Woman’s Society Report, June 18, 2018

By Katherine Langelier

Woman’s Society met on Monday, June 18 at the home of Dorothy and Ed. After the lovely tea hosted by Dorothy H. and Martha, we began meeting shortly after 6 with discussion of a baby quilt and the card ministry.

Martha led the devotions and program on “Serving Others” by Adis Beeson. She mentioned the song “He Leadeth Me” and 1 John 2:28, Proverbs 22:6, and a poem “Loving Jesus” by Charles Wesley. How do we follow callings we feel in our lives? We never know what the future holds.

The treasurer’s report and giving opportunities were discussed. We approved giving $100 to the United Society of Friends Women International Children and Youth Projects. Nancy passed around newsletters from Kickapoo and Tedford.

We decided to switch our August dinner out to the September meeting date.

Next month’s meeting is at Helen’s home. We are experimenting with starting at 6 pm. Dorothy C. is doing devotions and Theresa is bringing the program.

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