“Intentions and Identity,” by Martha Sheldon

Message given at Durham Friends Meeting, September 22, 2024

“Sharing a message is a little like streaking.  It takes some forethought about the direction you are going to run, it is exciting, and it is definitely revealing.”  Ed Hinshaw in a keynote address at NEYM sessions, 1979.

Do not be dismayed by the brokenness of the world.  All things break and all things can be mended.  Not with time, as they say, but with intention.  So go.  Love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally.  The broken world waits in darkness for the light that is you.  L. R. Knost.

Sharing a message here and other places has often been stressful. Especially when I am not prepared which has happened some.  My thinking that I can leave the message to the Spirit to lead me works sometimes but not always.  My intention is to be open to the Spirit leading me.  Thoughts that influence the outcome of that intention sometimes get in the way.   Thoughts of doubt, of arrogance, of ….

 I have enjoyed the three year break from doing care of worship and sharing messages.  The meeting I attend in Northern Ireland is a strict unprogrammed meeting.   I love it.  I also love the semi-programmed nature of Durham.  I even also love the spirit and visceral experience in Catholic, high church worships.

Every time a community has discussions that may involve changes in process and functionality a shift happens.  A community is redefined.  A community is refined. 

Pulling from my dad’s quote I ask – What are your forethoughts? what direction will this meeting run?   Where are you going?  Where do you want to go?  What are your intentions?  What do your intentions and actions reveal about the meeting?  Who do you say you are? 

In the Bible, Jesus asks his disciples, “Who do you say I am?” in Matthew 16:13–16, Mark 8:27–29, and Luke 9:18–20. After receiving various answers, including John the Baptist, Elijah, and one of the prophets, Jesus asks Peter, “Who do you say that I am?” Peter replies, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God”. 

Some say that this question is a turning point in the gospel records, and that everything that Jesus does after this is in direct relation to the answer given. 

Who do you say I am?  Who do you say we are?  Identity.  Leads to intentions.  Intentions leads to actions and a public expression of identity.  JC’s identity.  Son of God or Prince of peace, or man suffering a lot of tribulations in his three years of public ministry. 

Who are we?  Our choices of words, our actions, our decisions define us.  Our Intentions. 

Intentions are influenced by biases, assumptions, forethoughts.  Our thoughts and reasons leading to and influencing  our intentions.   Some help us be present to the leadings of God among us and some distract us from God’s truth with us in our times of discernment.  Actions that define who we are.

Andrew and Chris live across the street from each other.  They both thought they made an effort to meet the other.  But did not. In looking at others how are we influenced by negative and positive thoughts?   For both the intention was to be friendly.  Assumptions or some forethoughts got in the way.   Andrew.  The people living here already should take the initiative to come to my door and knock.  Vs anyone take the initiative. Chris.  The person who says little is a snob and unfriendly.  VS The person may be an introvert.

To not take the Ramallah Friends School job.  Forethoughts.  There is much danger and risk involved.   I need to be safe.  True or not true?  A third way?  Doing work for RFS from the States. Supporting organizations who support RFS.

To keep children in worship to a minimum to decrease distractions.  Forethoughts.  Children are noisy and distract us from our worship.  True or not true? Part true? Third way.  Bring the children in for part of the Meeting.

To welcome all no matter how they access the meeting.  Forethoughts. That is our call no matter how hard it is to maintain the system.    Third way?  TBD

To not use zoom to decrease distractions in worship.  Third way? TBD

To be a vibrant, spirit filled meeting for worship. 

Intentions. Leadings.  To go, to speak, to act.  To purify a leading an intention may we be aware of possible biases, assumptions, thoughts that blind us to the leading of Spirit.  May we be open to the forethoughts that led to the intention.  May we be open to the leading of the spirit that may lead to a third way of living out our intentions. 

The orange.  One orange and two kids want it.  A conflict.  Until we learn what they want it for.  Learn their intentions.  I want the rind. I want the juice. When deciding on what to do with a decision are we aware of the needs, wants and desires of the other?  The intentions of the other. Are we aware that there is often a third, or more, option to most decisions.

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