Durham Monthly Meeting of Friends convened on Sunday, June 19, 2011, at 12:15 pm with 11 people present. Co-clerk Edwin Hinshaw read “Quaker Education Should Be Experiential” from the World Conference, 1937.
1. The Clerk read thank you notes from the Woolman Hill Board members who met at our meeting on the weekend of June 5.
2. The Clerk read a letter to Kris Reed expressing the Meeting’s affirmation of his commitment as a conscientious objector, offering our support for him in his efforts to live a peaceful and nonviolent life.
3. Jo-an Jacobus reported that the Meeting telephone was connected May 20th. She described the full agreement with FairPoint Communications. All agreement information will be held by the Trustees. The meeting thanked Jo-an for all the work she has put into this to tailor our agreement specifically to our needs.
4. We decided to send to the Finance Committee the need for a $360 budget revision to cover the cost of the telephone for 2011, with the suggestion that they transfer some funds currently allocated in the budget for snowplowing to the telephone cost.
5. Daphne Clement gave her Pastor’s Report for May. Along with many visits, hosting Woolman Hill board members, attending the Beacon Hill Friends House board, and the contemplative prayer group, she spent a great deal of time preparing the meeting garden (in which the Youth Group is planting) and preparing to paint the Meeting sign.
The meeting approved the layout for the sign that Daphne presented with minor adjustments. We were very pleased that she has taken on this challenge and we look forward to the new sign with great anticipation.
6. The Treasurer’s Report (attached) was distributed by Eileen Babcock and was accepted with thanks. Income for May was $5,267.61 and Expenses for May were $5,684.05. Requests for NEYM Equalization Fund will be announced from the facing bench over the next three weeks.
7. Eileen Babcock, reporting for Finance Committee, said that Durham Oil Company has published its contract prices for oil for the coming year. Trustees will research the options and will bring their recommendation to Monthly Meeting in July.
8. The Meeting requested Susan Rice write up a report on the Kakamega Project for the newsletter.
9. The Meeting approved the following people to be our representatives at the sessions of New England Yearly Meeting of Friends (NEYM): Daphne Clement, Nancy Marstaller, and, pending their agreement, Wendy Schlotterbeck and Leslie Manning. We approved Theresa Oleksiw as our representative to serve on NEYM Nominating Committee. The Meeting requests that Durham’s Meeting on Ministry and Counsel send to Monthly Meeting its recommendation for the Meeting’s representative for NEYM Ministry and Counsel.
10. Representatives to Quarterly Meeting, Sunday, July 24 at Portland Meeting are Glenice Hutchins, Clarabel Marstaller, Alexandrine and Joseph Godleski and Daphne Clement. The program for the day will be on Global Warming.
11. Daphne Clement will look into the needs of the Brunswick Unitarian Universal Church since its big fire last month. She will report to both Monthly Meeting and Woman’s Society. As we have had the experience of strong support and friendship from other churches when we had a fire in 1986, we want to reach out to the UU church in some way.
12. Monthly Meeting will not be held in August.
13. The minutes of the Monthly Meeting were approved during the meeting.
14. The Meeting adjourned, continuing in the spirit of worship, at 1:55 P.M.
Susan Rice, Recording Clerk