Durham Friends Meetinghouse Use Guidelines, March 20, 2022

UPDATE May 22, 2023: Masks are no longer required in the Meetinghouse. For the safety of those choosing to continue wearing a mask, there will be a section of the Meeting room where we ask that no one without a mask should sit.

Accepted March 20, 2022; to be reviewed regularly.


We require that only fully vaccinated people enter the meetinghouse.

If you are not vaccinated, please join Meeting for Worship by Zoom.

If you feel even the slightest bit unwell, please stay home and join us on zoom.

Masks must be worn at all times when giving the message, announcements, or speaking at any type of meeting or event inside the meetinghouse. We will have a microphone and speaker available in the worship room.

KN95 or N95 masks are preferred. Well-fitting cloth masks are acceptable if 2 or 3 layers, especially with a filter insert or surgical mask added. Plastic shields, kerchiefs, gators, or buffs are not acceptable.

We have a supply of masks available at the entrances to the meetinghouse.

Please maintain 6-foot distancing with people not in your family group or “pod.” We do not have any attendance cap or reservation system.


All are asked to sign in when attending meetings, adding your name, phone number and email address to a dated sheet. These will be placed outside each door to the worship room for worship. Clerks or convenors of other meetings will keep their own lists. If you come down with Covid within 3 days of attending a meeting at the meetinghouse, contact the meeting clerk, Bob Eaton, if it was after attending meeting for worship, or the clerk or convenor of any other meeting you attended.

Fellowship before and after meetings is encouraged. Masks must be kept on when inside. Feel free to unmask when outdoors. No food will be served indoors. When weather allows, snack may be served for eating outdoors.

Air purifiers will be used in the worship room. Please use them for other meetings and events. You may temporarily move one from the worship room to another room that you are using for a smaller meeting. 

Turn on overhead fans when using the worship room. As weather permits, open windows in any room that you are using, including the bathroom. Keep windows open for at least 20 minutes after use, if possible, to replace air flow, but please remember to close windows when you leave.


ZOOM meetings are available at present and will be in the future as an adjunct when the meetinghouse is open.                                                                            

Meetings and events should be scheduled on the Durham Friends Meeting calendar. Committee clerks can schedule meetings; others need to contact our Trustees for scheduling events. At present the trustee to contact is Sarah Sprogell. There is a link to the calendar on the Durham Monthly Meeting of Friends website. Note if it is a Zoom meeting, in person, or hybrid.

Please meet outside or on ZOOM if your group is not fully vaccinated.

These guidelines apply to all members and attenders, as well as families or any group seeking to hold memorial services or similar events.

Please limit your visit to as few rooms as possible.

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