Durham Friends Woman’s Society Meeting Minutes 4.15.2024
We gathered at the Meeting House. WIFI for ZOOM was not available.
Present: Dorothy Curtis, President, Nancy Marstaller, Treasurer, Susan Gilbert, Secretary, Kim Bolshaw, Qat Langelier, Stevie Dutton.
Cards: For Friends.
Program and Devotions: We took turns reading from Blueprints, “God’s Eternal Love” by Natoo Sabina. Scripture: Ephesians 3:17-21. In 2001 Natoo was inspired in her faith by hearing Pastor John Moru of the Turkana Friends Mission preach on the wonders of God. Natoo’s story is of overcoming loss and hardship to achieve education, marriage and children, with the help of prayer and God’s love. She is a primary school teacher in Turkana County, Kenya, presiding clerk of Kanamkemer village meeting, a part of Lodwar Monthly Meeting, and chair of the USFW sales group in the village.
Minutes: Susan read the 3.18.’24 minutes.
Treasurer’s Report: The account balance is $85.96.We received $20. in March.
Prayers: For Friends.
Tedford Meal: Prepared by Team E: Ham, sweet potatoes, green salad, and chocolate chip cookies. The meal on May 6 will be brought by Leslie Manning’s Team F. Volunteer contributions of food or donations are welcome.
Other Business: The Woman’s Society will hold another plant sale this year, to be set up on May 22 for a start on Memorial Day weekend. We ask Friends use caution to avoid donating invasive species of worms and plants.
Dorothy closed the meeting with a reading:
God’s grace is too big, too great to understand fully. So we must
take the moments of His grace throughout the day with us: the
music of the songbird in the morning, the kindness shown in the afternoon, and the restful sleep at night.
Respectfully Submitted, Susan Gilbert