Durham Monthly Meeting Minutes, November 20, 2022

corrected and approved, December 18, 2022

Durham Monthly Meeting of Friends met for the conduct of business on Sunday, November 20, 2022, with 10 people attending from the Meetinghouse and 5 by Zoom.

1.     Meeting Opening

Clerk opened the meeting with a reading from 1985 Faith and Practice, 11th month queries on social responsibility, which served to reinforce this morning’s message, as well as reflections on Thanksgiving.                        

2.     Approval of Minutes of October 19, 2022 — Ellen Bennett

                 Minutes were approved as presented, with thanks.

3.     Peace and Social Concerns — Ingrid Chalufour

Ingrid read the Peace and Social Concerns report to update Meeting members. The committee has been active! Clerk noted that Meeting has not been collaborating with the Friends Committee on Maine Public Policy, and urges members to pay attention to their work, specifically as it relates to the Wabanaki.

Clerk also noted that Cush Anthony is rotating off as our representative to the Maine Council of Churches, with deep appreciation for his service.

4.     Finance Committee — Nancy Marstaller

Nancy noted that this is the first reading of the 2023 budget. A deficit budget was presented for the first time due to the following: With respect to expenses, salaries for both a Meeting Care Coordinator and a Youth Minister are included. With respect to income, weekly contributions have been down this year, as well as automatic deposits as a result of a decrease in membership. There were no comments or questions, so the budget will come before the Meeting in December for approval.

5.     Trustees Report — Sarah Sprogell

The Trustees report was presented to update members on their work. Clerk referenced the discussions Meeting has had about joining a solar farm and asked if Trustees might be able to continue to explore this. Trustees have the issue on their long-term agenda, but also requested that if anyone is looking into solar farms for their home, and have done some research, that they be willing to lend a hand to Trustees. Great thanks was expressed to Trustees for all of their work.

6.     Ministry and Counsel — Renee Cote, Tess Hartford

The report presented updates for members. Noted particularly was the benefit of the special called meeting and its value to members. Regarding clarification of tasks for a Meeting Care Coordinator, the job description is and continues to be developed by M&C and will be brought forward to Monthly Meeting. More discernment will follow.

In addition, M&C stated the Meeting’s commitment to holding a Christmas Eve service.

7.     Nominating Committee — Linda Muller

Jo-an Jacobus was brought forward for Library Committee for a 3-year term.

                Members approved.

Dan Henton is to continue to serve on Trustees for one year. This would be an exception as he has already served 2 terms. Dan’s service will return for approval in 2023.

                Members approved.

Mey Hasbrook was brought forward to serve on M&C for a 3-year term, beginning January 2023.

                Members approved.                                                                                              

Ellen Bennett to serve as Recording Clerk for 2023.

                Members approved.

Susan Gilbert was brought forward to serve on the Events Committee (a sub-committee of Christian Education).

                Members approved.

David Dexter will continue to assist Margaret Copeland with LACO responsibilities

Kristna Evans was brought forward to serve on Velasco Sister City Committee, a joint committee with Portland Friends Meeting.

                Members approved.

The Committee continues to seek a Meeting co-Clerk, as well as a monitor for cemetery funds. Member is currently in discernment about joining Finance Committee.

Clerk noted that the challenge of finding Meeting members and attenders to serve on committees is common among many Meetings. Clerk went on to say that the Meeting as a whole will continue to look for ways to find committee members to carry out our important work. The recommendation was made to have another called meeting to explore ways forward.

New Business

8.     Request from Velasco Sister City Committee.

The Committee is asking for donations for those who are traveling to Cuba. A collection box and a list of needed items will be in the Gathering Room. The request was made to post the list on-line. 

                The Meeting approved the collection of donations or supplies to be taken to Cuba.

9.     Youth Account Proposal — Wendy Schlotterbeck

Clerk read the proposal for transferring remaining funds in the Youth Account. Wendy requested that the funds be transferred to Peace & Social Concerns for the Social Justice Enrichment Project. The recommendation will be handed over to the Finance Committee for seasoning. The Finance Committee will return with the 2023 budget for review and approval in December.

                Members approved.

With no other items to come before the meeting, Clerk asked for a moment of silent worship and thanksgiving.

Respectfully submitted, Ellen Bennett, Recording Clerk

Attachments (available here):

Proposed Agenda

Minutes from October Meeting for Business

Peace and Social Concerns Report

Trustees Report

Ministry and Counsel Report

Nominating Committee Report

Finance Committee Proposed Budget for 2023 (first reading)

Youth Account Proposal

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