About the Maker Sessions and Maker Café

Each month, we are holding Maker Sessions and Maker Cafes at our Durham Friends Meetinghouse, generally on the the 4th Thursday of each Month. Each such event is publicized on the DurhamFriendsMeeting.org website and also on the MakerCafe.org website.

Here at Durham Friends Quaker Meeting, we’re trying to provide a welcoming, offline place for folks to hang out, learn, and connect. We want to share our Meetinghouse with a wider community. We want to help neighbors meet neighbors and help people learn how to make things, together.

A US public health advisory was published in 2023 called Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation. Among many other factors, the report highlights how screen-based technology negatively impacts social connections. Further, the growing political divide has spooked many of us to stay home and not engage with our neighbors. In response to these trends, we’re trying to help people get out and get together more. With neighbors. In our historic Meetinghouse.

Maker Sessions (5:30-7:30) are held prior to each café and require advance sign-up and typically a materials fee. All materials are provided and you go home with something you made.

Maker Cafes (7:00-9:00) are free although donations are accepted for the food, drinks, and for the musicians. The Maker Café is run entirely by volunteers. Please join us.

For questions or to volunteer, please contact Craig Freshley: Craig@Freshley.com.

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One thought on “About the Maker Sessions and Maker Café

  1. Pingback: Maker Session and Cafe, Thursday, January 23, 5:30 to 9:00 pm | Durham Friends Meeting (Quaker)

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