Susan Gilbert, Secretary
Present: Dorothy Curtis/President, Susan Gilbert/Secretary, Helen Clarkson, Charlotte Anne Curtis, Renee Cote, Martha Sheldon, Qat Langelier, Kitsie Hildebrandt
Card Ministry: Dorothy began the meeting and asked who should receive cards.
Program and Devotions:
Qat shared their Bible Study Group experience with Adelphi Friends (in Maryland) and read selections from the current issue of Illuminate which covers the Gospel of John. The source of our name is in John 15:15, “I do not call you servants any longer, because the servant does not know what the master is doing; but I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything that I have heard from my Father.” Qat recommends the Illuminate series, which is available through Dorothy thanked Qat.
Dorothy let us know that Joyce Machaha and Judith Nandikove of Donholm Friends Church of Nairobi Yearly Meeting will not be visiting North American USFWI groups this year, as they did not obtain the necessary grant. They will try again next year.
Treasurer’s Report: Given by Dorothy, as Nancy was not present. Nancy put our investment funds into a 6-month CD, which will mature in December. There is $121.18 in our account. We approved giving donations, $50 each, to MCHPP and USFWI. Dorothy thanked Nancy.
Minutes: Susan read the minutes from the June 16 meeting.
Next Meeting: The Woman’s Society will take July and August off from meeting, but we plan a pot luck picnic on August 15. Dorothy Curtis offered to mask, wear gloves and serve.
Prayers: A Friend was suggested. Margaret Wentworth requested that we pray for the head of the Ramallah Friends School in Palestine, Rania Maayah.
Tedford Meal: Team B will prepare July’s meal, Team C, August, Team D, September. Charlotte Ann offered to help with calling.
Other Business:
Martha is coming to the U.S. for three weeks this summer, August 2-23.
Betsy Muench invited Durham Friends to her cottage for the past weekend. Qat shared Betsy’s view with us. We saw Seguin, Pond Isle, and two light houses. Popham Beach is nearby.
Gratitude was expressed as Dorothy ended the meeting.