), Tedford House (shelter), Belize School Feeding Program, Ramallah School (special needs students), SASSM (victims of sexual assault) LACO (food pantry), LIHEAP (heating assistance). Wendy Schlotterbeck and Kim set up the plant sale. Kim made an informative sign for the Meeting House shed door listing charities. The Silent Auction will begin August 13 and end at the WS potluck on August 21. All are welcome to attend the potluck.

Thanks to all who contributed to the plant sale.

Dorothy ended the meeting with a quote:

Give thy heart’s best treasure,

And the more thou spendest,

From thy little store,

With a double bounty,

God will give thee more.

              — Adelaide A. Proctor 

Respectfully Submitted, Susan Gilbert

Woman’s Society Zoom Meeting Minutes, April 17, 2023

Present, via Zoom: Dorothy Curtis, President, Nancy Marstaller, Treasurer, Susan Gilbert, Secretary, Kim Bolshaw.

Cards: Kim will send cards to Friends.

Program and Devotions: We took turns reading Program #3 from Blueprints: “Hope From Believing in God’s Goodness”, by Charlotte Strangelove. Scripture: Romans 15:13, “Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.’’ Recommended Song: Good, Good Father or Great is Thy Faithfulness.
The message encouraged us to promote hopeful truths based on scriptures from the Bible.
We shared how the goodness of God is evident in our lives.

Minutes: Susan read the minutes from our 3/20/2023 meeting.
Treasurer’s Report: We have $11.05 in the account. The Woman’s Society traditionally
has donated money to causes that support children and youth. Since the pandemic, there
has been less participation in the Woman’s Society, and fewer fundraising events. We
discussed ways to earn funds and also would be grateful for charitable donations from
outside our group.

Prayers: For Friends, including those Kim sends cards to.

Tedford Meal: On April 3 Nancy’s Team E prepared lasagna, pumpkin soup, green
salad, bread, cookies and ice cream. The meal on May 1 will be made by Leslie
Manning’s Team F. Volunteer contributions of food or donations are welcome.

Other Business: We discussed Kim’s trip to Cuba, and the question of Memorial Minutes
for Helen Clarkson, Charlotte Anne Curtis, and Margaret Wentworth.

Dorothy Curtis ended the meeting with a quote from Madame de Stael: “To pray together, in whatever tongue or ritual, is the most tender brotherhood of hope and sympathy that men can contract in this life.”

Respectfully Submitted, Susan Gilbert

Woman’s Society Zoom Meeting Minutes. March 20, 2023

Present: Dorothy Curtis, President, Nancy Marstaller, Treasurer, Susan Gilbert, Secretary,
Kim Bolshaw, Dorothy Hinshaw

Cards: For Friends. Kim will check the current copy of the Advocate magazine in the
Meeting House for names and addresses of Friends ministering in the field, reviving the
tradition of Durham Friends sending them birthday cards. The cards will be available for
group signing after Meetings.

Program and Devotions: Dorothy, Nancy and Kim took turns reading Nikki Holland’s
contribution to Blueprints, Ministering Like a Scuba Diver’’. Scripture:But seek first
his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well’’
(Matthew 6:33). Nikki lives in Belize City, where she is Director of Friends United
Meeting’s ministries in Belize. There, learning to scuba dive over the coral reef motivated
her to bring the peace, joy and wonder she found underwater to her life and ministry. She
draws parallels between lessons of safe diving and her everyday life: “Always Keep
Breathing. Stay calm. Care for your equipment. Understand your responsibility. Buddy up.
Rest. Listen to your body. Equalize.’’

Minutes: Susan read the minutes from the 2.20.2023 meeting.

Treasurer’s Report: Nancy has given Dorothy Curtis the money for her upcoming trip to
the USFWI Triennial in Nakuru, Kenya July 2 – 8. She made a correction to the 2.20.’23
minutes: Checking bal. $2314.72, with $2203.67 for triennial expenses, leaving $111.05
available. We decided to send $50 each to Wayfinder Schools and Sexual Assault Services
of Midcoast Maine. The Woman’s Society would appreciate donations by Friends to be
contributed to worthy causes.

Prayers: For Friends

Tedford Meal: On March 6, Dorothy and Kim provided chicken nuggets, salad, mashed
potatoes, oranges, milk and chocolate cake. The April 3 meal will be prepared by Team E,
Nancy Marstaller, team leader. Volunteers to contribute food or donations are welcome.

Other Business: Marian Baker, a NH Friend active in the United Society of Friends
Women International is bringing the message to our Meeting on April 2. Kim told us of her
trip to Cuba. Fritz Weiss presented to Velasco Meeting the gift of a group – created wall
quilt, put together and finished by Dorothy Curtis. Nancy’s creation of a 5 block printed
prayer flag with birds, owl and bee was given and hung in the Velasco Meeting House

Dorothy Curtis ended the meeting with the poem, “Joy of Life” by an unknown author:
The joy of life is living it and doing things of worth,
In making bright and fruitful all the barren spots of earth.
In facing odds and mastering them and rising from defeat,
And making true what once was false, and what was bitter, sweet.
For only he knows perfect joy whose little bit of soil
Is richer ground than what it was when he began to toil.

Woman’s Society Zoom Meeting Minutes, February 20, 2023

Present: Dorothy Curtis, President, Nancy Marstaller, Treasurer, Susan Gilbert, Secretary, Dorothy Hinshaw, Marian Baker, Qat Langelier

Cards: For Friends.

Program and Devotions: We took turns reading from Blueprint, the Program, “Abounding in Hope” by Ruthie Tippin.

– “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow, abounding in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit,” Romans 15:13.

– Summarizing Ruthie Tippin, we can find God in simple, ordinary people and things, if we pay attention.

– In the words of Job Scott, Quaker Friend, in 1765, heaven within begins in (quoting Matthew), “. . . the least of all seeds.”

– Ruthie Tippin bids us to “imagine carrying the seeds of divine life in your pocket each day. Hope. Joy. Peace. Trust.”

– In summation: Starting with what we have, acting in hopefulness, trusting in God, we move from helplessness to hopefulness.

Minutes: Susan read the minutes from the 1/16/2023 meeting.

Treasurer’s Report:

   $168.06 in checking

   $2198.29 in CD (for Triennial expenses)

   Total $2366.35

   (plus $25 in savings)

Please note: Nancy Marstaller, Treasurer, will send a detailed version of the annual financial report to anyone interested.

Prayers: For Friends.

Tedford Meal: Team C prepared meat loaf, veggies, baked potatoes and dessert. Next month, Team D, Dorothy Curtis, team leader, will bring the meal.

Other Business: Marian Baker spoke with us in depth about upcoming USFW plans. 

–There will be a board meeting of USFWI March 23 – 25.

–The hybrid Northeast Regional Gathering is May 6 and 7 in Buffalo, NY.  Marian is going to both events and welcomes anyone interested to contact her.

– The USFWI Triennial will be held in Nakuru, Kenya July 2 – 8. 

– The World Day of Prayer on July 1 will be spent in prayers and singing in Kenya. 

– Dorothy Curtis hopes to travel to Africa with others from our area.

– Dorothy Hinshaw has boxes of books for Kenya which Marian will look over.

– Marian is working with Senator Jeanne Shaheen of NH and Elizabeth Warren of MA to help a Kenyan woman pastor get a visa to visit the US.

Dorothy Curtis ended the meeting with a poem by Florence Earle Coates:

Who Walks The World With Soul Awake

Who walks the world with soul awake
Finds beauty everywhere;
Though labor be his portion,
Though sorrow be his share,
He looks beyond obscuring clouds,
Sure that the light is there!

And if, the ills of mortal life
Grown heavier to bear,
Doubt come with its perplexities
And whisper of despair,
He turns with love to suffering men—
And, lo! God, too, is there.

Respectfully Submitted, Susan Gilbert

Woman’s Society Zoom Meeting Minutes, January 16, 2023

January 16, 2023

Susan Gilbert, Secretary 

Present: Dorothy Curtis, President, Susan Gilbert, Secretary, Kim Bolshaw

Dorothy quoted for Martin Luther King Day his statement that “hate doesn’t get rid of hate, love does.”

Card Ministry: Kim will send cards to Friends. She will obtain a copy of The Advocate, which lists names and birthdays of Quaker missionaries and make cards to them available for Durham Friends to sign after Meeting.

Program and Devotions: Kim brought the program using the Pendle Hill publication “Quaker Life” on the subject of gentleness by Melissa Snyder. Gentleness as our response should not be thought a sign of weakness. The Lord asks that our gentleness be an action, not just a response. The Holy Spirit inspired Paul to say, “Let your gentleness be evident to all.” “Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” We can emulate Christ by using positive communication and patience in interactions such as teachers advocating for children with their parents. We can listen and allow ourselves to hear the still small voice of God.

Treasurer’s Report: Since November we received $5 in dues and $100 in memory of Helen Clarkson, Charlotte Anne Curtis and Margaret Wentworth. We paid $38.13 for Blueprints publication and have a balance of $111.05 in the general account. We have $2023.67 available for triennial expenses.

Minutes: Susan read the minutes of the 12/19/22 meeting.

Next Meeting: February 20 at 7 PM. 

Prayers: For Friends healing and safety in travel.

Tedford Meal: Team B’s meal for January 2 was roast beef, potatoes, green bean casserole, salad, brownies, oranges, ice cream and cookies. Next meal will be prepared by Team C, with Sarah Sprogell team leader. Tedford Meal Teams would appreciate contributions of food or donations toward the meal.  Teams with each leader’s name and phone number are posted at the Meeting House.

New Business: Dorothy Curtis will be traveling to Africa and Kim Bolshaw will be traveling to Cuba in 2023, and both will record their experience in photos. Dorothy will contact Marian Baker, who is also going to Africa for the Friends United Meeting, United Society of Friends Women International Triennial, to be held in Nakuru, Kenya, in July, 2023. Kim, with three Portland Friends, will visit our Sister Meeting in Velasco, Cuba from February 15-27. The trip will include a visit to Cuba Yearly Meeting, which is from February 16 to 20.

Dorothy ended the meeting with a quote she found in the book “Wonder of Comfort”:

“God shall be my hope, my stay, my guide and lantern to my feet.”

—William Shakespeare

Respectfully submitted, Susan Gilbert

Woman’s Society Hybrid Meeting Minutes, December 19, 2022

Present: Dorothy Curtis, President, Susan Gilbert, Secretary, Kim Bolshaw

Card Ministry: Kim will send cards.

Program and Devotions: Dorothy read the illustrated children’s book “Three Wise Women,” by Mary Hoffman, a retelling of the story of Jesus’ birth.  Three women are drawn to follow star and moon light, meet each other on the road to the manger, and bring gifts to the child.

Treasurer’s Report: No report this month.

Minutes: Susan read the minutes from our November 21 meeting.

Next Meeting: January 15, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.

Prayers: For Friends.

Tedford Meal: Team A provided mac and cheese with ham, salad greens, rolls, cookies and ice cream.  Team B will bring the meal January 2, 2023. Tedford Meal Teams would appreciate contributions of food or donations toward the meal.  Tedford Teams and their leader’s name and phone number will be posted at the Meeting House.

Other Business: We hope that the Woman’s Society will meet regularly at the Meeting House. We would like to continue the tradition of the Christmas gift exchange, and revive the tradition of sending birthday cards to missionaries in the field.  We remembered the passing around of Margaret Wentworth’s purple clipboard after meetings with cards to be signed.

Respectfully submitted, Susan Gilbert, Secretary

Woman’s Society Hybrid Meeting Minutes, November 21, 2022

Present: Dorothy Curtis, President, Nancy Marstaller, Treasurer, Susan Gilbert, Secretary, Kim Bolshaw, Jo-an Jacobus

Card Ministry: Kim showed us Margaret Wentworth’s card box, which she will be using. Dorothy has more cards if needed. Kim will send a sympathy card.

Program and Devotions: We have received the new edition of Blueprints. Because of technical difficulties with Zoom, we did not have a Program.

Treasurer’s Report: Nancy reported we have a balance of $138.18 in the WS general checking account. We will send donations of $50 each to Lisbon Area Outreach and Midcoast Hunger Prevention Program. We don’t have enough money for Christmas packages this year.

Minutes: Susan read the minutes from our November 17 meeting.

Next Meeting: December 19 at 7:00 PM.

Prayers: We will look for another person to follow Margaret Wentworth overseeing prayers. Prayers were suggested.

Tedford Meal: The meal was provided by Team F. We spent time reorganizing the Tedford Meal Teams, and would welcome volunteers to help the team leaders—with cooking, delivering, or contributing to the cost. Tedford House in Brunswick provides for 13 people. Meals can be delivered between 8:30 and 3:00 on the first Monday each month, or the day before. December will be prepared by Team A.

Other Business: The Woman’s Society was asked to contribute to Memorial Minutes. We discussed this, and Dorothy will talk to Ministry and Counsel. 

Dorothy closed the meeting with a quote from William Penn: “We meet on the broad pathway of good faith and good will; no advantage shall be taken on either side, but all shall be openness and love.”

Respectfully Submitted,

Susan Gilbert

Woman’s Society Hybrid Meeting Minutes, October 17, 2022

Present: Dorothy Curtis, President, Nancy Marstaller, Treasurer, Susan Gilbert, Secretary, Qat Langelier

Card Ministry: Cards will be sent to Friends by Susan Gilbert. Dorothy Curtis provided a card to be signed at the meeting house for the family of Sue Wood, to be given to Sue’s family at her Celebration of Life on October 22.

Program and Devotions: Summery by Qat: “Qat Langelier shared how the development is coming along with Riverside Friends Peace Collaborative. Qat talked about the different means of communication and outreach the project will use, such as Discord (a multipurpose communication app), forums, social media, the website, and a wiki. Qat has been giving a lot of thought about what peacebuilding means and looks like and what diverse opportunities there are for exploring Friends’ group decision-making process in education, parenting, and digital citizenship where it could serve as a guide for anyone interested in growing healthy and nondestructive online communities.”  

Treasurer’s Report: Nancy reported we have a balance of $37.18 in the WS general checking account. $2200 in CDs held in reserve for the Triennial meeting of USFWI in Kenya will mature December 2 and be placed in checking. 

Minutes: Susan read the minutes from our September 19 meeting.

Next Meeting: November 21. We agreed to continue meeting at the new time of 7:00 p.m.

Prayers: For Friends.

Tedford Meal: Nancy’s Team E provided lasagna, green salad, a vegetable side dish, brownies and apples. The November 7th meal will be provided by Leslie Manning’s Team F.

Other Business: Dorothy Curtis’ gift of a handmade quilt to Linda Muller’s grandchild was greatly appreciated. Dorothy will try to coordinate with other Friends going to Kenya for the Triennial USFWI meeting.

Dorothy inherited her Aunt Helen Clarkson’s book Golden Words and read from it in closing:

He prayeth best, who loveth best

All things both great and small;

For the dear God who loveth us,

He made and loveth all.

by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.

Woman’s Society Hybrid Meeting Notes September 19, 2022

Present: Dorothy Curtis, President, Nancy Marstaller, Treasurer, Susan Gilbert, Secretary, Qat Langelier, Dorothy Hinshaw.

Card Ministry: Dorothy Curtis told us that Sue Wood passed away. We do not have an address for her family. Dorothy will bring a card to the Meeting House for people to sign, and we will try to find an address. Margaret has been between Maine Medical Center and Brentwood Manor. She may need help organizing her belongings and clearing space in Brunswick.

Program: We did not have a program this month.

Tedford Meal: For September, Qat ordered groceries from Hannaford; delivery charges were waived. The menu was sweet corn, burgers, watermelon and pies. Qat’s Team D which provides meals in March and September, could use  volunteers to assist her, either cooking or contributing to the purchase of food. Thank You! Susan volunteered to assist Team C in August. We remembered with love Dorothy Curtis’ aunt,  Helen Clarkson, a ‘’snowbird’’ between Maine and Arizona, who assisted Team C in the summertime. In August, Dorothy Curtis made a chicken and rice casserole, provided salad fixings, rolls, watermelon and brownies.

US Friends Womens International, Northeast gathered on September 5. Dorothy Curtis and Dorothy Hinshaw attended.

Helen Clarkson and Sue Wood have passed away.

Treasurer’s Report: Nancy said we have $37. in the account. She will order 5 copies of the Blueprint book.

We will change the meeting time to 7:00 in October.

Respectfully Submitted, Susan Gilbert

Woman’s Society Hybrid Meeting Minutes, June 20, 2022

Susan Gilbert, Secretary

Present: Dorothy Curtis/President, Susan Gilbert/Secretary, Helen Clarkson, Charlotte Anne Curtis, Renee Cote, Martha Sheldon, Qat Langelier, Kitsie Hildebrandt

Card Ministry: Dorothy began the meeting and asked who should receive cards.

Program and Devotions:

Qat shared their Bible Study Group experience with Adelphi Friends (in Maryland) and read selections from the current issue of Illuminate which covers the Gospel of John. The source of our name is in John 15:15, “I do not call you servants any longer, because the servant does not know what the master is doing; but I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything that I have heard from my Father.” Qat recommends the Illuminate series, which is available through Dorothy thanked Qat.

Dorothy let us know that Joyce Machaha and Judith Nandikove of Donholm Friends Church of Nairobi Yearly Meeting will not be visiting North American USFWI groups this year, as they did not obtain the necessary grant. They will try again next year.

Treasurer’s Report: Given by Dorothy, as Nancy was not present. Nancy put our investment funds into a 6-month CD, which will mature in December. There is $121.18 in our account. We approved giving donations, $50 each, to MCHPP and USFWI. Dorothy thanked Nancy.

Minutes: Susan read the minutes from the June 16 meeting.

Next Meeting: The Woman’s Society will take July and August off from meeting, but we plan a pot luck picnic on August 15. Dorothy Curtis offered to mask, wear gloves and serve.

Prayers: A Friend was suggested. Margaret Wentworth requested that we pray for the head of the Ramallah Friends School in Palestine, Rania Maayah.

Tedford Meal: Team B will prepare July’s meal, Team C, August, Team D, September. Charlotte Ann offered to help with calling.

Other Business:

Martha is coming to the U.S. for three weeks this summer, August 2-23.  

Betsy Muench invited Durham Friends to her cottage for the past weekend. Qat shared Betsy’s view with us. We saw Seguin, Pond Isle, and two light houses. Popham Beach is nearby.

Gratitude was expressed as Dorothy ended the meeting.

Woman’s Society Hybrid Meeting Minutes, May 16, 2022

By Susan Gilbert, Secretary

Present: Dorothy Curtis/President, Nancy Marstaller/Treasurer, Susan Gilbert/Secretary, Helen Clarkson, Charlotte Anne Curtis, Martha Sheldon, Kim Bolshaw, Qat Langelier, Marion Baker

Cards: We chose people to send cards to, and decided to no longer name them in the meeting notes.

Devotions and Program: The Bluprints program by Nancy McCormick ‘’Resting In His Shadow’’ was read by Kim. Scripture – Psalm 91:1 – 2, Hymn – ‘Great is Thy Faithfulness’’. Nancy and Mike McCormick and their ministry teams have made several trips to Belize City Friends Center, assisting with maintenance of buildings and grounds, helping the teachers as needed, and holding an after school program for Friends School students as well as local children.  Nancy described this service as an exchange of care and learning between the visiting Friends and the local community. We sang ‘’Great is Thy Faithfulness’’. 

Next Meeting: The next WS meeting will be brought by Helen on June 20 – ‘‘Strength and Courage From the Lord’’. Dorothy asked if we might take August 15 off and we decided to have a picnic gathering that day instead of a meeting. 

Minutes: Susan read the meeting notes from April 18.

Treasurer’s Report: Nancy said we had a $5 donation. After $31.88 was spent on books, we have a balance of $51.18. We have a CD invested for expenses to send Dorothy Curtis to Kabarak, Kenya to attend the 2023 USFWS International Triennial. Nancy will investigate rates and times – possibly 6 or 9 months – to reinvest.

Prayers: Prayers were asked for individuals.

Tedford Meal: June’s meal will be prepared by Kitsie’s Team A.

Other Business: Nancy has designed a decorative quilt as a gift to bring to Velasco, Cuba, on the trip there at the end of September. She asked if anyone wanted to make a square by August 15. Marion suggested a depiction of Durham Meeting House in the center. Fabric paint or embroidery are possibilities for our designs.

Marian said the NE Region of USFWI would have an update on the upcoming International Triennial, with info on what’s happening locally.  A grant has been finished to bring Joyce Machaha and Judith Nandikove of Donholm Friends Church,   Nairobi Yearly Meeting to visit women in New York, New England and Quebec ’ and possibly Western Region USFWI Woman’s Society groups. The Meeting House in Donholm holds 1500 to 2000 people and has programmed meetings. Joyce may be available to attend our August 15 gathering.

Dorothy ended the meeting with a quote from Helen Keller, ‘’The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched but must be felt by the heart’’.

Respectfully Submitted, Susan Gilbert

Woman’s Society Hybrid Meeting Minutes, April 18, 2022

By Susan Gilbert, Secretary

            Present: Dorothy Curtis, President, Nancy Marstaller, Treasurer, Susan Gilbert, Secretary, Charlotte Anne Curtis, Kim Bolshaw, Dorothy Hinshaw, Helen Clarkson, Kitsie Hildebrandt

            Card Ministry: Kim will send cards to Margaret Wentworth’s brother Jim and his wife Vera, and their niece, Alex, saying we are “thinking of you.” She will send a thank you card to Kitsie in appreciation of her hard work for the Meeting over the years, as a trustee, treasurer, organizing historical records, and many other contributions.

            Devotions and Program: Brought by Dorothy Curtis, who read from the month’s Blueprint offering on “Resting in His Shadow.” This was by Nairobi Kenyan Judith M’maitsi Nandikove on how God provides rest in times of trial, quoting Psalm 91, Isaiah 44.

            Next Meeting: May 16, Program will be brought by Kim Bolshaw.

            Minutes: Susan read the newsletter version and will email present members the long archive version for everyone to check for corrections.

            Treasurer’s Report: Nancy said the WS received a $40 donation, bringing the balance to $70.68.

            She suggests we make a reading list for 2022-2023. Mary Glen Hadley’s book Led By The Light and Marty Grundy’s A Call to Friends—Faithful Living in Desperate Times could be bought together for a discount. Midcoast Hunger could receive a donation of $30 or $40. We discussed buying Blueprints and Calendars for the new year, counting who wants one and buying a few extra.

            Prayers: For Margaret Wentworth and her brother and his family. For Kim’s friend Merrill Noetzel. Kim and Merrill recently lost their friend, Clarence David, of Lunt Road.

            Tedford House: Nancy’s Team E prepared a meal of meat, mac and cheese, salad, bread, cookies, fruit and juice. Leslie Manning’s Team F will cook next month.

            Leslie Manning has asked if WS members are interested in Adult Sunday School starting up again.

            Dorothy Curtis ended the meeting, reading a Spring poem from a children’s book.