Durham Monthly Meeting of Friends met virtually for the conduct of business on Sunday, March 20, 2022, with 23 people present. Sue Reilly, from Portland Friends, joined the Meeting to lend prayerful support for the discussions.
1. Meeting Opening
Ministry and Council’s recommendation that Leslie Manning, serve as Clerk for the day for this Meeting for Business was approved.
Leslie then opened Meeting for Business with a reading from a proposed chapter for NEYM Faith and Practice, followed by a moment of silent preparation.
There were no additions or edits to the proposed agenda.
2. Approval of Minutes of February 2022 — Ellen Bennett
The following amendments to the minutes were requested:
- Regarding the guidelines for use of the meetinghouse, amend minutes to read it was received with gratitude, but not “accepted”.
- Trustees report requires more specificity. “Bring a final proposal to replace the two furnaces to the meeting.” Finance Committee:
- Amend the minutes to read the Finance Committee “Year-End” report was submitted.
The minutes were approved with the above changes.
Old Business
3. Guidelines for use of Meetinghouse — Nancy Marstaller
Nancy clarified how Covid-positive test information for outside groups that use the Meetinghouse, would not be shared beyond those individual groups. Conversation ensued about levels of comfort attending Meeting with those who are unvaccinated.
It was suggested opening the Meetinghouse on 3/27/2022, requiring vaccination and masks. This would serve as a kind of experiment before revisiting the guidelines again at the April Meeting for Business.
The guidelines were accepted with the change of requiring all those attending in person be fully vaccinated. The guidelines will be reviewed at our monthly meeting in April.
The recommendation to open the Meetinghouse on 3/27, was approved.
4. Air Purifiers — Sarah Sprogell
To further assist in protecting Meeting attendees from Covid, the addition of air purifiers to the Meetinghouse was researched.
The Meeting approved the recommendation of Trustees to purchase 4 air purifiers with funds from the capital account to help with Covid mitigation.
5. Trustees — Sarah Sprogell
The Meeting approved two recommendations put forward by Trustees:
1. A new heating system using heat pumps. Please see appended Trustee Report for specifics.
2. Replacing the current heat pump that serves the vestry. The Meeting approved this recommendation.
Reports from Committees
6. Ministry and Council — Renee Cote, Tess Hartford
The Meeting approved the M&C recommendation that April’s Monthly Meeting be moved to 4/24.
The Meeting approved M&C’s recommendation that Gene Boynton receive reimbursement from the charity account for expenses associated with Tommy Frye’s passing. The Meeting also expressed its deep and sincere thanks to Gene Boynton for taking on this responsibility.
Concerning oversight of the use of the Meetinghouse, it was clarified that Trustees have oversight responsibility for outside groups that wish to use the Meetinghouse for gatherings, and M&C has oversight for groups that wish to use the Meetinghouse for gatherings for worship, for example memorial services.
7. Peace and Social Concerns — Ingrid Chalufour
The Committee brought for discernment Qat Langelier’s request for funds to support her work towards a masters degree program. The request is for $1,000 from the charity account. Following procedure, the request will come for a second discernment at the April meeting.
8. Finance Committee — Nancy Marstaller
The committee requests $4 – $8K to support the cost of up to 2 travelers from Durham Friends to Cuba in November. Funds would come from the Nellie Woodbury Fund, currently held in a CD.
The Meeting approved Finance Committee’s request for use of the funds from the Woodbury account.
New Business
9. Resignation Received — Leslie Manning
The Meeting received Kitsie Hildebrandt’s resignation from her role as Treasurer. She will remain in this role until a replacement is found. If anyone is interested in stepping into this role, please see Linda Muller.
The meeting is deeply, deeply grateful for Kitsie’s service as Treasurer.
10. Request for use of Meetinghouse — Wendy Schlotterbeck.
Use of the Meetinghouse for the FQM “Emerging from Hibernation” party, scheduled for May 7, was approved.
11. Statistical Report — Sarah Sprogell
The meeting accepted the statistical report provided to NEYM with tremendous gratitude for the work done.
12. Nominating Committee — Linda Muller
The Nominating Committee recommended a change to those on the Library Committee, with Nancy Marstaller coming off and Margaret Wentworth joining (again!).
The Meeting approved these changes to the Library Committee.
Respectfully submitted,
Ellen Bennett, Recording Clerk
- 22.02.20 DMM Business Meeting Draft Minutes
- DMM Covid Guidelines—Draft
- Air Purifier Recommendation
- Trustees Report
- Ministry and Council Report
- Ministry and Council Recommendation
- Peace and Social Concerns Report
- Finance Committee Report
- NEYM Statistical Report
- Nominating Committee Report