Present: Dorothy Curtis, President, Nancy Marstaller, Treasurer, Susan Gilbert, Secretary, Kim Bolshaw, Mey Hasbrook.
Cards: Kim will send cards to Friends.
Program and Devotions: Kim read from Blueprints “Abounding in Hope’’, by Nancy McCormick. Scripture: Psalm 96: 1-4. Hymns: Like the Woman at the Well and Great is Thy Faithfulness. This was the theme at Cuba Yearly Meeting, which Kim attended during her recent visit to our Sister Meeting in Velasco, Cuba. She found the Cuban Quakers joyful in the face of difficult, hard lives, also happy, helpful, and encouraging. She described them as not apologetic, welcoming her and including her as “one of the gang.’’ We discussed times in our lives when we felt hopeful.
Minutes: Susan read the minutes from our 4.17.2023 meeting.
Treasurer’s Report: There is $11.05 in the account. We discussed fundraisers. The annual plant sale beginning May 25 and a silent auction beginning August 13 will benefit the Woman’s Society with proceeds from the plant sale going to the United Society of Friends Woman International children and youth projects.
Prayers: For Friends.
Tedford Meal: The June 5 meal was prepared by team A. July 3 will be brought by team B, leader Nancy Marstaller. Food or donations for Tedford House meals are welcome.
Other Business: The WS will not meet in July. On August 21 we will have a pot luck supper at the Meeting House. Charities the Woman’s Society supports – New Beginnings (Lewiston kids needing help), USFWI (children and youth projects), Tedford House (shelter), Belize School Feeding Program, Ramallah School (special needs students), SASSM (victims of sexual assault) LACO (food pantry), LIHEAP (heating assistance). Wendy Schlotterbeck and Kim set up the plant sale. Kim made an informative sign for the Meeting House shed door listing charities. The Silent Auction will begin August 13 and end at the WS potluck on August 21. All are welcome to attend the potluck.
Thanks to all who contributed to the plant sale.
Dorothy ended the meeting with a quote:
Give thy heart’s best treasure,
And the more thou spendest,
From thy little store,
With a double bounty,
God will give thee more.
— Adelaide A. Proctor
Respectfully Submitted, Susan Gilbert