“Why Peace with Justice? Reflections on a Quaker Delegation to Israel/Palestine” with Steve Chase via Zoom on November 12, 2023

On November 12, from 7-9 PM, Steve Chase (formerly of Putney Meeting) will present his reflections and observations from his summer trip to Israel and Palestine with Max Carter. 

His most recent article in Friends Journal can be found here:

Steve is also the author of the Pendle Hill Pamphlet 445, “Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions? A Quaker Zionist Rethinks Palestinian Rights” as well as “Letters to a Fellow Seeker”.  All are welcome.

Please register for this event at  https://lu.ma/wl2whc5y

This event is sponsored by the Israel-Palestine Resource Group of New England Yearly Meeting which is under the care of the Permanent Board.  To contact us, please write to israel-palestine@neym.org.  Our resource page is available here:https://neym.org/israel-palestine-resource-group

We hope to see you on November 12.

Don’t forget to register https://lu.ma/wl2whc5y.

It’s the only way to connect on Zoom.

— From Leslie Manning, Durham ME and 3 Rivers Worship Group, Convenor

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