Monday 9.18.2023, via Zoom
Present: Dorothy Curtis, President, Nancy Marstaller, Treasurer, Susan Gilbert, Secretary, Kim Bolshaw, Qat Langelier
Cards: Kim will send cards to Friends.
Program and Devotions: Dorothy Curtis talked about her trip to Kenya, Africa where she attended the United Society of Friends Woman’s International Triennial and went on a Safari. She began by thanking the Woman’s Society for our support and her shared her appreciation for support from the Masons. Dorothy traveled alone, and was grateful for NH Friend Marian Baker’s advice and assistance. Marion has extensive experience with travel to Africa, Kenyan Quaker Meetings and USWFI. Sunday Meetings Dorothy attended included a sermon, drumming, singing, and prayer. A prayer day at the meeting House in Nakuru included many children. The Triennal conference was held at the Kabarak University in Nakuru, over several days, with the theme ‘’Come, Abide, Go’’. The children attended one evening and sang for everyone. Dorothy discovered that the sense of time in Africa is not like ours, and Qat recommended the article, “Culture-Based Negotiation Styles,” which describes monochronic and polychronic time, found at On Safari, Dorothy saw a lion pride eating a zebra, monkeys, baboons, elephants, giraffes, hyenas, water buffalo, hippos and alligators. She appreciated the elephant preserve where care is given to the injured and orphaned elephants, and also saw an orphaned baby rhino. Dorothy shopped in Nakuru for African made fabric, and found the designs all very large, so will alter her quilt designs to accommodate the bold size. The next USWFI Triennial will be in Indiana in 2027. Occasionally, the gap between USWFI Triennial meetings is 4 years.
Minutes: Susan read the minutes from our 6.19.2023 meeting. Next meeting will be October 16 at 7 PM.
Treasurer’s Report: Nancy reported that the $1146. proceeds from the plant sale was sent to the USWFI Children and Youth Fund. Thanks were given to Kim and others who helped make the sale a big success. Ongoing, Dorothy Curtis’s jams earned $290. The silent auction earned $453.50 at the time of this report, with a bit more expected. The $790.50 will be rounded to $800. and sent to LACO Food Pantry in honor of Margaret Wentworth. There has been a donation in honor of Kitsie Hildebrandt, and we will think over and decide in October what to support with it.
Prayers: We hold Friends in our hearts.
Tedford Meal: In July, Nancy’s Team B brought grilled burgers and chicken salad. In August, Sarah Sprogell’s Team C brought hot dogs, potato salad, baked beans, water melon and cookies, and September, Dorothy Curtis’s Team D brought hot dogs, corn, potato chips, ice cream and cookies. Food and donations for Tedford House meals are welcome.
Other Business: Nancy will order the new USFWI Blueprints program study book for those who want one. WS Membership dues are now $10. yearly. The Woman’s Society August 21 potluck was attended by 12 people. Marian Baker is trying to arrange a USWFI Northeast meeting in October. Qat is exploring the issue of dietary-restricted food insecurity for people in Lewiston/Auburn.
Next Meeting: October 16 at 7 PM. Dorothy will try to arrange a hybrid meeting that day.
Dorothy ended the meeting with a poem:
The Gift of Friends
God knew we needed something more
Than budding earth and sunlit sky,
And so he sent us friends to love,
To lift our hearts and spirits high;
God chose to teach Love’s wondrous art,
Of comfort, cheer that never ends
By giving to the thankful heart
The dear, good gift of faithful friends.
— Author Unknown
Respectfully Submitted, Susan Gilbert