Present: Dorothy Curtis, President, Nancy Marstaller, Treasurer, Susan Gilbert, Secretary, Dorothy Hinshaw, Marian Baker, Qat Langelier
Cards: For Friends.
Program and Devotions: We took turns reading from Blueprint, the Program, “Abounding in Hope” by Ruthie Tippin.
– “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow, abounding in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit,” Romans 15:13.
– Summarizing Ruthie Tippin, we can find God in simple, ordinary people and things, if we pay attention.
– In the words of Job Scott, Quaker Friend, in 1765, heaven within begins in (quoting Matthew), “. . . the least of all seeds.”
– Ruthie Tippin bids us to “imagine carrying the seeds of divine life in your pocket each day. Hope. Joy. Peace. Trust.”
– In summation: Starting with what we have, acting in hopefulness, trusting in God, we move from helplessness to hopefulness.
Minutes: Susan read the minutes from the 1/16/2023 meeting.
Treasurer’s Report:
$168.06 in checking
$2198.29 in CD (for Triennial expenses)
Total $2366.35
(plus $25 in savings)
Please note: Nancy Marstaller, Treasurer, will send a detailed version of the annual financial report to anyone interested.
Prayers: For Friends.
Tedford Meal: Team C prepared meat loaf, veggies, baked potatoes and dessert. Next month, Team D, Dorothy Curtis, team leader, will bring the meal.
Other Business: Marian Baker spoke with us in depth about upcoming USFW plans.
–There will be a board meeting of USFWI March 23 – 25.
–The hybrid Northeast Regional Gathering is May 6 and 7 in Buffalo, NY. Marian is going to both events and welcomes anyone interested to contact her.
– The USFWI Triennial will be held in Nakuru, Kenya July 2 – 8.
– The World Day of Prayer on July 1 will be spent in prayers and singing in Kenya.
– Dorothy Curtis hopes to travel to Africa with others from our area.
– Dorothy Hinshaw has boxes of books for Kenya which Marian will look over.
– Marian is working with Senator Jeanne Shaheen of NH and Elizabeth Warren of MA to help a Kenyan woman pastor get a visa to visit the US.
Dorothy Curtis ended the meeting with a poem by Florence Earle Coates:
Who Walks The World With Soul Awake
Who walks the world with soul awake
Finds beauty everywhere;
Though labor be his portion,
Though sorrow be his share,
He looks beyond obscuring clouds,
Sure that the light is there!
And if, the ills of mortal life
Grown heavier to bear,
Doubt come with its perplexities
And whisper of despair,
He turns with love to suffering men—
And, lo! God, too, is there.
Respectfully Submitted, Susan Gilbert