Woman’s Society Report, October 19, 2020

Durham Friends Woman’s Society met October 19, in the evening, via Zoom. Nine women listened to a program given by Qat Langelier on “Go and Tell all the Nations, a call to tell and listen.” We were encouraged to speak with humility and to listen to others from other lands who can teach us. Qat also shared from the book Bread for the Resistance by Donna Barber on ongoing conversion, or what Quakers call continuing revelation.

David Dexter made a donation to Humane Society via the Woman’s Society in honor of Mildred Alexander. Thank you, David! 

Prayers were shared for Friends throughout the world dealing directly with COVID-19. The monthly Tedford house meal was delivered to a smaller group at the house due to COVID-19. Groceries are accepted at the family shelter by contacting beverly@tedfordhousing.org. Conversations and sharing of stories ended the meeting as we continue to grow in our journeys. 

The next meeting is Monday, November 16, at 6:30 p.m. on Zoom. All are welcome to attend.

Woman’s Society Report, September 21, 2020

Woman’s Society members gathered via Zoom on Monday, September 21, with seven in attendance. 

We shared prayer requests of our local and extended community and Nancy Marstaller shared a program based on John 15:12-17 — love one another, care for those near and far, and cultivate our internal mission field. This internal reflection is looking at our motivations for helping others.

We then discussed one of our most important outreach programs of bringing monthly meals to the Brunswick Tedford House. Many within and connected to the Meeting share in this task. 

The treasurer’s report listed donations to Good Shepherd, Midcoast Hunger Prevention Program, Kickapoo Friends Center in Oklahoma, and New Beginnings. Dorothy Curtis made and delivered baby quilts to Wendy Schlotterbeck for her granddaughter Eva and to Paul Miller for his grandchild. 

Our next meeting will be Monday, October 19, at 6:30 on Zoom. All women of the meeting are most welcome! — Blessings, Martha Hinshaw Sheldon

Durham Women’s Christmas Meeting in 1988

By Twila Greene, August 2, 2020

It’s been a lonely season and I hunger for my friends,

And I find my thoughts reverting to the past.

For last night I took a journey, that gave my soul delight,

As I walked across an old familiar path.

Elated, I surveyed the scene that was in front of me,

For all my Friends were gathered there in peaceful harmony.

All the women of the group were gathered in the Meeting,

Together for our fellowship, with pleasure in our greeting.

Bee was sitting by the bookcase, with Margaret in the loop,

Sue Wood suggested one to use for our discussion group.

She had read it and it touched her heart,

It would benefit all if we read it from the start.

Lida, Eileen and Sylvia were putting out the dishes,

With lots of festive goodies that all looked so delicious.

Dorothy, Mary and Charlotte Ann were in the kitchen with the food.

Something from the oven was smelling mighty good.

Dotty, Susan and Norma were in the Nursery Extension,

Reading to some little ones too numerous to mention.

This was the winter of ’88 with lots of little tots,

To love and teach and sing to them the joyous Meeting thoughts.

Nancy, Linda and Charlotte were decorating the tree,

With homemade socks and mittens for those who were in need.

Clarabel was trying to peacefully end a squabble

Syretha and Tess vied for the privilege to hang the treetop bauble.

Kitsie and Muriel were leading in devotions,

Giving us things to ponder and asking for our notions.

Elizabeth and Mabel were engaging in a chat,

Remembering all the old times and discussing this and that.

Dorothy Henton and Ruth Graham and also Del Weed,

Were inviting Helen Clarkson to join them for the feed.

Mildred had come early to make coffee and fruit punch,

Such were the events that made our Christmas lunch.

Everyone was gathered in contentment and accord,

Lunch was ready and everyone paused to thank the Lord.

Dorothy, from the Henton House, insisted on saying grace,

And a happy smile was seen to come on to Gracie’s face.

After gifts were open and we all had had our fill,

Sukie had a gift for us which was our closing thrill.

She had brought her harp with her, we all joined voice in song

I’m sure the angels joined with us in singing right along.

Such a pleasant time I spent with all the women there,

I woke up then refreshed and joyous music filled the ‘air,’

What a joy and gift I found in reliving that delight,

All was so realistic as I pondered on that night.

That was such a pleasure, a joy that was all mine,

Such a glorious meeting, such a glimpse of Love divine.

What I wouldn’t give if I could visit just once more,

And share that joy of entering through that meeting door.

I sure do miss those days and all the women that were once involved. Wish we lived closer, so I could continue in worship and get to know the newer members. When this pandemic is over I hope to visit. Durham is my heart’s home. Love to all, Twila

Durham Monthly Meeting Minutes, May 24, 2020

            Durham Monthly Meeting of Friends convened via zoom for the conduct of business on Sunday, May 24, 2020, with 17 people present in their own homes.  Martha Hinshaw Sheldon, co-clerk, opened the meeting with a quote from New England Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice on corporate discernment.

1.The April minutes were approved.

2. Finance Committee:   Sarah Sprogell reported that the attached budget has a highlighted column reflecting the reduced expenses that were approved at last month’s business meeting.  Total income for the quarter was $16,338.07.

            We received $2000 in “end of year giving” from 2019, which made up for a reduction in weekly giving in March and will help in future months.  Our quarterly disbursement from NEYM pooled funds was received at its expected level of about $3500.  Overall we have met 26% of our projected annual income as of March 31st.

            Total expenses for the quarter were $9,881.49.  Most areas were under-budget as we hoped, with the exception of fuel oil.  Overall we have paid 16% of our projected annual expenses as of March 31st.  This figure is in keeping with our 30% reduction in expenditures, based on the expected impact of Covid19 restrictions.

             Treasurer, Katharine Hildebrandt, reported that expenses for April were $5035 and our income was $6200.

3. Peace and Social concerns Committee: Ingrid Chalufour reminded us to visit the meeting web site for information on upcoming events of the committee. 

4. Charity Account ad-hoc Committee:  Katharine Hildebrandt reported for the committee and presented proposed guidelines concerning the uses and criteria for the Charity Account:

            “The Charity account is to be administered, after careful consideration in each unique situation, for both Charitable Requests and Supported Ministry (Leadings) purposes.

            In terms of Supported Ministry (Leadings), coming from members and regular attenders, the request will be brought to a standing meeting committee first to prayerfully consider said request for funds. The meeting committee will then bring the request to monthly meeting, with the request added to an agenda that is distributed ahead of the monthly meeting.

            In considering proposals to support a ministry, we recommend the following criteria:

  • Alignment of the ministry with the faith and practice of Friends, including the testimonies. 
  • The character and integrity of the person or group seeking support.
  • The likely effectiveness (not just good intentions) of the effort.

In other words, does this ministry help to deepen and promote the life, not only of the individual or group, but the life of the whole meeting as well? 

            In terms of Charitable Requests, the request will be brought to a standing meeting committee first to prayerfully consider said request for funds. The meeting committee will then bring the request to monthly meeting, with the request added to an agenda, distributed ahead of the monthly meeting.

            In the case of emergencies, a request for financial assistance could be brought to the monthly meeting by a meeting committee, where it would be tended, weighed and prayerfully decided on by that monthly meeting. In this case the request would be communicated to the meeting community ahead of time.    

            The Charity Account, in general, would not be a source of funding for other Quaker organizations and causes such as FCNL, AFSC, QUNO, NEYM, Tedford Housing, or LACO, as these are included in the annual budget as contributions.

Requests for funds will generally be no greater than $1,000.00.”

              A thoughtful discussion ensued with suggestions for revisions; the result was that final approval of these guidelines will be made at the June monthly meeting.

5. Trustees:  Donna Hutchins sent a report which stated that they are looking into developing a green burial space at the Lund Road Cemetery.  Tess Hartford is currently painting the meeting worship room. Katharine Hildebrandt reported that Andy Higgins has been hired to do some grounds maintanence.

6. Christian Education Committee and Youth Minister: Wendy Schlotterbeck reported that Storytimes are being held each Wednesday evening via Zoom.  Books read so far are: The Wolf’s Chicken Stew, Malala’s Magic Pencil, Moon watchers, and The Tree House.  A Plant Sale will be held June 5th through June 8.  Children and Youth Sunday will be June 7th when meeting for worship via zoom will include content directed at our younger participants.  The committee will sponsor the popular Faith Journey sharing on the second and fourth Sunday mornings, 9:30-10:15.

            Fridays from 5-6pm Wendy is on zoom with New England Yearly Meeting Young Friends during their weekly affinity group check-ins.

            Wendy will be clerking the Committee for this year.

7. Snap Re-Boot project: Although the Charity Fund guidelines are yet to be approved, we reconsidered the request for funds to support this project, which are still needed.  The meeting discussed donating the amount of $1000, with appreciation for the two committees that have recommended support of the project.

8.  We approved the amount of $1000 for the Snap Re-Boot project, with two members standing aside, noting their hesitation to approve the project at this time.

9. Carbon Footprint Ad Hoc Committee: Kim Bolshaw, Katharine Hildebrandt, and Ingrid Chalfour attended a web-based workshop focused on greening meetinghouses, sponsored by New England Yearly Meeting Finance Committee.  John Reuthe from Vassalboro Meeting made the presentation.  John suggested that we, as a meeting, discuss what we mean by greening our meetinghouse.  In the absence of an opportunity to have this discussion, the committee is working on the assumption that our goal is to lower use of carbon fuel.  John’s presentation has influenced our development of a three-phase plan for our meetinghouse regarding insulation, cold air from the basement, and window inserts for the winter.

10. Ministry and Counsel:  Martha Hinshaw reported that at their next meeting they will look at how to safely return to gathering in the meetinghouse.

            The meeting recently received the sad news that member Phyllis White Wetherell died on April 25, in Richmond, Indiana where she had retired at Friends Fellowship Retirement Home.  Ministry and Counsel is preparing a draft memorial minute to be approved in June.

            Martha Hinshaw closed the meeting with the admonition: Go in Peace! 

Dorothy Hinshaw, Recording Clerk

Woman’s Society Report, February 17, 2020

On February 17, 2020 five women met in the home of Theresa Oleksiw. Cards of friendship and well wishes were signed and a prayer request for Getry Agigh was made. Getry works in the Alternative for Violence program in Kenya and braves many dangerous situations. Meals for the Tedford Shelter were organized.

Margaret Wentworth read from the 2019/2020 Blueprints, Finding the Way by Margaret Musalia, who lives in Kenya, is “retired but not tired,” and practices pastoral ministry. She offered a lot of sage advice, including “Don’t give up, God has plans for you,” “Be willing to do God’s will,” and “Never compare your blessings, you are unique.” We were reminded that comparison is the thief of joy.

Nancy Marstaller, treasurer, reported that we now have savings of $1,519.93, with $690 set aside for two of our members (Dorothy Curtis and Martha Hinshaw Sheldon) who will be going to the USFWI Triennial in Kenya this summer. It was noted that $1,470 has been donated to Woman’s Society in memory of Clarabel Marstaller. It was also agreed that we would ask Durham Monthly Meeting to give $600 for both Martha and Dorothy’s registration and related costs.

Refreshments were enjoyed by all, including Gene Boyington, who joined in the rollicking conversation. It was noted, with due seriousness, that duct tape is always useful — “if you can’t duct it, chuck it.”

Respectfully submitted by Theresa Oleksiw

Woman’s Society Report, January 20, 2020

The business portion of the gathering began with our monthly card ministry to those who are home bound, ill, or in need of encouragement, and to those engaged in world ministries who are celebrating their birthday. We then discussed our support of two members who will be attending the Friends United Meeting and United Society of Friends Women Triennial this summer in Kenya. Then we reviewed the Meeting refreshments volunteer list and the Tedford meals.
Jo-an Jacobus presented a program and discussion generated by USFW’s Blueprints on “Finding a Way to Peace” by Jan Dough. As she shared stories and reflections, we were encouraged to listen, pray, and act: listen for what is behind an act, pray without ceasing, act where we can. We reflected on the following queries: What are your tools to find peace and solve conflicts? Do you listen to and rely on God’s will to find answers? Do you complain about the injustices of the world, or do you act to make the world better for those around you? As Quakers, what are our peacemaking responsibilities?
Nancy Marstaller gave the annual treasurer’s report. The final total for the silent auction was $329. Memorial donations in honor of Clarabel Marstaller came to $1,375. Donations have been made to United Society of Friends Women International Children and Youth Projects, Warm Thy Neighbor, Wayfinder Schools, and Sexual Assault Support Services of Mid Coast Maine. Appreciation was expressed for Nancy’s work on this annual report.
We ended our meeting with the sharing of prayer requests and learning of updates from past requests.
In peace, Martha Hinshaw Sheldon, recorder.

Woman’s Society Notes, July 15, 2019

by Martha Sheldon

Woman’s Society met on July 15 at the home of Helen Clarkson.  Theresa Oleksiw brought us an inspiring and insightful program on her leading to improve the amount and approach to food stamp programs for those in need.  The average food stamp amount is $3.00 a day, which is an amount set back in the 1950s. With the help of a NEYM Legacy grant and Portland Friends Meeting she is working on a book of stories and experiences, and to lobby for better programs and lead awareness and support workshops.  She asked the group to reflect on what we think and believe about food stamps.  Theresa’s program was greatly appreciated by the group for the insights and awareness gained.

     In business, the minutes and treasurer’s report were read and approved, along with a discussion on our monthly Tedford meals. We ended our time together with a most delightful table of refreshments made by Helen and Joyce and lively conversations following up on the topics presented earlier.

Woman’s Society Report, June, 2019

Nine women met at the home of Dorothy and Ed Hinshaw for a delightful tea prepared by Dorothy and served by Ed. The only thing missing was a white cloth over Ed’s arm. All expressed great appreciation for the tea and fellowship.

Jo-an Jacobus brought the program reading and walked us through an article written by Pam Nafula, a Kenyan with a heart for ministry in Tanzania. The message was based on Lamentations 3 and encouraged us to move forward with faithfulness and endurance despite obstacles.

In our business meeting we signed cards to be sent out to those in need of encouragement and held two of our larger community in prayer —– John Muhanji of the African FUM office and another who has been revisited with cancer, along with Kat Langelier, who will be having cataract surgery soon.

Our work with Tedford meals was discussed and changes suggested will be discussed further next month.

Dorothy Curtis and Marian Baker shared stories on their trip last weekend to Quebec to visit with a Swahili- speaking Quaker women’s worship group. Slides from this trip will be shared at our July meeting.

Marian Baker closed our meeting with a sung prayer of thanks, hope, and blessings. Our next meeting is July 15 at Helen Clarkson’s home. All invited!

— Martha Hinshaw Sheldon

Woman’s Society Meeting, May 20, 2019

Seven women gathered together at the home of Martha Hinshaw Sheldon on the 20th of May.  After signing cards to be sent out for encouragement and birthdays Kat Langelier brought the program.  She invited us to look at how we welcome children into our meeting.  This conversation was inspired by a concern shared from Kathleen Wooten, a traveling Friend within New England Yearly Meeting.  Kathleen had visited meetings that were discouraging to children being in Meeting for worship.  How can we be welcoming to all?  How can we creatively imagine ways to be with differing opinions about worship?  How can we be careful not to unintentionally alienate others?  How can we elder nicely? 

Business matters.  Minutes were read and approved.  Treasures report was given and accepted with appreciation.  Prayers were shared for Oscar Mmgali, a Kenyan who recently started ministry work in Belize.  Tedford meals were discussed to make sure all is well.  All officers renewed their positions for the next year:  President – Dorothy Curtis, Treasurer – Nancy Marstaller, Recording clerk – Martha Hinshaw Sheldon, Cards ministry – Margaret Wentworth and Vice President – Kitsie Hildebrandt.  The June meeting will be at Dorothy Hinshaw’s home at 5:00 with Jo-an Jacobus giving the program.  If you are interested in carpooling meet at the Meeting parking lot at around 4 to drive to Sumner. 

We closed with a poem on Kind hearts and a moment of silence. 

Humbly submitted by Martha Hinshaw Sheldon

Woman’s Society Notes, February 2019

By Martha Hinshaw Sheldon

            Eight women gathered in the home of Clarabel Marstaller on Monday evening, February 18. Appreciation was expressed for those who ventured out in the snowy weather. Devotions were read from an article Mimi Marstaller wrote in The Blueprints on unending learning and God’s faithfulness.  All shared from their own experiences further enriching the discussion. The treasurer reported that $200 was earned from the silent auction held recently at the meetinghouse.  Practicalities of the monthly Tedford meals were discussed.  (Tedford meals are meals that many in the greater community put together and take to Tedford Adult Shelter for those staying in the shelter.  If you are interested in knowing more talk to Dorothy Curtis, president of Woman’s Society.)

            After devotions and business discussions we continued sharing informally and enjoying refreshments provided by Clarabel and Nancy Marstallar.  

Report of the Woman’s Society Meeting, December 17, 2018

By Angie Reed

Eight women met at the Meetinghouse for our December Meeting. The program was presented by Angie Reed on “How do we keep Christ in Christmas?” from the Blueprint book for 2017-2018.

The secretary and treasurer reports were presented by Nancy Marstaller and accepted.

Prayers were requested for Muna Khleifi from the Amari Play Center. The Tedford meal for November was corn chowder, shepherd’s pie, a large green salad, and a desert.

Christmas bags were prepared and distributed for delivery. The donations from the Mitten Tree were totaled. Donated were 3 scarfs, 14 hats, 3 pairs of children’s mittens, 5 pairs of adult mittens, and 15 pairs of adult gloves. The warm items for cold weather were donated to Hope Haven in Lewiston.

It was decided that we will have a silent auction prior to our January meeting on January 21. The January meeting will be held at the Meetinghouse at 6pm, more details will follow.


Woman’s Society Report, November 19, 2018

By Nancy Marstaller

Six “hardy souls” met at Dorothy Curtis’ home. We sent cards to several folk.

Dorothy Curtis led the business meeting. The November Tedford Shelter meal included chili, hot dogs, and macaroni salad. The December meal will be provided by Margaret Wentworth’s team. The treasurer’s report was read and accepted. We have $1484.85, with $1000 set aside for travel to the next Triennial. We approved sending $150 to Warm Thy Neighbor and $65 to USFW-NE for dues. We did not do a collection for the Kickapoo Friends Center this fall but will consider doing it this winter or perhaps supporting a Maine Native American group.

We agreed we would collect items for a mitten tree and for Christmas boxes. We will ask that donations be brought by Dec. 16, the day before our next meeting. We will also have a “home-made” gift exchange at that meeting.

We are asked to pray for Shawn and Katrina McConaughey of the Friends United Meeting office in Kaimosi, Kenya, and also for Getry Agizah, head of the East Africa Friends Church Peace Team, whose son recently died. We signed cards for them also.

We reviewed a proposal for a North East Region USFW. No consensus was reached.

Margaret led the program, reading from the current issue of the Advocate. She read many suggestions on ways to increase support and connections for Friends United Meeting and other Friends workers, including sending cards. That prompted us to send cards as well as prayers to the above folk.

Our December meeting will be on December 17 at the meetinghouse with Kat Langelier as hostess. Angie will lead the devotions and program. We will compile Christmas boxes and sort donations to the mitten tree, as well as have our own gift exchange.

We enjoyed Dorothy’s delicious apple crisp and other treats before heading home.

Donation Requests: Mittens! Legos! Christmas Boxes!

Mitten Tree!

By Nancy Marstaller

The Woman’s Society is collecting new or gently used hats, scarves, mittens, and gloves, which will be donated to local places (such as Head Start or homeless shelters) to warm those in need. Please pin your items to the mitten tree hanging in the vestry on or before December 16. Thanks for your help!

Lego Blocks!

by Wendy Schlotterbeck

Friends, do you have some Lego blocks that are looking for a good home? Some kids and youth at Durham Meeting are finding Legos to be good way of building community and would appreciate a few more!

Christmas “Boxes”

By Nancy Marstaller

The Woman’s Society is collecting items for small boxes (or bags) to give to those we especially think of this season but don’t see as often as we’d like. Please bring donations for the boxes to the Meetinghouse by December 16. Items such as soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, dried fruit, warm socks, pens and pencils, and calendars are appreciated. Thanks for your help!

Woman’s Society Report, October 15, 2018 Meeting

By Angie Reed

On the date above, 9 women gathered at the Meetinghouse for our first meeting of this year. The program was presented by Kitsie Hildebrandt from this year’s Blueprint Program book. The programs this year center around the theme “Great is Thy Faithfulness”. This month’s program was written by Leuola Beck and was titled “An Unwanted Journey: Our Walk Through Dementia”. In the program, Leuola speaks about her role as caregiver for her husband who had been diagnosed with Vascular Dementia. We all shared our feelings and experiences caring for loved ones in their later years. What a wonderful group this is…

In business, the card ministry was completed. Prayers were requested for the Amari Play center. The Treasurer report was reviewed and accepted. We reviewed the eat out we had in September. There were 15 people in attendance at Thai’s Cuisine restaurant in Topsham. People enjoyed moving the eat out from August to September and felt that it was an easier time to attend. The new time for Woman’s Society meeting was also discussed; people seem to like the earlier time of 6 pm for the meetings. Tedford meals were discussed. The September meal fell on Labor Day and the team decided to host a barbecue at the shelter. It was very well received. The team lists need to be modified. Angie has been working on this but will give the list to Kitsie to work on the final changes. We ended the meeting with a reading by Dorothy Curtis, wonderful food and hugs all around.

Our next meeting will be on Monday, November 19 at 6pm at Dorothy Curtis’s home. All are welcome to attend.

Woman’s Society Dinner, September 17. 2018

The Woman’s Society met for dinner on Monday, September 17 at the Thai’s Cuisine Restaurant in Topsham with fifteen Friends attending. The only business conducted was fellowship and enjoyment of good food with good friends. Appreciation goes out to Theresa Oleksiw for her choice of restaurant.

Jo-an Jacobus, a grateful and well-fed attender of the meeting


Woman’s Society Eat-Out, September 17, 6pm

The Annual Eat-Out of Durham’s Woman’s Society is this coming Monday, September 17 at 6 p.m.  We will be meeting at the Thai’s Cuisine Restaurant at 6 1st Street, Topsham.  It is located behind the Topsham Town Office; 1st Street turns off Monument Drive, near the Route 201/Main Street end.

The restaurant’s website is https://thaismaine.com/ and they can be reached by phone at 721-0103.

This is a great opportunity to come out for a nice meal, talk with people from Meeting, and find out more about Woman’s Society.  The restaurant sets no minimum on orders, so you could have a full meal, something less, or just sit and chat.

Please join us, all are invited.    

Woman’s Society Report, June 18, 2018

By Katherine Langelier

Woman’s Society met on Monday, June 18 at the home of Dorothy and Ed. After the lovely tea hosted by Dorothy H. and Martha, we began meeting shortly after 6 with discussion of a baby quilt and the card ministry.

Martha led the devotions and program on “Serving Others” by Adis Beeson. She mentioned the song “He Leadeth Me” and 1 John 2:28, Proverbs 22:6, and a poem “Loving Jesus” by Charles Wesley. How do we follow callings we feel in our lives? We never know what the future holds.

The treasurer’s report and giving opportunities were discussed. We approved giving $100 to the United Society of Friends Women International Children and Youth Projects. Nancy passed around newsletters from Kickapoo and Tedford.

We decided to switch our August dinner out to the September meeting date.

Next month’s meeting is at Helen’s home. We are experimenting with starting at 6 pm. Dorothy C. is doing devotions and Theresa is bringing the program.

Woman’s Society Report, March 19, 2018

Woman’s Society Report March 19, 2018

By Angie Reed, Secretary

Six women met the evening of March 19 at Theresa Oleksiw’s home. Theresa presented the program and devotions on our need to be stewards of the environment,

In business, the Treasurer and Secretary reports from last month were reviewed and accepted with minor revisions. The card ministry was completed, and Nancy reported that the Monthly Meeting approved Woman’s Society holding a Silent Auction prior to and ending at our next meeting. Gently used items appropriate for an auction can be brought to the Meetinghouse on April 8 and 15. The final bids will be accepted at our next meeting on April 16. Prayers were asked for the new principle of Ramallah Friends School, Adrian Moody. There was a discussion about the Tedford teams and a list was made of people to ask to join teams. Theresa agreed to make these calls. There was also a discussion about the status of the tablecloths at the Meeting house. Both items will be discussed further at our next meeting.

We ended the meeting with a poem read by Dorothy Curtis and refreshments provided by Theresa.

All are welcome to join us at our next meeting which will be on April 16 at 7pm at the Meetinghouse. We will start the program with the auction and have the program and business meeting after it.

Silent Auction in April: Come Join the Fun

Silent Auction

By Angie Reed

Please join Woman’s Society for this fund raiser. Bring your gently used items, jewelry, household items, children’s games, and other items that someone may want to bid on.

Items can be brought to the Meetinghouse on April 8 and 15.

There will be a list near each item for your bids. Minimum starting bid is 50 cents, and minimum continued bid is 25 cents.

Items will be rewarded at our next Woman’s Society meeting which will be held April 16 at the Meetinghouse. COME JOIN THE FUN!!!

Tedford Meal Teams Looking for New Members

By Angie Reed

As many of you know, members of Woman’s Society, along with our community and Meeting friends, provide a homemade meal for the Tedford Shelter in Brunswick the first Monday of every month. This is an adult homeless shelter which houses up to 25 people each night. We have 6 teams of 5-7 members each that contribute to this meal. This means that each team member contributes to a meal twice a year. This community service was started many years ago by Durham Friend Deena Hammond. Some of our teams could use a few more people. If this is something that you would like to be a part of, please let any of these women know: Dorothy Curtis, Nancy Marstaller, Kitsie Hildebrandt, Margaret Wentworth, or Angie Reed. We will be updating our team lists at our March 19th meeting.

Thank you.

Woman’s Society Report for February 19, 2018

By Angie Reed

Eleven women attended this month’s meeting at Clarabel Marstaller’s new place at McLellan House.

The card ministry was completed, and we enjoyed a program from the Blue Print book.

This month’s program was a reprint of a program from the 1950-51 Blueprint book. The program was written by Milton Hadley who was Clarabel’s father and a past minister of Durham Friends Meeting. He wrote about a woman who spoke about her mental perspective as a Holocaust survivor and how she experienced freedom in her closeness to God during that time. Milton spoke about how we often need to reframe our experiences, and good or bad, it is not so much our experience as our response to them. Clarabel also shared her experiences related to the period just after WWII and how her family was involved in the resettlement of refugees from Europe and Japan.

In business, we filled out the program calendar for the remainder of this year, reviewed and accepted Treasurer and Secretary reports from last month, and decided that we need to update the Tedford team list. Angie will work on the outline and write an article for the newsletter. We will finalize the changes at next month’s meeting.

Prayers were requested for Shawn and Katrina McConaughey, the new program officers for Friends United Meeting Africa Ministries Office in Kisumu, Kenya, and for Dale and Sylvia Graves who are experiencing a difficult time right now. The Tedford meal for February was turkey, gravy, cranberry sauce, frozen veggies, and brownies. We were reminded that Woman’s Society is hosting the women of United Society of Friends Women of New England on June 10 with an after-Meeting potluck. We also decided to have a Silent Auction at our April meeting which will be at the Meetinghouse.

The meeting ended with a poem read by Dorothy Curtis and we enjoyed refreshments provided by Nancy and Clarabel. The next meeting is on March 20 at Gene Boyington’s home with Theresa Oleksiw hostessing.

Women’s Society meeting

Seventeen women gathered at Helen Clarkson’s home in Freeport on Monday July 18 to share devotions, progress through business and to hear of struggles and joys. Two were visitors from Kenya – Margaret Namiloye Musalia, pastor and Agneta Injairu-Malara, student at the Friends Theological College. Both gave words of inspiration and joy. Dorothy Curtis gave a presentation on her trip to and participating in the recent USFWI conference held in Iowa. Other attendees were Leslie Manning and Miriam Baker (visiting from Weare, Vermont). Prayers were offered for all those involved and attended USFWI and that the follow up will be as God would have it. The next USFWI meeting will be in 2020. Dorothy expressed appreciation in being able to attend the conference. Prayers were shared by many in the evening gathering. The next Women’s Society meeting will be Monday, August 22nd. All welcome! Location to be announced.

Humbly submitted by Martha

Durham Friends Woman’s Society May 16, 2016

The Woman’s Society met at the home of Nancy Marstaller with 9 present. Margaret Wentworth led the devotions and program from “Blueprints.” The author spoke of how during a family health crisis she learned to remember God’s presence in her life. She remembered little things that had happened in better times, which prepared her and helped ease the way during the stressful times. Those little things made a huge difference, for which she was grateful.

Dorothy Curtis presided at our business meeting. Next month we will meet at Dot Hinshaw’s in Sumner on June 20 at 5 PM. We signed several cards, including one for Jocelyn Wilkinson- granddaughter of Lon Fendall who is consultant at Friends Theological College in Kenya. The minutes were approved as corrected. Our treasurer, Clarabel Marstaller, reported that the April offering was $104. After donating $20 to the USFWI conference offering, our balance is $527.99. Her report was accepted with gratitude.

We will pray for the pastoral team in Samburu, Kenya, as they help resolve conflicts in the area.

The Tedford meal in May was Sloppy Joes, macaroni and cheese, coleslaw, rolls, fruit cobbler, and blondies. Team A will prepare the June meal.

Martha Sheldon agreed to be the point person for the nomination process. Current office holders were queried as to their willingness to continue for the coming year, which starts in September. Others will be asked and the slate finalized in the next month or two. Clarabel does not wish to continue as treasurer. We will do the program schedule at our next couple meetings, and then fill out the booklets as a group.

We ended the meeting by sharing personal prayer requests and joys, and then Dorothy read a nursery rhyme reminding us to give thanks. We enjoyed each other’s company during refreshments.

Nancy Marstaller, secretary pro tem

Woman’s Society Meeting June 2016

Durham Friends Woman’s Society met at the home of Dorothy Hinshaw on June 20, 2016, with ten women in attendance for the meeting and the high tea which preceded the meeting. Angie Reed was not at the meeting so Katherine Langelier took minutes. Martha Sheldon presented the program from Blueprints which was written by Durham’s own Leslie Manning. In the business meeting, President Dorothy Curtis opened the meeting with Kitchen Table Wisdom, by Rachel Naomi Remen. The card ministry was discussed and carried out. Nancy gave the Treasurer’s report during which a collection was taken. The Children’s Day offering was $367.25 and we added to that from our treasury to make the donation $400, which goes to the USFWI Children and Youth Projects. The meeting discussed the previously approved donation toward expenses of our member attending the United Society of Friends Women International Triennial, which will be held in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, July 7 – 10. Prayers were requested for our member attending the Triennial, for all the people attending the Triennial and attempting to attend. Prayers were also requested for a member with difficult issues. The women on the Tedford meal team for May gave a report. It sounded delicious and the story of getting it there provided quite a funny tale. The Nominating Committee gave a report: Nancy Marstaller will be our new Treasurer. After thanking Dorothy Hinshaw and Martha Hinshaw Sheldon for their hospitality and program we all headed back home. The next meeting will be held on July 18 at the home of Helen Clarkson.

Woman’s Society Meeting June 16, 2014

By Patti-Ann Douglas

Fourteen women met at the home of Dorothy and Ed Hinshaw in Sumner. The women were served a lovely “High Tea” by Ed and grandson Chris that included delicious sandwiches, fruit and sweets.

Sally Skillman presented devotions and shared excerpts from a book of poetry, “On the Pulse of the Morning,” by Maya Angelou. Jo-an Jacobus presented the program from Blueprints on the topic of courage. She encouraged the women to share their own examples of when they observed others showing courage or how they themselves found the courage to move forward in difficult times.

We signed cards for numerous Friends here and not so close to home. Prayers were requested for Dale Graves in Belize.

Theresa Oleksiw presided over the business meeting. The minutes of the last meeting were read and accepted, as was the treasurer’s report. Jo-an presented suggestions for new books for the 2014 Adult Reading Program. It was recommended that we not purchase new children’s book this year, readership is down and there are plenty of wonderful books in the library to circulate. Sally suggested that someone at meeting make a regular announcement about the reading course. It might be helpful to have a separate table for these books.

Nominating committee report is as follows: Angie has agreed to be secretary again and Margaret has agreed to be treasurer. Dorothy Curtis agrees to be vice-president. Kitsie was not present tonight; Dorothy will ask her if she is willing to be president again. The program committee needs new members. There was no report on the last Tedford meal. The annual August “Eat-Out” will be on Aug.18 at Petrillo’s in Freeport. Sarah Sprogell will notify the restaurant and get more details. Clarabel Marstaller brought forward a concern that Marian Baker and Ann Armstrong need help putting out the New USFW newsletter. If interested please talk with Clarabel. Next month’s meeting will be held on July 21 at Helen Clarkson’s home. Theresa has devotions and the program. A suggested topic for next month was a discussion of the future of Women’s Society Meetings at Durham Meeting. Sally suggested that the annual financial report for Women’s society might use a “pie” format which is simpler for some to understand.

Theresa closed the meeting reading from Psalm 100, reminding us of many beloved members who have died in the past few years.

Woman’s Society Festive December Meeting

Untitled-Dec 2013 Women's ScietyBy Angie Reed
Woman’s Society met Dec. 16 at Angie Reed’s home. Twelve women attended. The Program and Devotions were offered by Daphne Clement from the Blueprint program written by Martha Hinshaw Sheldon, “Courage Takes Many Forms.” We all chose and read papers that had various courageous acts written on them, such as “The courage to be patient,” “the courage to tell someone you really like them,” and “the courage to speak up when your views are different from the majority.”
The secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were read and approved. We agreed to send $100 to Kickapoo and for December’s Adopt-a-Nurse. Woman’s Society funds are low and we decided we need to do a fund-raiser. We will have a silent auction at our February Meeting at the Meetinghouse at 6:30 p.m. with the meeting taking place at 7 p.m.
The annual Yard Sale and other fund-raisers were discussed. Kitsie Hildebrandt and Nancy Marstaller said that they would no longer be organizing the Yard Sale and it was agreed that Woman’s Society would not sponsor it this year. We have offered this event to other groups in the Meeting and there has been interest expressed by the Youth Group to take over sponsorship. Woman’s Society members are still available to help with portions of this sale, especially the book sale portion that funds Meetinghouse Library purchases each year. We also discussed sponsoring a spring bean supper or another type of dinner to fund Woman’s Society Projects.
The Tedford meal for December did not happen and the January Meal is to be done by Kitsie’s team. The Card Ministry was completed and Daphne Clement graciously offered to fill the vacancy as the organizer of this ministry.

Prayers were asked for Zadock Malesi, who is Education Secretary for African Friends United Meeting and has been doing good work educating local schools on a curriculum of non-violence.
As this was our annual Christmas Meeting, gift bags were prepared and dispersed and the mitten tree donations were inventoried and packed to be transported to the agency that will do the dispersal. We enjoyed a wonderful gift exchange with Abby Fortune acting as gift elf, and enjoyed refreshments provided by Angie.
The next meeting will be on Jan. 20 at 7pm at Sue and Daphne’s home. All are welcome.

Recipe for Caramel-apple Pudding

This recipe comes from Margaret Wentworth. She hosted the November Woman’s Society meeting at her apartment and served this creation. There were many requests for her to share the recipe.

Caramel-apple Pudding


1 ¼ C brown sugar

1/3 C shortening

¾ C milk

2 C flour

4 tsp baking powder

A little salt


1 1/3 C brown sugar

3 C water

1/3 C butter

Boil for 2 minutes Mix dough ingredients together. Put 1 ½ C apples (or more) into a baking dish. Pour the batter over the apples and pour the syrup on top. Bake at 350 Fahrenheit for about an hour. The baking dish should be no more than half full, as it rises about double while cooking. The dough will rise to the top and the syrup will make a very sweet gravy below it.

Durham Friends Woman’s Society Meeting

November 18, 2013
By Angie Reed
Twelve women met at Margaret Wentworth’s apartment for our monthly meeting. Jo-an Jacobus offered the devotions and program from this year’s Blueprints. It was titled “Listening for the Voice of God” and was written by Mary Glen Hadley about a time when God gave her courage. We were asked to share times when we needed to look to God for courage in our lives.
In business, we approved last month’s minutes and the treasurer’s report. The Tedford Meal for November was ham steaks, baked beans, pasta salad, green beans, corn bread and a desert. We have two new members for Tedford teams who have lost members, but we could use more help! If any Durham Friends attendees or members would like to join a team, please speak with Kitsie Hildebrandt or another Woman’s Society member.
Prayers were asked for the Barber family in Belize, who have had many trials and tribulations in their family and the students they serve. A few women at the meeting also asked the group to pray for others they knew who are in need of prayers. The card ministry was done. Our member who leads the card ministry is moving to another state and Woman’s Society is looking for another member to take on this role and coordinate the card ministry. It was confirmed that Woman’s Society will sponsor Christmas Bags for up to 10 individuals or families. We will also request donations of mittens, hats, scarfs and gloves to be hung on the mitten tree so these items may be donated to local organizations that serve populations in need. We all agreed we will have a homemade Christmas gift exchange at our next meeting. Fudge is encouraged.
The Meeting ended with a closing poem by Kitsie Hildebrandt. We adjourned to refreshments of caramel apple pudding, grapes, mixed nuts, crackers and tea provided by Margaret.
The next Meeting will be our annual Christmas Party, which will be held on December 16 at Angie Reed’s home at 7 p.m. All are welcome to attend.

Christmas Gift Bags

By Angie Reed

Please bring in notepads, pens, pencils, calendars, hygiene items, various small gift items and candies to help the Woman’s Society fill its Christmas Gift Bags. This will help continue the tradition of providing a package stuffed with goodies to people in our meeting community who are unable to share in the holiday festivities at the Meetinghouse. If you have someone in mind that may benefit from a bag, please let a Woman’s Society member know and we will try to honor the request. Donations for the bags will be accepted from now until Sunday, December 15. Thank you for your help!