Durham Monthly Meeting Minutes, April 17, 2011

April 17, 2011

for every family in every part of the earth, and also for people who are poor and their governments.  Durham Monthly Meeting of Friends convened on Sunday April 17, 2011 at 12:30 with 12 present. Co-Clerk, Edwin Hinshaw, read from Daily Readings from Quaker Writings Ancient and Modern, an article by James Newby, p. 84, ed. Linda H. Renfer: “We live in a world of mystery;… deeper faith will produce deeper questions…”

Dorothy Hinshaw was approved as recording Clerk for the day.

1. Margaret Wentworth circulated the Statistical report, prepared by Dorothy DeLoach.  The report was accepted with appreciation, to be forwarded to New England Yearly Meeting of Friends [NEYMF].  It was noted that parents need to request junior membership for their children so that they may be counted in the meeting’s annual statistics.

2. A letter from NEYM Young Adult Friends concerning climate change was received and referred to Peace and Social Concerns Committee.

3. Carried over from March Monthly Meeting, the need for a land telephone line was discussed. The Meeting approved a three year contract with FairPoint Communications for $420 per year which enables unlimited calls to numerous towns in this area, provides 911 emergency service and facilitates in-coming calls.  The towns included in this calling area are Durham, Lisbon, Lisbon Falls, Brunswick, Freeport, Topsham, Bath, Bowdoin, Bowdoinham, Harpswell, Phippsburg, Woolwich and Georgetown.  No long distance calls will be able to be made. Jo-an Jacobus will follow through on this matter.

4. It was reported that a letter of introduction for Markus Schlotterbeck to Philadelphia Yearly Meeting was prepared and given to him by the Co-Clerks.

5. Joseph Godleski for Katharine Hildebrandt, Treasurer, distributed the monthly financial and year-to date reports. They were received with appreciation and are attached.

6. Daphne Clement, Pastor, suggested that we facilitate automatic transfers from a donor’s bank account to the Meeting bank account. It was approved that the Treasurer be asked to arrange for this procedure.

7. A request was received for Ariana Andrews for a campership to Friends Camp. It was approved to provide $250.

8. In response to a letter and photos of Durham Meeting, a letter was received from our sister meeting, Velasco Monthly Meeting, Cuba. This letter was read in Meeting for Worship and Monthly Meeting.

“A thousand thanks for this wonderful Bridge of Love which you share with us Cubans – and more importantly, Quakers – in Velasco.  This session of the yearly meeting has been full of love and that is why I’m writing, to extend that love to you all.  We never forget you and we pray We hope a group of you will be with us this year, if God permits.”

9. Leslie Manning reported for Ministry and Counsel:

a. In response to NEYM’s request that we consider Friends United Meeting’s personnel policy, Durham Ministry Counsel reports: “Prior to 1988, Friends United Meeting did not have a Sexual Ethics portion of their personnel process. After prayer, discussion and discernment, we recommend that it be replaced with the following:


Application with references.

Applicant asks for a Clearness Committee from Monthly Meeting where membership is held, which provides a letter of recommendation to Yearly meeting, if approved.

Yearly Meeting (or its interim body) provides a letter of recommendation, if approved.

Friends United Meeting makes final decision in conjunction with applicant.”

The above was approved in principle to be forwarded to NEYMF for further consideration and to QM for their information. Monthly Meeting recommended that the above policy change be set in context of the FUM policy.

b. Friends General Conference Gathering of Friends will be held at Grinnell College, Iowa, July 3-9, 2011. “Yes to the Joy of Love,” Friends General Conference’s 2010 annual report, was circulated.

c. Special mugs will be used to identify members of Ministry and Counsel at “coffee” hour to facilitate inquiries about Friends and Durham Meeting.

10. Peace and Social Concerns Committee reported on the concern from Friends Committee on National Legislation about the fact that 39 cents of every tax dollar goes to war and militarization.  The Committee’s major effort will be devoted to supporting Lisbon Area Christian Outreach.  Monthly Meeting approved selling tickets to LACO events held at Durham Friends meetinghouse and other local churches.

11. The All Maine Gathering and Falmouth Quarterly Meeting will be held at Friends Camp on April 30, 2011. Representatives approved are Clarabel Marstaller, Daphne Clement, Alexandrine and Joseph Godleski.

12. Daphne Clement, Pastor, reported attending the spring gathering of New England United Society of Friends Women, NEYMF and New York Yearly Meeting of Friends Ministers and Clerks conference, on local pastoral visits, and meeting with Young Friends at “Aunt Bee” Bernice Douglas’ home. She also volunteers at LACO and attends LACO Board Meetings.

13. Clarabel Marstaller reported for the Adult Sunday School Class on a discussion of the Yearly Meeting “Minute of Sending Forth.” The class concluded that the minute was too abstract, that the four priorities were something we can take hold of and work on: the call to forgiveness; the call to strengthen our ability to love and to build our community; the call to name, cultivate, and exercise gifts of ministry, eldership, and leadership; and the call to undertake clear leadings for witness. The following was also suggested by the Class for NEYM consideration:

The call to work together as a Society to become better able to serve the world and to be faithful to the Gospel of love and peace.

Since we are non-creedal and we come from so many different faith backgrounds, we might try to learn more about our Quaker faith, suggesting that for the year ahead each Meeting have a study of George Fox’s Journal and of one of the Gospels.

The Adult Sunday School class will be considering Bill Taber’s pamphlet, Four Doors to Worship in May.  Meeting members are encouraged to attend.

The meeting closed with prayer, keeping in mind controversial issues and concerns facing our Meeting and the Society of Friends.

Dorothy Hinshaw, Recording Clerk, pro tem

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