Request for Contributions of Medicines and Other Health Products for Cuban Friends

Mimi Marstaller and Kristna Evans will soon be traveling to Cuba as part of a larger NEYM group to visit Cuban Friends including members of our sister Meeting there. 

They will be taking some medicines and other health products with them because these are difficult/impossible to purchase in Cuba.  Below is a list of the items they have been asked to bring with them.  If you would like to contribute such items, please bring them to the Meetinghouse by February 1.

Thank you.

Acetaminophen, adult

Acetaminophen, children



Aleve (naproxen sodium)

Vitamins for women

Vitamins for men

Vitamins for children

Allergy relief (loratadine)

Omega 3

Vitamin C tablets

Nystatin vaginal tablets

Antidiarrheal (Imodium)

Antacids for heartburn

Triple antibiotic creams

Anti-itch cream (cortisone)

Clotrimazole antifungal cream

Zinc oxide antifungal cream

Muscle relaxant tablets

Muscle relaxing creams

Menthol cream

Mouthwash tablets


Anti-dandruff product

Ace bandages

Joint compression support

Blood pressure sleeve

Reading glasses


Asthma inhalers

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