Woman’s Society Minutes, October 21, 2024

Durham Friends Woman’s Society Meeting Minutes 10.21.’24

Members gathered at the Meeting House and joined on Zoom

Present: Dorothy Curtis, President, Kim Bolshaw, Linda Muller.  On Zoom: Susan Gilbert, Secretary.

Cards: Kim will send cards friends.

Program and Devotions: Program and Devotions: We took turns reading from the USFWI Blueprints  ‘24 – ‘25 Edition,“God Still Speaks”, the program “Holy Surrender” by Gabrielle Bailey. Isiah 43:2, Hymn “It Is Well With My Soul”.  Gabrielle tells how in dealing with serious health concerns she learned to surrender and trust in God’s loving presence. 

Minutes: Susan read the 9.16.’24 minutes. 

Treasurer’s Report: In Sept. we received $115. more for jam and jelly donations for a total of $525. $35.38 was paid for Blueprints and $515. was sent to LACO. Thank you Dorothy Curtis! Our balance is now $65.58. Blueprints are $5 each and dues $5. per person. We still need to pay dues by the end of November. We have cash to buy new tablecloths and need to decide exactly what is wanted, size and how many.

Prayers: For Friends.

Tedford Meal: Nancy Marstaller’s Team E brought beef stew, potato-leek soup, rolls, cider, apples, and dessert. November’s meal will be brought by Leslie Manning’s Team F. Volunteer contributions of food or donations are always welcome. 

Other Business: Linda Muller requested donations of 25 pairs of nice quality mittens or gloves  for the Wabanaki youth who gather at the Meeting House. The Wabanaki group leader is Heather Augustine. There will be a “Mitten Tree” for a display, and handmade gifts or cookies would be welcome, as well. 

Dorothy ended the meeting with a quote from Harriet Beecher Stowe:

In all ranks of life, the human heart yearns for the beautiful; and the beautiful things God makes are His gift to all alike.

Respectfully Submitted, Susan Gilbert

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